Will the B1G demand Barchi & BOG put money into this program?


Oct 19, 2003
I'm sure the success of our football program paved the way into the B1G, along with our outstanding academic reputation. How far can/will the Men's basketball program be allowed to fall before it becomes an embarrassment to the B1G? Was Delaney promised anything by Rutgers about the basketball program, as part of the deal with the B1G invite?
I do not have any inside information. My post is based solely upon my opinion. I sense that absent extraordinary circumstances the conference executives will not intervene. They recognize that different institutions face unique challenges and have their own advantages and disadvantages, as well as their own commitment to athletics. That said, I would also be surprised if Delaney did not have conversations with Rutgers regarding our overall commitment to athletics and our conceptual game plan. Our conference mates expect a certain level of competence in all sports and if any conference member simply abandoned all good faith efforts to legitimately compete I sense there would be blunt conversations with the offending program. As frustrated as many of us are with the basketball program I do not think we are at the point where anyone from the conference is going to put substantial pressure upon us. I think things would have to become dramatically worse - does not seem possible does it - before we would have problems with the conference.

I am very upset with the state of the program. In light of the reports from the court club meeting I doubt there will be any positive changes in the next several years. I do not think we are at a point where the conference will intervene.
Hopefully Uncle Jim lowers the boom and sets Barchi and the BOG straight. Its embarrassing to once again punt fixing basketball for another 6 years...disgraceful actual.
If the B1G is concerned about Rutgers putting more money into the Basketball program, the obvious solution is for the B1G to restructure conference payouts to Rutgers. Especially since Rutgers has delivered the cable packages that the B1G wanted, is there a reason for Rutgers to wait 7 years for a full share.
Unlikely. At least, I highly doubt it. It's not like our basketball program is in shambles, just our men's team. Our women's team is puttering along nicely. Our football team is respectable. Our lacrosse teams have allowed them to form a lacrosse league as the sport is rising in popularity. Our wrestling team is competitive. I highly doubt the Big Ten is going to put pressure on Rutgers to put more of its rather limited (comparatively) fund into a single team, especially when not only would it only probably cause bad press for the university, but there is no proof that money will resuscitate the team, unless you start moving on a mega scale for brand new facilities and further RAC upgrades. (We're not getting a new B-Ball stadium, nor do we need one. Sell this one out consistently, have a waiting list for tickets, then we can talk.)
Originally posted by Upstream:

If the B1G is concerned about Rutgers putting more money into the Basketball program, the obvious solution is for the B1G to restructure conference payouts to Rutgers. Especially since Rutgers has delivered the cable packages that the B1G wanted, is there a reason for Rutgers to wait 7 years for a full share.
THis, its hard enough to compete in the BIG, now we have to try and do it at such a financial disadvantage to the other members.
Originally posted by e5fdny:
What do they do about Northwestern?
Don't insult Northwestern,since 2009, they have had 3 winning seasons and got to 20 wins in 2009 and 2011, and 19 wins in 2010.They have won plenty of games in the B1G, and we can only hope to get to their level, as sad as that sounds.
Penn State has been playing Big Ten Basketball for 20 plus years....not sure the Conf HQ even knows that they field a team.
Originally posted by Exit117:

Originally posted by e5fdny:
What do they do about Northwestern?
Don't insult Northwestern,since 2009, they have had 3 winning seasons and got to 20 wins in 2009 and 2011, and 19 wins in 2010.They have won plenty of games in the B1G, and we can only hope to get to their level, as sad as that sounds.
I wasn't insulting anyone.

Just asking a question.
I can't see the B1G demanding RU to support men's bball. RU is basically taking the Penn State approach of supporting football and not basketball.

Also while I am not the biggest fan of Barchi, why does the blame only go to him and the BOG? The President and BOG have many responsibilities. There is nothing stopping the athletic department from obtaining the $$$ via fundraising. NJIT has an ambitious fundraising campaign underway for their new basketball facility. Monmouth raised a significant amount of money for their MAC.
A question to boosters:

Is this really a president/bot issue or does the AD have trouble getting big donors to support the program?

