APP; Washington stunned by ASH's Punt Call

Carino Article.This is a rookie mistake Ash shouldnt be making in year #2. Hope he learns from it and holds himself accountable. You dont stop the Mo you have going and then show lack of confidence in your offense,in light of horrible special teams. Rookie call.
Part of Ash plan is playing not to get blown out. He knows how quick things have spiraled out of control in games for us last few years and how bad it made us look. I think he still does not think we have the horses to win now, but will in a year or two if we continue to recruit strong like he is. To do that have to just stay in games for now.
Meanwhile Ash punted on fourth-and-1 twice in the second half. Neither punt achieved much, unless you count draining the life out of a better-than-expected crowd.

It’s too bad, because Rutgers had Washington on the ropes. Afterward, the Huskies said they were impressed with the program they throttled last year at home.

“They’re a lot more together as a unit,” Bierra said. “You could see they’ve taken a great step this year.”

That seemed obvious, but it’s always interesting to hear the opposing players say it.

“They played a lot harder this year,” Pettis said. “Guys were flying all over the field. They put some pressure on us.”

Then Ash punted.:(
Meanwhile Ash punted on fourth-and-1 twice in the second half. Neither punt achieved much, unless you count draining the life out of a better-than-expected crowd.

It’s too bad, because Rutgers had Washington on the ropes. Afterward, the Huskies said they were impressed with the program they throttled last year at home.

“They’re a lot more together as a unit,” Bierra said. “You could see they’ve taken a great step this year.”

That seemed obvious, but it’s always interesting to hear the opposing players say it.

“They played a lot harder this year,” Pettis said. “Guys were flying all over the field. They put some pressure on us.”

Then Ash punted.:(
What's your problem with Ash? When the last time we were competitive against a top 10 team going into the 4th quarter?
It was a tough call, could have went either way imo. We went for it later in the game and didn't convert.
What's your problem with Ash? When the last time we were competitive against a top 10 team going into the 4th quarter?
we can question a decision or two without having a problem with ASH overall..... this was a winnable game, believe it or not, where a couple of calls could have made the difference....

ASH did a good job overall, but not these two plays
The only reason fans think it was a bad idea to punt is because we know the outcome. If RU punted and the receiver muffed the ball and Rutgers jumped on it everyone would say punting was the right call. If we went for it and did not convert fans would be furious for trying to go for it against such a stout defense.
This was a double edged sword for Ash. He gets killed if he punts and gets killed if we fail to convert and give Washington the ball on there 44. God i forgot how brutal the Monday morning QB's are lol
I had flashbacks to our game at Nebraska a couple of years ago. On our first drive we were moving the ball nicely and had the ball on about their 35. It was 4th and one, and Flood opted to go for it. We ran right and got stopped (I was so fvcking pissed). Nebby got fired up and drove the length of the field and scored, and never looked back. I wish on our 2nd-and-short we took a few shots down the field, but the clock management and ball control strategy seemed to work. Had it not been for special teams--especially their punter pinning us twice at our 1, and one of those led to their punt return for a TD--we were in the game. Late in the game and behind by two scores, I would have liked to have seen Ash go for it on 4th down when we were in Husky territory.
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The only reason fans think it was a bad idea to punt is because we know the outcome. If RU punted and the receiver muffed the ball and Rutgers jumped on it everyone would say punting was the right call. If we went for it and did not convert fans would be furious for trying to go for it against such a stout defense.
this is not correct.... I thought the call was wrong as it happened.
The only reason fans think it was a bad idea to punt is because we know the outcome. If RU punted and the receiver muffed the ball and Rutgers jumped on it everyone would say punting was the right call. If we went for it and did not convert fans would be furious for trying to go for it against such a stout defense.

actually we knew the outcome once Washington scored to go up 17-7 and they did it quickly..and then did scored again after Ash did it again

