OT: Game of Thrones - Final Season Thread (spoilers)

It seemed especially implausible that the other houses get talked into choosing a Stark by the guy from a disgraced house who was brought in front of them a few minutes before to theoretically be punished, then they don't balk at what just happened when the Starks don't follow their own brother?
That whole speech, from you don't get to speak to that long, babbling thing that ended up with the guy in the wheelchair, was bad, just bad. Oh well. It's over.
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I care less about the logistics of it (because let's face it, even when the show was at its best there were a lot of implausible things happening surrounding the movement and supplying of troops). The idea that the group wouldn't devolve into people looking out for their own family's interests when Sansa destroyed the unanimity is foolish (even the Dornish meekly go along/?.

The idea that the Starks wouldn't bend the knee to their own brother should have, despite Tyrion's speech, basically ended Bran as an option.
Agree Yara would object, but the rest of the council was pro Stark and a gutless Dornish fellow. I LOLed when Edmund Tulley got startled when he banged his sword when he went to sit down.
Too bad Cersei and Jamie weren’t standing 5 feet away where there was that big area of no rubble.
That whole scene was a waste of time. Tyrion had already had a touching send-off with Jamie and who could of survived that attack from the mad queen. The book that records the deeds of the commander of the Kings Guard survived without a scratch. Why couldn't I get my books to last a semester? Nice hand writing by Brienne. You'd think she was a maester.
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Drogon: hey, you just killed my mother! I'm just gonna go ahead and melt this throne and will be out of your way sir.
So apparently Greywork and his pals will die in a year, as they are going to Naath..

"Remember when Davos mentioned those butterflies while attempting to have a small talk with Missandei? Well, I was reading A World of Ice and Fire and I reached the section about Naath and their famous butterflies. I just want to share this little bit of trivia: It is said that the island is a home of hundreds of varieties of butterflies. The Naathi revered them as messengers of their deity - the Lord of Harmony, the god who protects the island. Legends say that while the docile nature of the Naathi attracted foreign invaders, these strangers often don't live long enough in the island"

So apparently Greywork and his pals will die in a year, as they are going to Naath..

"Remember when Davos mentioned those butterflies while attempting to have a small talk with Missandei? Well, I was reading A World of Ice and Fire and I reached the section about Naath and their famous butterflies. I just want to share this little bit of trivia: It is said that the island is a home of hundreds of varieties of butterflies. The Naathi revered them as messengers of their deity - the Lord of Harmony, the god who protects the island. Legends say that while the docile nature of the Naathi attracted foreign invaders, these strangers often don't live long enough in the island"

Was Missandie from Naath? That's where I'd go.
That whole scene was a waste of time.
I see that a lot of people are disappointed that the "Jon is a Targareyan" plot point pretty much fizzled out as well. That scene with all of the leaders in one place would have been a perfect place to wrap it up.

Some could have argued that Jon deserved the throne because of all he had done to save Westeros from multiple threats, the others countering that not only did a Queenslayer not deserve the throne but especially not one with Targ blood that could go as mad as Aerys and Danaerys when he got it (and he should be killed if anything), and the compromise being he goes back to the Knights Watch so his bloodline would die with him.
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I see that a lot of people are disappointed that the "Jon is a Targareyan" plot point pretty much fizzled out as well. That scene with all of the leaders in one place would have been a perfect place to wrap it up.

Some could have argued that Jon deserved the throne because of all he had done to save Westeros from multiple threats, the others countering that not only did a Queenslayer not deserve the throne but especially not one with Targ blood that could go as mad as Aerys and Danaerys when he got it (and he should be killed if anything), and the compromise being he goes back to the Knights Watch so his bloodline would die with him.

I posted this last week..... and it basically agrees with you.

Yes but why would whether or not he's a Targaryen matter at all at this point? That whole schtick was created by Dany to claim she was the rightful heir.

AFAIK no one cares if their next king is a Targ. They just want a "good" leader. I'd imagine between the mad king and the mad queen being a Targ would work against you.

If Jon was a modern politician running for office, his campaign team would ban the T word and dodge it at every chance they get. They would emphasize his heroics in battle and fighting off the WWs.

Regardless, I could see what you said happening.
People seem to forget Maester Aemon Targaryen was a... Targaryen. He wasn't killed by Robert.

