Wouldn't Want to Play Lacrosse @ UVa


Gold Member
Sep 21, 2001
Heard from a buddy of mine who played there. Apparently their team, specific to men's lacrosse and only men's lacrosse, is not allowed to drink. At all. Ever. And get enzyme tested weekly. 3 strikes and you get kicked off the team. This applies to everyone on the squad.

I can't imagine how this is even legal. Their recruiting is going to go in the toilet. Even their alumni events have gone dry.

Their new AD has it out for the lax squad apparently. So dumb considering how many deep pocketed alums they have.
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That's interesting. Seems a bit over the top for sure and a pretty hard line. Have they had issues in the past? Is that where Starsmia (spelling?) coached for many years...I can't remember. If that's the case, I do recall reading an article he wrote recently about the biggest challenge/issue he had as a coach was his players alcohol habits, issues, whatever you want to tag it as...said it hurt his teams and caused more problems for him as a coach than anything else.

Maybe this has some connection...again I might be wrong and not connecting the right dots and I know it's a new staff now (Lars)

It's an interesting topic no doubt
They had a major issues years ago with a kid who murdered another student. Just a horrible event. That was under Starsia's watch, who apparently missed some serious red flags with the kid.

This apparently stems from two kids who were at a party (guy and girl) and fell off a first story and got hurt. Alcohol was involved.

College is college though. These kids are going to drink at times. I know during the season drinking was curtailed significantly. That was self imposed. Coaches didn't need to drive that.

Tiffany better win big and win fast. He isn't going to last long there. Alums are not happy. Makes me even happier we have Brian.

Apparently several kids have lawyer'd up already. Will be interesting to see their recruiting moving forward, which is typically very good. Can't imagine any kid is going to want to go there with those constraints.
They had a major issues years ago with a kid who murdered another student. Just a horrible event. That was under Starsia's watch, who apparently missed some serious red flags with the kid.

This apparently stems from two kids who were at a party (guy and girl) and fell off a first story and got hurt. Alcohol was involved.

College is college though. These kids are going to drink at times. I know during the season drinking was curtailed significantly. That was self imposed. Coaches didn't need to drive that.

Tiffany better win big and win fast. He isn't going to last long there. Alums are not happy. Makes me even happier we have Brian.

Apparently several kids have lawyer'd up already. Will be interesting to see their recruiting moving forward, which is typically very good. Can't imagine any kid is going to want to go there with those constraints.

I lived in C'ville for a number of years during the Starsia years and he was and is to many still UVA lacrosse. It's unfortunate about that murder (George Huguely) and it captivated the community for over 5 years till he was sentenced. Not sure I agree with the "dry" reprimand but alcohol was a contributing factor in that death and many other issues off the field. Coach needs to be able to handle his team either through veteran leadership or actions like these. Unfortunate
I don't disagree with that. But punishing kids who didn't do anything wrong is not the way to go about solving whatever issues they are having.

Especially when you consider the men's lacrosse team is the only one at the school that has to adhere to it. I can't see how this doesn't get challenged.
I don't disagree with that. But punishing kids who didn't do anything wrong is not the way to go about solving whatever issues they are having.

Especially when you consider the men's lacrosse team is the only one at the school that has to adhere to it. I can't see how this doesn't get challenged.
Having men's lacrosse singled out is definitely not good....the message is "oh, every student athlete on our campus is allowed to drink...except the men's lacrosse team"

I agree, it's not a good look or stance...
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I remember Starsia commenting that alcohol was the toughest issue to face with his athletes. Can't control it or the way it's consumed.

With that if our coach outlawed alcohol most would have transferred even if we were on scholly's. The only reason we got in trouble was because of alcohol and the fact we could only drink one day a week (Saturday night) was an issue because everyone was itching to get at it.

Again like others have said it won't help and needs a different approach
Quite frankly, when one of your players murders another student in a fit of drunken rage, among other issues, I would expect him to say that. That wasn’t the first incident that kid had. He should have never been in the team from what I heard.

I think a coach has some responsibility to properly discipline kids who get in trouble, as we have seen Brian do, but you can’t hold them and a team responsible for some bad behavior of a select few.