Wheezer is right, this is fair for discussion, you can love what Ash did with the team yesterday but still hold him accountable for those two plays
I had flashbacks to our game at Nebraska a couple of years ago. On our first drive we were moving the ball nicely and had the ball on about their 35. It was 4th and one, and Flood opted to go for it. We ran right and got stopped (I was so fvcking pissed). Nebby got fired up and drove the length of the field and scored, and never looked back. I wish on our 2nd-and-short we took a few shots down the field, but the clock management and ball control strategy seemed to work. Had it not been for special teams--especially their punter pinning us twice at our 1, and one of those led to their punt return for a TD--we were in the game. Late in the game and behind by two scores, I would have liked to have seen Ash go for it on 4th down when we were in Husky territory.
what should Rutgers have done with a 4th and one at the 35 against Nebraska?..... if you try a field goal, it is over 50 yards...if you punt, there is an excellent chance Nebraska starts from the
I had flashbacks to our game at Nebraska a couple of years ago. On our first drive we were moving the ball nicely and had the ball on about their 35. It was 4th and one, and Flood opted to go for it. We ran right and got stopped (I was so fvcking pissed). Nebby got fired up and drove the length of the field and scored, and never looked back. I wish on our 2nd-and-short we took a few shots down the field, but the clock management and ball control strategy seemed to work. Had it not been for special teams--especially their punter pinning us twice at our 1, and one of those led to their punt return for a TD--we were in the game. Late in the game and behind by two scores, I would have liked to have seen Ash go for it on 4th down when we were in Husky territory.
I wanted him to go for it. But i'm not going to pretend like his thinking was wrong to want to try and pin them inside the 5 like they did to us 2 times. He tried to flip the field of play. We have a young head coach and a young team growing together.
Carino Article.This is a rookie mistake Ash shouldnt be making in year #2. Hope he learns from it and holds himself accountable. You dont stop the Mo you have going and then show lack of confidence in your offense,in light of horrible special teams. Rookie call.
This is just more proof of the BS that the local media do to RU. He had a plan and told you what it was and it worked for the most part. You have to be close to have a chance to win at all. No need for this type of article unless your are trying to divide the fan base.
Punt was the right call! Going for it would be desperate. We were in the game, playing well, moving the ball, with lots of time to play.
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Punt was the right call! Going for it would be desperate. We were in the game, playing well, moving the ball, with lots of time to play.
You've to take risks against a team with superior talent to level the playing field. No way you can expect to win straight up. Ash made a bad coaching error with the decisions to punt.
They were 50/50 calls, unless you have an Ash to grind.

not really. I like Ash and think he had some ridiculous unwarranted criticism leveled at him here last season. I loved what he did last night in game prep and planning playing right with Washington and you can just see the improvement but I also can say that those two calls were not right IMO and that the drive before half that ended in no points was a big big mistake for the coaching Ash to grind just some fair game analysis
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Carino Article.This is a rookie mistake Ash shouldnt be making in year #2. Hope he learns from it and holds himself accountable. You dont stop the Mo you have going and then show lack of confidence in your offense,in light of horrible special teams. Rookie call.
I couldn't agree more with Carino. Ash IMO was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too conservative and showed too much respect for Washington there. There was no reason whatsoever to not go for it. As Carino stated, "Washington was on their heels..." They were and Ash gifted them a way out.
How can anyone argue that it was the correct call? The strategy backfired both times. That settles it.
Yes, and you have the luxury of 20/20 hindsight which the coaches do not have. His plan was clear. He wanted to keep it close into the 4th quarter and then plan to win. When you play teams that are that much better, your plan always includes you doing everything essentially right while your opponent either makes mistakes or does not bring there A game. They had a narrow window for victory and they did everything g they could to get there. The fact that you do not know that is proof that you simply have never been in the position to make those decisions
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perception is everything, bill parcells said there are no moral victories. in
this game this year , i beg to differ.we needed to be a tougher opponent
this year., and we were....i know. lets take some chances, but, wash could put
points up in a hurry, and if we lose 48-17, no one will care how tough we played.
they'll just see the score, and say same old ru .i understand were here to
express our opinion, but let coach ash coach, and get this team where it
needs to be in the big east.
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How can anyone argue that it was the correct call? The strategy backfired both times. That settles it.

Because you can't judge a decision by the outcome. A QB can force a pass to a well covered receiver and get a completion off a tip ball. The decision was still the wrong one.
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I couldn't agree more with Carino. Ash IMO was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too conservative and showed too much respect for Washington there. There was no reason whatsoever to not go for it. As Carino stated, "Washington was on their heels..." They were and Ash gifted them a way out.