Seems like the Nights Watch is where sane targs go to die.

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Just want to jump in and say in my years as a member of these boards this has been one of my all time favorite threads.

A big thank you to everyone who has contributed their insights and humor.
Great thread!

I will watch the final episode again tonight, but the more I think about it, the more I like the ending. It's wearing well on me.
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I posted this last week..... and it basically agrees with you.
I have been purposefully avoiding going back in this thread to read older posts because I don't want to be reminded how wrong I have been so often (so I didn't intend to plagiarize your point). I totally agree with what you wrote, and think they missed an opportunity last night where they could have used a scene they already had set up to wrap up that point better.
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who cares what greyworm thinks, free jon snow once he leaves haha

I think Jon is where he wants to be. He did blow off the Black and head North with the free peeps. Maybe there's a new Ygrette up there for him.
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I see that a lot of people are disappointed that the "Jon is a Targareyan" plot point pretty much fizzled out as well. That scene with all of the leaders in one place would have been a perfect place to wrap it up.

Some could have argued that Jon deserved the throne because of all he had done to save Westeros from multiple threats, the others countering that not only did a Queenslayer not deserve the throne but especially not one with Targ blood that could go as mad as Aerys and Danaerys when he got it (and he should be killed if anything), and the compromise being he goes back to the Knights Watch so his bloodline would die with him.

Jon never wanted the throne, they sent him to the Nightwatch knowing their is no need for the nightwatch. The Wildings are friends and the night walkers are dead, his banishment was a ploy to satisfy Greyworms thirst for revenge.

Jon will now be north of the wall with people he considers his people.
I see that a lot of people are disappointed that the "Jon is a Targareyan" plot point pretty much fizzled out as well. That scene with all of the leaders in one place would have been a perfect place to wrap it up.

Some could have argued that Jon deserved the throne because of all he had done to save Westeros from multiple threats, the others countering that not only did a Queenslayer not deserve the throne but especially not one with Targ blood that could go as mad as Aerys and Danaerys when he got it (and he should be killed if anything), and the compromise being he goes back to the Knights Watch so his bloodline would die with him.
Agree. Better use of limited time than verifying the twins death.
If you looked at the details in the episode, north of the wall we started seeing some plant and greenery.

Basically north of the wall Jon would be able to establish his own independent kingdom....
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Jon never wanted the throne, they sent him to the Nightwatch knowing their is no need for the nightwatch. The Wildings are friends and the night walkers are dead, his banishment was a ploy to satisfy Greyworms thirst for revenge.

Jon will now be north of the wall with people he considers his people.
I get that. My point was that they spent so much time on the "Jon is a Targareyan" plot point that they didn't wrap up, when it made perfect sense to use that scene they had already created with the leaders sitting around picking a ruler to add about 60 seconds of dialogue that would have wrapped it up better.
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If you looked at the details in the episode, north of the wall we started seeing some plant and greenery.

Basically north of the wall Jon would be able to establish his own independent kingdom....

See I think Jon wouldn't be interested in usurping the red head guy's (can't remember his name - Tormund?) leadership up there. If he wanted to be King he had the best shot in KL. I would think he'd just be happy being a regular chump up North.

Brienne should have headed up there after he Jamie diary entry. The Redhead guy worshipped her and she was no longer a virgin... Queen of the free peeps up North. Not a bad deal if she had fur lined armor.
On a related note, what is everyone's prediction for the first spinoff that isn't a prequel (meaning it it would involve this timeline with the characters people know at this age?

Obviously the Arya plot line is the easiest logistically because they only have to convince one actress and the rest of the characters and the setting would be new. Jon's story in the north could probably be put together as well if they can think of a compelling thing to happen up there. Because of the large number of characters people identify with a certain actor/actress now, I think this is the last time we see King's Landing unless HBO settled for recasting some of the roles which wouldn't go over well.
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On a related note, what is everyone's prediction for the first spinoff that isn't a prequel (meaning it it would involve this timeline with the characters people know at this age?

Obviously the Arya plot line is the easiest logistically because they only have to convince one actress and the rest of the characters and the setting would be new. Jon's story in the north could probably be put together as well if they can think of a compelling thing to happen up there. Because of the large number of characters people identify with a certain actor/actress now, I think this is the last time we see King's Landing unless HBO settled for recasting some of the roles which wouldn't go over well.

