Adios Hayden Rettig

When the starter is so obviously terrible, it is hard to phathom that the rest of the QB's are worse. Why not give a kid a shot in a game and see what happens? Lose 85-0 instead of 78-0? There are players that don't practice well, but win actual games. If the starter is serviceable, I completely agree with your point of view.

But when the starter is not moving the team… the laptop experts say he is “ so obviously terrible” but perhaps it is because the rest of the offense is completely failing in doing it’s job , making it impossible for the QB to do anything. …. It is rarely clear to the laptop experts that this is the problem … and the claim from the message board coaches is that it is always the QB that is performing horribly. The Coaches have the advantage of reviewing game tape and analyzing the performance of every players role on the offense and seeing why things are breaking down for the QB. If my coaches have made an assessment that one QB is clearly better than the other, why would I want them to put the #2 guy in, when the rest of the offense is failing miserably to do its job. Doesn’t make any sense. And Laviano had shown himself to be capable in games where the rest of our offense was not so overmatched ( ie. Indiana / and other lesser teams)

Just look at Bolin’s stats from his Louisville days… with a better group of players around him and compare it to his stats so far with the RU offense that Laviano was basically playing with last season. I think you will see Bolin’s stats this year will likely not measure up to what he has done at UL.
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He might have left for personal reasons other than not being the starter. Tennessee is so different than NJ, maybe he hated living there.
But when the starter is not moving the team… the laptop experts say he is “ so obviously terrible” but perhaps it is because the rest of the offense is completely failing in doing it’s job , making it impossible for the QB to do anything. …. It is rarely clear to the laptop experts that this is the problem … and the claim from the message board coaches is that it is always the QB that is performing horribly. The Coaches have the advantage of reviewing game tape and analyzing the performance of every players role on the offense and seeing why things are breaking down for the QB. If my coaches have made an assessment that one QB is clearly better than the other, why would I want them to put the #2 guy in, when the rest of the offense is failing miserably to do its job. Doesn’t make any sense. And Laviano had shown himself to be capable in games where the rest of our offense was not so overmatched ( ie. Indiana / and other lesser teams)

Just look at Bolin’s stats from his Louisville days… with a better group of players around him and compare it to his stats so far with the RU offense that Laviano was basically playing with last season. I think you will see Bolin’s stats this year will likely not measure up to what he has done at UL.
It's that simple. Thank You.
Bolin skill set is that of a game manager -- nothing wrong with that. He knows the offense, can get the team properly lined up, and can audible out of bad plays. There's a lot of good right there. On a good team, he's a more than serviceable backup.

Now ask him to make a game-breaking throw under pressure and he'll give you one, but it won't be the outcome you're hoping for...
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Bolin skill set is that of a game manager -- nothing wrong with that. He knows the offense, can get the team properly lined up, and can audible out of bad plays. There's a lot of good right there. On a good team, he's a more than serviceable backup.

Now ask him to make a game-breaking throw under pressure and he'll give you one, but it won't be the outcome you're hoping for...
That sounds vaguely familiar. Didn't we have a game manager QB in the recent past?
Knight Shift: Nova was more than a game manager -- he could make some plays. I have no idea what kind of offensive system we ran at that time, but he had a lively enough arm to really flourish in a streamed down passing attack.

Contrast that with Bolin who I would definitely not trust throwing a corner or deep in/out. That really simplifies the playbook, but not in a good way.
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But when the starter is not moving the team… the laptop experts say he is “ so obviously terrible” but perhaps it is because the rest of the offense is completely failing in doing it’s job , making it impossible for the QB to do anything. …. It is rarely clear to the laptop experts that this is the problem … and the claim from the message board coaches is that it is always the QB that is performing horribly. The Coaches have the advantage of reviewing game tape and analyzing the performance of every players role on the offense and seeing why things are breaking down for the QB. If my coaches have made an assessment that one QB is clearly better than the other, why would I want them to put the #2 guy in, when the rest of the offense is failing miserably to do its job. Doesn’t make any sense. And Laviano had shown himself to be capable in games where the rest of our offense was not so overmatched ( ie. Indiana / and other lesser teams)

Just look at Bolin’s stats from his Louisville days… with a better group of players around him and compare it to his stats so far with the RU offense that Laviano was basically playing with last season. I think you will see Bolin’s stats this year will likely not measure up to what he has done at UL.