There are endless examples of schools bringing in big-time donations. It's hard to know whether donors are holding out because of Barchi or other reasons/factors.

I'm not calling out the AD - I want whatever project to succeed - but don't you think we'd announce a big donation if we had one?

The fact is the Village will cost a lot - maybe $50-100M? - is Rutgers going to receive $5 million donations every year for 10 years?

This post was edited on 2/21 1:41 PM by Aggs
Originally posted by LotusAggressor:

Originally posted by e5fdny:
What do they do about Northwestern?
There's the rub.
The Big Ten has already captured the Chicago area TV markey for Big Ten men's hoops.
Delaney for sure is pushing "Big Ten"-knowledgeable hoops people (who can help) to AD Hermann.
Big money at stake.
Rutgers is their own worst enemy.
Delaney would be foolish not to help Rutgers basketball be relevant in the NYC area.
if they bent over so much to take care of PSU Football I don't understand why they wouldn't step in to help Rutgers Basketball...other than the fact that the PSU and PA State Leadership was never ending in their push to support their program vs. RU's and NJ's complete lack of rergard to this issue.

My guess is as long as RU leadership (Pres and BOG) sits back in the closet the B1G is just fine as long as RU represents out of conference.
This post was edited on 2/22 10:58 AM by 1984
Why would they? Someone is always going to be the worst team in the conference. So what if it happens to be Rutgers?
There is only one part of what you spend on sports the Big 10 head office cares about. If you are going to have a team compete they want it fully funded scholarship wise. It doesn't matter if it is football or the under water chess team you will spend to make it scholarship funded to the max allowed by the NCAA.

As for any other demand the Big 10 will say nothing. They don't get into individual school issues as for as facilities and how much you appropriate for the sports other than scholarships. If a program isn't fully funded it has no chance to compete in today's landscape. But there is no way the Big 10 is going to mandate you build a practice facility or a new arena ect.

It is also 99.99999% chance that the payout you agreed to is what it will stay. If more money is brought in than anticipated then it gets divided amongst the other schools and the conference coffers.
I think some of you guys are projecting your hopes/dreams into some sort of reality. It's highly unlikely the B10 would make any big demands of their schools. Once they're in they're in, the demand for something would have come up front, not after we've been voted in.

As to donations, well like I've said before it's a tough road to hoe here for whatever reason. How much did Mulcahy raise for the stadium renovation? I think the goal was like 30M and we raised 1-2M IIRC. TP's separate 2.5M donations for the recruiting lounge, one from Greg Brown and one from an anonymous donor, are probably the biggest donations we've received in the athletic department. It's something that needs to be repeated though rather than just 1 time thing, I don't mean by those same 2 donors necessarily but just by the wealthier ones in general. Again, I've said to me the key is attracting new donors like the Towers because the existing pool just isn't enough. It's an absolute must IMO if we have any hopes of really moving the needle. Previously disinterested alums and local businesses/people are key.

As to how other schools do it, well some of it is through donations especially at the "big boy" schools but some is also from athletic revenue bonds. Clemson has 2 projects they're looking to get done both in the 50M range. One is for a renovation of the basketball facilities and some other stuff and one is for a football complex. I believe the basketball one has been greenlit and will be supported by athletic revenue bonds and IPTAY (their booster organization). The football one is still in a preliminary stage but I think will be supported by similar means.

Does Clemson's AD have any outstanding debt? I don't know. We have the 100M stadium renovation still on the books and I have no idea when those bonds are set to mature or how much they've been paid down. So while I know everyone wants to issue debt with the low rates and the future B10 revenue stream coming, the athletic department is still carrying the debt of the stadium renovation. If we didn't have that, I wouldn't be so sure the higher ups might not be more amenable to go that debt route with the basketball facilities. Since we do, I don't think there's an eagerness to add more debt onto what we already have.

