OT: The Sunshields and the Mirrors on the James Webb Space Telescope Have Been Successfully Deployed

The secondary mirror latched into place two days ago, and the two wings of the primary mirror successfully moved into place between yesterday and today. The scope is still on its way to L2, which will take another two-and-a-half weeks to arrive. The next critical part of the mission is for the burners to fire properly to get it into its proper location/orbit in L2. Once it's there it will take roughly five months for the JWST to cool down to the extremely low temperatures for optimal performance (you'd think it would go exothermic rapidly in such a cold environment, but heat diffusion in a vacuum apparently doesn't work that way). During the five-month cool-down period, the calibrations of the mirror and instruments will take place so when the temps are reached the data can begin to be processed.

NASA also announced that due to an extremely accurate launch, there were very few corrective fuel burns required to get it to L2. This means there will be additional fuel for the JWST to use for ongoing operations, which will lengthen the useful lifetime of the scope to greater than ten years. The original concern was that it would last only five years if the fuel had to be consumed to get it to L2. This is probably a prime example of under-promise, over-deliver. I can live with that, and am psyched for the images/data once they are processed and released.


OT: Home Audio/Video Discussion

I want to lodge a complaint.

Like many people these days, I regularly use a variety of streaming apps on my TV and devices. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Vudu, Paramount+, HBO Max, Disney+, Hulu, etc. And, for reasons that escape me, these apps, which should be mind-numbingly easy to build from a usability standpoint, pretty much all suck big-time.

Sure, most are pretty good at streaming, which I suppose is the most important thing. But the user experience in most of these apps is among the worst in the digital world. It's like they hired their UI/UX designers from the MC Escher school of straightforwardness.

First of all, they're constantly adding new "features" nobody was asking for, which always make the experience much worse.

For example, WTF made the app developers think that making the currently selected item on a list expand (e.g. in Amazon Prime) and pause, as you navigate across the list using one's TV remote, would be a good thing to do? All it does is interrupt the user who is trying to navigate quickly across the list and choose something to watch. Idiocy. FFS, cut it out!

Then there's the long-standing irritants.

Such as, who decided to not give users an easy way to remove stuff from the "keep watching" list? We give a show a try, decide we don't like it. No biggie, right? Except now we're stuck with a lifetime reminder of our bad choices in potential new entertainment. Thanks for that. As if I didn't already feel bad enough about my life choices, such as my choice to be a couch potato, fighting your crappy app, instead of doing something productive for once. Here, raise my monthly subscription fee, you really earned it.

Or like how Netflix places the exit button all the way down and right so users have to click a dozen times to get to it. Everybody else just lets us back-button out of the app. Some ask for confirmation when we do that, which is it's own annoyance since if we didn't mean to exit, we can just go back into the app. But okay, whatever, at least it's only the one extra click.

It's like a couple stoned UI developers Netflix decided to screw with us users for the laughs. "Hey man, let's move the exit button so users have to spend half their lifetime navigating to it. Yeah dude, that'd be totally awesome!".

Or, and this is a personal favorite, WTF can't Vudu provide a "start over" button for movies I've already watched. Instead, I need to start the movie, which starts up at the credits at the end, then use the scene selector to move to the start of the damn movie. Are you effing kidding me with this shit? People have been complaining to them about that for years. Just reuse the damn scene selector feature's logic and stick a new button on it. But do they fix it? Noooooooo!

Aaaaaaagh! 😡

OT: Dickie V, show on ESPN

So good. So emotional. So inspiring. Touched on Rutgers.

I first met Dick Vitale at Rutgers Prep Basketball Camp when I was a young kid. He was so energetic and motivational. He always taught with passion. Taught me how to do a crossover..

My Mom worked in the cafeteria at Prep below the gym, filling vending machines. He would always go out of his way to stop and talk to my Mom, “Hey, Millie!” He would shout. She would always give him a sandwich.

I truly hope Rutgers brings him back SOON like THIS YEAR, and honor him with a banner while he’s still here with us to hear the RAC shower him with love.

Make it so. He deserves it.