Not that simple. When QB1 is known to have a weak arm and won't run, the defense's job is much easier, making everyone else's job on offense that much harder to execute. When QB2 is known to not able to throw, same situation, just different point of failure. At least a Rettig might make the defense respect deeper routes or a Gio introduces a bit of uncertainty for edge defenders on the option. Honestly tired of the hardheadness of our coaches & OC's over the years.
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Every fan of every team at every level thinks the coaches are hardheaded. Same movie, different actors.
Unbelievable. The Flood strikes again. He must have been in the Tennessee Tech coach's ear, telling him to bench Hayden. I'm an expert just like all the experts on ScarletNation - let me tell you we would be 2-0 if Rettig started at QB here.
Knight Shift: Nova was more than a game manager -- he could make some plays. I have no idea what kind of offensive system we ran at that time, but he had a lively enough arm to really flourish in a streamed down passing attack.

Contrast that with Bolin who I would definitely not trust throwing a corner or deep in/out. That really simplifies the playbook, but not in a good way.
I did not mean to razz you particularly. But we had an extensive "game manager" debate last year when CL was named the starter, and when Gio first unseated him. So, do we want a safe game manager who is prone to INTs, or a less safe and less experienced dual threat QB who could open up other offensive possibilities and keep defenses guessing. I'll take the latter, but I am sure the coaches have their reasons.
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People always forget that Rettig threw 18 picks in his senior year in high school. He had a strong arm but lacked accuracy and touch. Every pass seemed to be a line drive. I thought he looked horrible in the couple of spring games I saw him in. The fact that some laptop expert gave him four stars never made sense to me.
Evaluations of guys in shorts and no pads playing 7 on 7 are messing things up.
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I can't believe that Rettig couldn't become the starter at Tenn Tech and leaves the game and some are still saying he should have played.
I get it that CL was not very good and he ticked a lot of fans off but it now seems that the right choices may have been made along the way. I also believe if that idiot Nelson didn't do what he did, the QB situation here would be completely different.
I can't believe that Rettig couldn't become the starter at Tenn Tech and leaves the game and some are still saying he should have played.
I get it that CL was not very good and he ticked a lot of fans off but it now seems that the right choices may have been made along the way. I also believe if that idiot Nelson didn't do what he did, the QB situation here would be completely different.
Good point. I always forget about Nelson because he was barely here.
It's remarkable how bad our coaches have been at evaluating QB talent. Nova's probably the best of the bunch and he was barely serviceable due to his propensity to want to help the opponents out. Aside from him: Dare, Laviano, Rettig, Oden, Allen, Bolin. None of them can effectively move the football. Rescigno played a good half of football in his career because Minny had no tape of him and had no idea what to expect. As for Lewis, I have the lowest of expectations. Everybody says he's great, but they said the same thing of Oden and Bolin before they saw them play. I realize it's not just the QB, but it's just awful.
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Tend to agree, but QB is a different animal when it comes to a chance to play. Depending on the coach & program, it's not too often you see the 2nd string QB get meaningful minutes, at least at dear old RU. Easy enough to rotate RB's to get them real PT and then go with the hot hand (heck, even Hicks got carries last week), but for whatever reason, our coaches & OC's don't seem to be able to rotate QB's (except for the obvious Wild Knight QB run), even when shown that the starter is woefully ineffective. I get they made the decision and don't want to mess with their starter's confidence, but you shouldn't be married to the guy.

Not sure if Rettig would've been any better, but I sure as hell would've liked to seen more of Gio & Dare over the last 2 seasons, and not just against the supposed cupcakes. Gio finally got his chance when it was a bit too late to salvage the season & then got hurt. Still boggles my mind that Ash & DM kept going with other QB's (CL/Odin) that were only half suited to the power spread.

We did not win a game with Gio starting, just saying.
Good point. I always forget about Nelson because he was barely here.

It's hard to forget when our favorite newspaper tries to dig up his past and attach it to Rutgers.

Back up qbs are always the most popular on bad teams.

They are the most popular until they hit the field many a time.

