Any Merit to This Column? NY Post


Heisman Winner
Oct 3, 2005
It seems impossible, but end of NFL may be nigh

(I still believe the risks are low for the youth. The is NO sport that demands the time, commitment and mental/physical sacrifice to be apart of; then you get to play a few games. Football builds men. You practice 99% of the time. No other sport prepares you better for life.)
It seems impossible, but end of NFL may be nigh

(I still believe the risks are low for the youth. The is NO sport that demands the time, commitment and mental/physical sacrifice to be apart of; then you get to play a few games. Football builds men. You practice 99% of the time. No other sport prepares you better for life.)

He's dramatic, but long-term the game will likely see major changes. However, the NFL is going nowhere in 10 yrs
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The game will be different, I have no doubt about that. There's too much interest in football for the league to be gone in 10 years.

Despite all the bad headlines and off field issues, NFL revenue was up $1 billion in the 2014-2015 season.

And ratings have never been higher.
5. This year’s Week 1 had the most overall viewers for any opening week in NFL history.
This is not an editorial, but rather a column. An editorial speaks on behalf of the newspaper; a column is one person's opinion. And this is the latter.

I would be very surprised if anything dramatic happened to the NFL in the next ten years. Possibly the other sports he cites, like lacrosse, will become more popular at football's expense. Possibly rule changes brought about by the concussion issue will make the game different from today's. Maybe profit margins will go down, although that's hard to imagine given today's market. But the end of the NFL? Seems hard to believe.
Hidden in the article are more significant threats to the NFL than concussions or lawsuits. He mentions diluting the product through over expansion, personal seat licenses, ESPN and others attempting to move to a PPV model, encouragement of attitudes among athletes that the individual is bigger than the team, league or game. Those are the real threats.

In an effort to attract the casual fan, thereby increase profits, sports move away from their core soul. Eventually it is lost and instead of the league having a foundation of die-hards enhanced by casual fans it becomes almost entirely a bandwagon, casual attitude. People willing to spend money on spectacular, winning events, but not willing to tolerate the grind of a season. When leagues reject their history and their die hards, they lose their base. Alienating the base is the first step towards irrelevancy.

To underscore the fact it is not the injury risk is simply the fact this author claims people will migrate to rugby instead of football to avoid injury risk. Ignores that concussions are at least as prevalent in soccer as it is in football.
The concussion hysteria is "climate change" for sports. The "science" behind it is drivel. The movie is about the silliest thing I can think of (they are trying to make some nobody doctor into some kind of Eric Brockovitch using a template). There are people looking to make piles of money off a scam. The people who helped start the scam conflated thin autopsy observations with some other terms and ran to media instead of other researchers. They are also involved in using "scans" ($) in schools to "protect the children". Politically you have the RU 1000 types who hate football and want to see it cut down. Radical fems and cultural Marxists see football as "masculine hegemony". That's why they can run around talking about football being dangerous for "sons" but they are putting girls into combat despite massive testing failures that anyone with sense could see coming. Also consider that practically everyone has "tau protein" being blamed for CTE. Too much sugar, too much drugs, too much aging will also contribute to something that's not remotely unique to football. Lots of real studies show no link to football and CTE. Lots of other real studies show long term benefits of football and other contact sports in general.

We really don't live in an age of science but an age of "scientism" where thin veneers of "scientific" lingo and selfish people seen as authorities combine with marketing to create contrived crisis after crisis and dupe an American population that becomes more gullible by the day. I'm not worried about football because any population this lost between the ears will soon have worse problems to take its focus. Protect your kids from the "protectors"


Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport
The 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport Held in Zurich, November 2012

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Clinicians need to be mindful of the potential for long-term problems in the management of all athletes. However, it was agreed that chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) represents a distinct tauopathy with an unknown incidence in athletic populations. It was further agreed that a cause and effect relationship has not as yet been demonstrated between CTE and concussions or exposure to contact sports.[105–114] At present, the interpretation of causation in the modern CTE case studies should proceed cautiously. It was also recognised that it is important to address the fears of parents/athletes from media pressure related to the possibility of CTE.