This post was edited on 2/21 4:25 PM by rutgersguy1
Originally posted by Aggs:
A question to boosters:

Is this really a president/bot issue or does the AD have trouble getting big donors to support the program?

There are endless examples of schools bringing in big-time donations. It's hard to know whether donors are holding out because of Barchi or other reasons/factors.

I'm not calling out the AD - I want whatever project to succeed - but don't you think we'd announce a big donation if we had one?

The fact is the Village will cost a lot - maybe $50-100M? - is Rutgers going to receive $5 million donations every year for 10 years?

This post was edited on 2/21 1:41 PM by Aggs
Aggs to answer your question above, it's both. Barchi and the BOG do not want to subsidize RU sports because of past debt, and Julie and her newly hired gal from Missouri (I can't remember her name) ARE busy trying to get donations and have actually made good headway, but Julie is not one to announce it until more substantial funds are in place by private donors. What hurts us right now is the B1G not giving us more up front money to pay for sports including of course BB.

Just so you know, I have been approached already on several fronts and have donated and will donate much more in the near term for the football program and for BB facilities.

Personally, I wish the presidents of the other B1G schools would put more pressure on Barchi and the BOG, because they're the ones that make the needle move not just Delany.

What some of you don't realize or forgot, Barchi is only here until 2016. If anybody can make changes sooner it's got to come from the BOG and the chairman Greg Brown, a Rutgers football donor from Motorola and Kenneth Schmidt the vice-chair. If those two on the board really wanted to invest in BB NOW, they can with a stroke of a pen by paying it forward.

IMO, the BB program should have been propped up a minimum of 10 years ago. We should already have a renovated RAC and we should also have BB practice facilities, but we know why that didn't happen. Meanwhile today, I would like to see the BOG more aggressive with the B1G, even if it's a low cost loan, since borrowed money right now is cheap. I hope this answers your question.
Originally posted by RU MAN:
Originally posted by Aggs:
A question to boosters:

Is this really a president/bot issue or does the AD have trouble getting big donors to support the program?

There are endless examples of schools bringing in big-time donations. It's hard to know whether donors are holding out because of Barchi or other reasons/factors.

I'm not calling out the AD - I want whatever project to succeed - but don't you think we'd announce a big donation if we had one?

The fact is the Village will cost a lot - maybe $50-100M? - is Rutgers going to receive $5 million donations every year for 10 years?

This post was edited on 2/21 1:41 PM by Aggs
Aggs to answer your question above, it's both. Barchi and the BOG do not want to subsidize RU sports because of past debt, and Julie and her newly hired gal from Missouri (I can't remember her name) ARE busy trying to get donations and have actually made good headway, but Julie is not one to announce it until more substantial funds are in place by private donors. What hurts us right now is the B1G not giving us more up front money to pay for sports including of course BB.

Just so you know, I have been approached already on several fronts and have donated and will donate much more in the near term for the football program and for BB facilities.

Personally, I wish the presidents of the other B1G schools would put more pressure on Barchi and the BOG, because they're the ones that make the needle move not just Delany.

What some of you don't realize or forgot, Barchi is only here until 2016. If anybody can make changes sooner it's got to come from the BOG and the chairman Greg Brown, a Rutgers football donor from Motorola and Kenneth Schmidt the vice-chair. If those two on the board really wanted to invest in BB NOW, they can with a stroke of a pen by paying it forward.

IMO, the BB program should have been propped up a minimum of 10 years ago. We should already have a renovated RAC and we should also have BB practice facilities, but we know why that didn't happen. Meanwhile today, I would like to see the BOG more aggressive with the B1G, even if it's a low cost loan, since borrowed money right now is cheap. I hope this answers your question.
I think you are referring to Sarah Baumgartner. I don't think there is a Big 10 President of the school that gives a rats ass about the athletic department. They are academics. The NU president would prefer to eliminate sports entirely and NU's athletic department gives money to the academic side and doesn't get a penny from the general budget, student fees, or any state aid so it isn't even costing the academic side anything.
Originally posted by RU MAN:

Julie and her newly hired gal from Missouri (I can't remember her name) ARE busy trying to get donations and have actually made good headway, but Julie is not one to announce it until more substantial funds are in place by private donors.
Sure about that? As she basically admitted that there wasn't any plan in place to bring in new $$$ to the Basketball program to improve their facilities, which are a joke nationally, let alone in the Big Ten.
Originally posted by Mr_Twister:

Delaney would be foolish not to help Rutgers basketball be relevant in the NYC area.
Mean like how Delaney is bringing the Big Ten Basketball Tourn to Madison Square Garden in 2018? Something like that?

If RU can't use that carrot on the recruiting trail...then they need to get someone in there that can.
I get the frustration but I think some of you seem to neglect the financial conditions of the athletic department. We just issued debt in the vicinity of 100M a handful of years ago and we have a athletic department subsidy in the neighborhood of 18M (I'm not including student fees). In that environment, it's not feasible to be issuing more debt if the balance sheet isn't pretty pristine. These are academics too who by nature are usually very conservative.

I'm not even sure I totally understand the Barchi anger. He serves at the pleasure of the BOG and he's said it many times. He carries out their agenda not vice versa. I don't think this is some rubber stamp board like you may see on a corporate board who just rubber stamps the CEO's agenda. He's not here for the long haul but if the BOG still has the same mission of getting rid of the subsidy (which they most likely still will) and holding down "non-private" spending until the B10 money comes in, the new president will do the same and carry out those wishes.

We're not Apple with 150B in cash or some other financially healthy company going out and issuing debt because it's so cheap so they can fund a buyback or dividend increase. Football only for the 2nd time in the past decade was profitable in our last year in the AAC. I think they made 2M. The time before that maybe 60K. So things probably are getting better but football is just barely supporting itself and that extra profit will probably be plowed back into the program. We need it to not only carry the day for itself but also for a lot of the other sports. Basketball used to be profitable, I'm not sure if it still is considering our continuing misery in it.

So the 2 main profit centers of an athletic department are just keeping their heads above water. Along with that we have the 100M debt and an 18M subsidy. That's not a great picture currently to be asking to issue more debt even if it is cheap debt and better tv revenues are on the horizon. I think things will get better but it's going to take time.

To me our best hope is what was suggested about raising 1/2-2/3 of the cost and possibly then I could see the BOG be more amenable if the debt can be paid off in a reasonable amount of time. By the time we raise that we'll be further into the revenue share and the subsidy will be coming down as well. Either way though, we still need to find more big donors.

This post was edited on 2/22 12:18 PM by rutgersguy1
Is this the same Board of Governors who approved the move to the Big Ten? Sounds like they did not understand the financial end of it. The amount of money that it will take to shake the "athletic doormat" reputation will be priceless.
This post was edited on 2/22 12:22 PM by Mr_Twister
How about we demand fans support the program? When one of the few consistent questions ADs get at a booster meeting involves whining about ticket price increases I fear for the program.
Hopefully the latest comments by Senator Lesniak will catch the attention of Barchi, the BOG, and maybe Jim Delany will see this as a time he could put just a little pressure on them to move now!
Originally posted by bac2therac:

Hopefully Uncle Jim lowers the boom and sets Barchi and the BOG straight. Its embarrassing to once again punt fixing basketball for another 6 years...disgraceful actual.
And how exacrlt is he going to do that? Kick us out and look like a complete moron for spearheading getting RU in in the first place? No chance of that. You really think that the president of an ATHLETIC conference is going to push around the entire university leadership? Again - no chance.

If the Big Ten wants us to spend money on basketball, then they can cut us into the full payment earlier. Otherwise, RU isnt going to spend money it doesnt have, especially knowing that if it just waits it will eventually have the money. They are getting what they deserve for giving us very little money up front, especially knowing that the university as a whole is in a constant financial crisis, and that athletics needed to make up for decades of under investment in every sport that isnt football.

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