As an additional thought, I find it highly surprising that four coaching staffs have now failed to identify Rettig as the quality, starting QB many thought he should be. I wish him the best, always had a smile and I have never heard a negative thing come out of his mouth in regards to riding the pine.
It's remarkable how bad our coaches have been at evaluating QB talent. Nova's probably the best of the bunch and he was barely serviceable due to his propensity to want to help the opponents out. Aside from him: Dare, Laviano, Rettig, Oden, Allen, Bolin. None of them can effectively move the football. Rescigno played a good half of football in his career because Minny had no tape of him and had no idea what to expect. As for Lewis, I have the lowest of expectations. Everybody says he's great, but they said the same thing of Oden and Bolin before they saw them play. I realize it's not just the QB, but it's just awful.
We could have had PJ Walker if we had agreed to keep him at QB. If we redshirted him as a freshman he would be a 5th year senior right now.
Right. Rutgers should pass on a 4* QB. Or has that been the plan all along by the staff? All of those 4* QBs were never offered.
Yup, Didn't Greg always say he recruited with his eyes, not the Stars? That's all I'm saying,as the star system is just someone's opinion on talent, and if I'm building a program, I'm picking who I think has the ability,that is all. Why has Texas with all those crazy 4 and 5 Star kids, and Top 5 recruiting classes been no where near what those rankings say they should be? Sure, some of it is coaching,maybe a lot of it, but someone is dropping the ball on the eye test. Lazy recruiting is just going by the stars and what others think,IMHO.
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We did not win a game with Gio starting, just saying.

To be fair, he had already tweaked his hammy by the time he was named a starter for the Indy game. As it is, he almost pulled out the Minny game as a backup (with the tweaked hammy), and probably would've punched in that TD vs Iowa (instead of Odin, he of not enough butt). Would've, could've, should've. Whatever, it's all water under the bridge. Just hope someone is putting that experience & hard-won knowledge to good use.

Back to Rettig, I hope he does well in whatever he does. You might say it's kind of a low thing to abandon his current team in the middle of the season, but it's just as possible that he's come to a realization that he doesn't have the commitment to put in another season's work for no real PT. Fair enough, considering he's done it for 2 other teams already without much glory.
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To be fair, he had already tweaked his hammy by the time he was named a starter for the Indy game. As it is, he almost pulled out the Minny game as a backup (with the tweaked hammy), and probably would've punched in that TD vs Iowa (instead of Odin, he of not enough butt). Would've, could've, should've. Whatever, it's all water under the bridge. Just hope someone is putting that experience & hard-won knowledge to good use.

Back to Rettig, I hope he does well in whatever he does. You might say it's kind of a low thing to abandon his current team in the middle of the season, but it's just as possible that he's come to a realization that he doesn't have the commitment to put in another season's work for no real PT. Fair enough, considering he's done it for 2 other teams already without much glory.

You have some games confused, he came in the second half ago and Illinois and then started against Minnesota.

I was responding to your post which said he was Gio played when it was too late to salvage the season, no sign he would not have changed things if he was there from the start.

Rettig is not good enough to play for a bad FCS team.
Rettig is not good enough to play for a bad FCS team.
After several years of tutelage from a number of different coaches. He's older, wiser and a man competing with younger kids for the starting job. This is not an attack on Rettig. I'm sure he's a great guy, but the fact remains he is lacking *something* that makes him capable of leading the offense. Four sets of coaches have determined this now, yet people still stubbornly hold on to the notion that he deserved to play. Sorry, but he's given a scholarship for the chance to compete for a job. He, nor any other player deserves anything.
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Hopefully this will finally show people two things, Flood actually was far worse that you thought, even if you had a low opinion of him already and trust the coaches when they don't want to play someone, you do not know better than them.
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There was a LOT of "inside baseball" during the Laviano - Rettig controversy, some of it from very reliable sources, saying that Rettig was completely unable to run the offense. He had the physical skills, but just couldn't manage the game.

My point is that none of these guys were really that good, when it came to delivering on the field. It makes me wonder about the current talent level.

you don't have to wonder just look at last season.

Flood damage..
Hopefully this will finally show people two things, Flood actually was far worse that you thought, even if you had a low opinion of him already and trust the coaches when they don't want to play someone, you do not know better than them.