"This systematic review study emphasizes the need for further research into the epidemiology of CTE. Despite the lack of large scale systematic and randomized studies, the reporting of CTE in former professional American football players has led to wide spread speculation far beyond the conclusions that can be drawn based on the current state of CTE research. With CTE research in the early stages and the small number of current cases, there is no credible data with which to establish the incidence or prevalence of CTE in former contact sport participants."

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in Contact Sports: A Systematic Review of All Reported Pathological Cases
Reading saran's first paragraph reminded me of this. Lol


Violent ground acquisition games such as football is in fact a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war.
We really don't live in an age of science but an age of "scientism" where thin veneers of "scientific" lingo and selfish people seen as authorities combine with marketing to create contrived crisis after crisis and dupe an American population that becomes more gullible by the day.

Great statement Saran. People these days seem to be content to get their views and "information" from comedians and politicians, etc, none of whom have any commitment to truth or integrity. Much too lazy to look at research conclusions which have resulted from adherence to scientific method.

One of the priceless benefits of my RU education!
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To think they used to play with leather helmets and nonexistent pads.
some have suggested playing with no helmets at all...... I thought this was absolutely crazy the first time I heard it, but if you had your
noggin out there naked, you would try like hell not to have it get banged around.... the sport would be way less violent.....

I don't like the idea of that.

they let boxing go on, and we have some boxers die directly after/during a fight, or become disabled like Mohammed Ali.....
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People these days seem to be content to get their views and "information" from comedians and politicians, etc, none of whom have any commitment to truth or integrity. Much too lazy to look at research conclusions which have resulted from adherence to scientific method.

You mean comedians and politicians like "Frontline?"
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some have suggested playing with no helmets at all...... I thought this was absolutely crazy the first time I heard it, but if you had your
noggin out there naked, you would try like hell not to have it get banged around.... the sport would be way less violent.....

It's certainly been like that with hockey. The more equipment added, the more high sticking has come into play. When guys didn't wear helmets, they largely respected each other more and kept the stocks down.

Guys are much bigger and stronger than the days of leather helmets. Head injuries are not fake science. They are s very real problem. If they weren't, the NFL wouldn't be spending so much trying to learn more about them dead the article in Sports Illustrated a few months back.
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The concussion hysteria is "climate change" for sports. The "science" behind it is drivel. ....

We really don't live in an age of science but an age of "scientism" where thin veneers of "scientific" lingo and selfish people seen as authorities combine with marketing to create contrived crisis after crisis and dupe an American population that becomes more gullible by the day.

Your argument that worries about concussions are misguided because they ignore credible science is greatly weakened when you parallel the argument about concussions with climate change."Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities."

The problem with the age of "scientism" you identify stems from a trend among many that media organizations, political views, scientific statements that confirm the desired position are valid, yet those that disagree by definition are coming from biased or corrupted sources.

According to your argument it is acceptable to pick and choose minority supporting scientific studies regarding climate change, but it is not acceptable to do it for concussions.
Great statement Saran. People these days seem to be content to get their views and "information" from comedians and politicians, etc, none of whom have any commitment to truth or integrity. Much too lazy to look at research conclusions which have resulted from adherence to scientific method.

One of the priceless benefits of my RU education!

Dude, you don't want to be on the record agreeing with saran. He's bat$hit insane.
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Dude, you don't want to be on the record agreeing with saran. He's bat$hit insane.
There is almost nothing that Saran and I agree on, and we've been on opposite sides of arguments more time than I care to count. We would be on opposite sides of this one as well.

But Saran has never made an ad hominem attack on another poster that I can ever remember.