I think there should be a spinoff about Jon moving to LA to start an acting career with his sister and her genius son. He should change his name to "Joey" though.
A couple of trivial questions I have:

Is Robin of the Vale Littlefingers son? I find this likely.

Is Tyrion a Targareon? I find it more fitting that he is Tywins son. Tywin was pretty cunning and charismatic just like Tyrion.

Is Sam Aemons son? I know this is a long shot, but hear me out. There's a scene where Aemon is telling Sam about his one true love, who through herself at him when he was in the line of the throne. At Aegon's 10 year celebration as ruler (tounament at Harenhall) Aemon would come down from the wall to attend. This is when he knocked up Sam's mom, a similar time frame to when Rhaegar impregnated Lyana. I'm probably just making crap up.

Where did the Dorthraki go? Maybe to the Reach. That's probably why Sam made sure Tyrion was written out of history. He was pissed at the suggestion or was it Davos who made this suggestion?
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I get that. My point was that they spent so much time on the "Jon is a Targareyan" plot point that they didn't wrap up, when it made perfect sense to use that scene they had already created with the leaders sitting around picking a ruler to add about 60 seconds of dialogue that would have wrapped it up better.

I think the ultimate point is supposed to be that “Jon is a Targ” doesn’t matter.

The fact he doesn’t want to be King is all that matters. If he would say no, why even bother discussing it?

Who your father was is a bad way to select a ruler - the entire series was based around that.

GRRM fooled everyone by getting them invested in “Who is Jon’s father?”
Who anybody’s father is shouldn’t ultimately matter - break the wheel.

Ed Tully was actually making a good point in his speech - listing his own accomplishments and not basing it on his name alone.
Ed Tully was actually making a good point in his speech - listing his own accomplishments and not basing it on his name alone.

I think the point was writers' sarcasm. Tully's "accomplishment" was spending the better part of the war tied up in a tent, only to then surrender River Run to the Lannisters.
I think the point was writers' sarcasm. Tully's "accomplishment" was spending the better part of the war tied up in a tent, only to then surrender River Run to the Lannisters.

I really wanted him to get specific and see how he was going to spin his “accomplishments”:

Defeated a windmill from the Mountain.

As you said, facilitated the peaceful transition of River Run to the Frays/Lannisters with zero loss of life to his people.

Successfully married into a historical Westeros family.
Well. I was part right. The North at least became independent.

The books will end the same way but how it gets there will be very different.

This was the story of House Stark. They were the main characters since the very beginning. Even if half of them died.

Prophecies... Lineages.... None of it mattered in the end.
Seeing a lot of talk about "Jon still has the rightful claim to the throne" or "Jon should have been involved in the council since he has a claim or needed to turn down his claim".

That is completely missing the point:
There isn't supposed to be any more "claim to the throne" based upon solely upon a name.

Dany kept saying "I deserve to be Queen of Westeros. It's my birthright."
She "earned" her titles in Essos.
However, Westeros she wanted to be given her title based upon her name - i.e. her "claim to the throne" - and was dismayed when they didn't.
She was never going to "Break the Wheel".
Dany being hung up on "Jon is a Targ and has a better claim to the Throne" proves it.

Her response should have been "Your claim doesn't matter. The people will want me."
Especially since he kept saying "I don't want to rule."
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Seeing a lot of talk about "Jon still has the rightful claim to the throne" or "Jon should have been involved in the council since he has a claim or needed to turn down his claim".

That is completely missing the point:
There isn't supposed to be any more "claim to the throne" based upon solely upon a name.

Dany kept saying "I deserve to be Queen of Westeros. It's my birthright."
She "earned" her titles in Essos.
However, Westeros she wanted to be given her title based upon her name - i.e. her "claim to the throne" - and was dismayed when they didn't.
She was never going to "Break the Wheel".
Dany being hung up on "Jon is a Targ and has a better claim to the Throne" proves it.

Her response should have been "Your claim doesn't matter. The people will want me."
Especially since he kept saying "I don't want to rule."

The people neither wanted her nor was she the rightful heir. That's what drove her nuts.

The people loved Jon
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