Simply because some fans may have been wrong on Rettig doesn't mean that the coaches are right on the other 84 guys.
So our two QBs last season wound up being third string at Sand Diego State (and left the school) and a backup at Tennessee Tech (and left the school). Maybe, just maybe, it is going to take a bit of time to (re)build this team.
Completely agree, I highly doubt these are the only two brought in during the time of the flood that don't belong anywhere near this level. What a friggin nightmare the administration brought upon it's self. For a bunch of supposedly smart people, they really do some pretty stupid shortsighted sh*t. The bean counter's are just getting started counting the cost of that debacle.
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AND lack of developing players under Flood.
Exactly! This is the most important point. Didn't matter if they played Lavs, Hayden, Gio or Dare, not a one of them got a damn bit of development or grew as a player while Flood was the head coach. When Ash came in he inherited, in effect, four freshmen QB's.

Slymer's only here because he's secretly glad both Lavs and Rettig failed because it looks better for his hero Kyle Flood.

Truth is these three players and their families trusted Flood to develop, coach and mentor these three young men, and he failed them all utterly. Regardless of "ceiling" or "potential" they should have improved in the three years they were under the Flood regime.

To sit here and blame these kids, who entrusted Rutgers and the Flood staff, is both shameful and dishonest. Don't tell me "Rettig couldn't learn the playbook." That's a bullshit copout. Kid was an academic all American. Truth is the garbage staff wasn't experienced enough to teach him, just like they were incapable of teaching Laviano to go through his receiver progressions.
Don't believe the hype? Prove it on the field.
Hayden may have lit it up in HS, but he could have been helped by the players around him.
As to his inability to learn the playbook, manage the game, this is not sleight against Hayden. IIRC, he had great grades. But learning the playbook and managing the game (on your feet) is quite different than classroom smarts.
As said above, he was a great team mate who always appeared to help out, despite not getting what he wanted-the starting role. Best of luck to him.
He couldn't learn Mehringer's 3 play playbook?
Unbelievable. The Flood strikes again. He must have been in the Tennessee Tech coach's ear, telling him to bench Hayden. I'm an expert just like all the experts on ScarletNation - let me tell you we would be 2-0 if Rettig started at QB here.
Or just 0 for our last 11 with 4 blowouts and a lost to a MAC team at home giving emu its first victory over a power 5 team in 59 tries.
We have had only two serviceable quarterbacks here in the last 10 years. Mike Teal and Gary Nova. Say what you will about the skill levels of each but they both have one thing in common, they both could lead an offense. Other than those two, we haven't had any quarterbacks who had the confidence or the command to do so.

I could go on here and say that a back up quarterback from somewhere else will never be successful here because, by definition, they lacked that at their previous stop (or they would've been starter there) but you've seen those results on the field.
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Just illustrates again how bad flood was. These quarterbacks he recruited were just more of floods duds.
Just illustrates again how bad flood was. These he recruited were just more of floods duds.
Parade All-American, scholarship to LSU by a national championship coach, 4* top rated HS QB by every recruiting service - and you blame Flood for recruiting him. You might be better served going after Schiano who let an NFL QB slip away while he played a 5'10 kid who had no other Power Five offers. You're comment is absolutely absurd. And if you believe what Ash has to say there are probably six or more kids recruited by the previous regime who will end up in the NFL. Flood deserves criticism for ignoring drug tests, getting involved with academics, and losing control of a bunch of players, but not for taking down The World Trade Center or Hurricane Irma.
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Parade All-American, scholarship to LSU by a national championship coach, 4* top rated HS QB by every recruiting service - and you blame Flood for recruiting him. You might be better served going after Schiano who let an NFL QB slip away while he played a 5'10 kid who had no other Power Five offers. You're comment is absolutely absurd. And if you believe what Ash has to say there are probably six or more kids recruited by the previous regime who will end up in the NFL. Flood deserves criticism for ignoring drug tests, getting involved with academics, and losing control of a bunch of players, but not for taking down The World Trade Center or Hurricane Irma.

Ok fine. I guess rettig wasn't just another of foods duds. He was a solid division 1 quarterback. Oh wait.
And the roster is currently mostly floods duds, let's play the season and discuss .