And there is no need for you to do so here. If you disagree with him, state your argument. If calling him names is all you can do, then please reconsider posting anything at all.
Guns may go before football.
I got a concussion playing two-hand touch when I was little and never put on the pads. I hit the library.
Your argument that worries about concussions are misguided because they ignore credible science is greatly weakened when you parallel the argument about concussions with climate change."Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities."

The problem with the age of "scientism" you identify stems from a trend among many that media organizations, political views, scientific statements that confirm the desired position are valid, yet those that disagree by definition are coming from biased or corrupted sources.

According to your argument it is acceptable to pick and choose minority supporting scientific studies regarding climate change, but it is not acceptable to do it for concussions.

Take a cruise over to the CE board, where probably 80% of the posters think the earth is not warming, despite all the evidence to the contrary (and I'm sure very few of them think any global warming is due to human activity) . They actually believe there is some vast "liberal conspiracy" in play, which is downright silly, since climatologists aren't any more "liberal" than the general population, as far as I know. Not surprising, since that board skews about 80% towards the right and most conservatives think global warming is a some sort of hoax (just like most don't believe in evolution). Any climatologist has to acknowledge that it's possible that the theory and models are incorrect, because that's how science works, but people who reject the global warming consensus of climatologists because they think that there's some sort of conspiracy involved are simply loons.

It is true, however, that non-climatologists and other scientists are not nearly as convinced that human-induced global warming is ongoing (although at least most of them are arguing the science). The NY Times did an interesting article on this last year, comparing how opinions were fairly evenly split amongst meteorologists (whereas the vast majority of climatologists are convinced anthropogenic global warming, or AGW, is real). However, meteorologists are not experts in climate - climatologists are (they're very different sciences, as I've posted about, in depth, before).

Having said all that, Saran's "problem" is that he actually is "picking and choosing" minority "skeptical" views over the consensus majority view in both the global warming and CTE debates. The Maroon article, is the skeptic viewpoint - of course, writtten by a guy who's been assocated with the Steelers and the NFL for decades. While he makes good points about more research being needed (CTE research is truly in its infancy, as opposed to global warming research), he's certainly at odds with many of the experts in the field.

In particular, his last sentence in his abstract, "Our review reveals significant limitations of the current CTE case reporting and questions the widespread existence of CTE in contact sports," is looking pretty bad in light of recent studies showing that the vast majority of NFL players have been found, after death, to have CTE:

"Researchers with the Department of Veterans Affairs and Boston University have now identified the degenerative disease known aschronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, in 96 percent of NFL players that they’ve examined and in 79 percent of all football players. The disease is widely believed to stem from repetitive trauma to the head, and can lead to conditions such as memory loss, depression and dementia."

Sure, it's possible that there was some element of selection bias here (i.e., the players selected aren't representative of all players), but if one doesn't find these stats to at least be alarming, then one's head is already buried deep in the sand. Maybe CTE is only "bad" for a small number of people or maybe the NFL's focus on reducing concussions and treating actual concussions much more safely ("concussion protocol") will reduce the incidence and severity of CTE, but people, like Saran, who bury their head in the sand on this one (and global warming) are simply being ignorant.
I love these 10 year projections. FWIW, Al Gore on 27 Jan 2006 predicted we had 10 YEARS before the earth would burn up! For the benefit of the PSU fans, that prediction ends 22 days from now!
F = ma

I'd implement position weight restrictions before changing too much of the game itself.

An additional benefit: Guys wouldn't be putting on inhuman weight that's likely to cause other physical problems down the road.
I love these 10 year projections. FWIW, Al Gore on 27 Jan 2006 predicted we had 10 YEARS before the earth would burn up! For the benefit of the PSU fans, that prediction ends 22 days from now!
"burn up" lmao. he said 10 years before we hit the point of no return. and guess what has happened over the last few months? scientists telling us we've passed the point of no return. the two degree C goal that has been talked about since the 70s - no longer feasible.

the world would be a much better place if people kept their mouths shut rather than spewing misinformation.