Pretty sure we were stopped on third and short just prior to one of the calls. Hard to say the Huskies were on their heels.
This was a double edged sword for Ash. He gets killed if he punts and gets killed if we fail to convert and give Washington the ball on there 44. God i forgot how brutal the Monday morning QB's are lol
Certainly not Monday Morning QB. Everyone in our section thought you go for it there, playing a ranked team well as a severe underdog. Ash needed to roll the dice there and has to play less close to the vest a bit more; my only criticism of him. Otherwise well done vs. a way better team.
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You've to take risks against a team with superior talent to level the playing field. No way you can expect to win straight up. Ash made a bad coaching error with the decisions to punt.
Agree. I would've felt better about those punts if we had Washington's punt unit...
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Carino Article.This is a rookie mistake Ash shouldnt be making in year #2. Hope he learns from it and holds himself accountable. You dont stop the Mo you have going and then show lack of confidence in your offense,in light of horrible special teams. Rookie call.
Everyone should have been stunned. Awful call, Ash willingly gave up the momentum of the game. He needs to learn from this and never make the same mistake again.
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Part of Ash plan is playing not to get blown out. He knows how quick things have spiraled out of control in games for us last few years and how bad it made us look. I think he still does not think we have the horses to win now, but will in a year or two if we continue to recruit strong like he is. To do that have to just stay in games for now.
There';s always a way to make a few yars when you need them. IF you have the will(GUTS)
The only reason fans think it was a bad idea to punt is because we know the outcome. If RU punted and the receiver muffed the ball and Rutgers jumped on it everyone would say punting was the right call. If we went for it and did not convert fans would be furious for trying to go for it against such a stout defense.
Nope, most are saying it was the wrong call because it was the wrong call. This is not a difficult one here.
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Nope, most are saying it was the wrong call because it was the wrong call. This is not a difficult one here.
I am sorry what level do you coach at? How much do you get paid to do it? How many kids and coaches are your responsible for? Its really easy to say this stuff when you have nothing on the line. You understand that because of the game plan and the final score there are lots of people who are excited by our potential, including recruits, how excited would they have been if the score was 48-14?
Just because you think it was the wrong call does not make it wrong. Based on his stated game plan it was the right call. So you would have preferred to play a different way, great we saw what that did for us last year. It was 10-7 in the third quarter, you understand that his game plan was working.
Some people are just to stupid for words.
I am sorry what level do you coach at? How much do you get paid to do it? How many kids and coaches are your responsible for? Its really easy to say this stuff when you have nothing on the line. You understand that because of the game plan and the final score there are lots of people who are excited by our potential, including recruits, how excited would they have been if the score was 48-14?
Just because you think it was the wrong call does not make it wrong. Based on his stated game plan it was the right call. So you would have preferred to play a different way, great we saw what that did for us last year. It was 10-7 in the third quarter, you understand that his game plan was working.
Some people are just to stupid for words.
Try to think for yourself. Based on your asinine logic, nobody except for 5 other living souls can criticize Trump because no one else has been President. Good grief.

Your mindset is why so many kool-aid drinkers supported Flood to the bitter end.
You've to take risks against a team with superior talent to level the playing field. No way you can expect to win straight up. Ash made a bad coaching error with the decisions to punt.
No you don't, you have to create a game plan that allows you to win and then stick to it.
Anyone who is questioning these punts clear has no clue as to what there game plan was, which was obvious if you watched the game or listened to any of the post game comments.
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I liked the first punt call, we were running the ball well and I think it was 4th and a long one.
The second, I (And I don't have to answer if it doesn't work) would have gone for. The first down was closer, and I would have used as a test for the O-line.
This is only my opinion. Did I have a problem with the call to punt? No. As a fan, I always want them to go when reasonable, but that's the coach's job.
Meanwhile Ash punted on fourth-and-1 twice in the second half. Neither punt achieved much, unless you count draining the life out of a better-than-expected crowd.

It’s too bad, because Rutgers had Washington on the ropes. Afterward, the Huskies said they were impressed with the program they throttled last year at home

“They’re a lot more together as a unit,” Bierra said. “You could see they’ve taken a great step this year.”

That seemed obvious, but it’s always interesting to hear the opposing players say it.

“They played a lot harder this year,” Pettis said. “Guys were flying all over the field. They put some pressure on us.”

Then Ash punted.:(

Especially since one of those punts went for a net 26 yards.
I could see Ash's reasoning for punting on the first 4th and short in an attempt to flip field position, given the multiple 2nd quarter starts inside RU's 10 yard line, superiority of RU's running game and defense, as well as looking to maintain the 10-7 lead. The punt return for the TD was the unfortunate result.

I disagree with the decision to punt on the second 4th and short in Washington territory in the 2nd half. RU was down, had a chance to maintain ball possession reestablish momentum, and on that subsequent drive Washington woke up to drive down the field for a quick score..
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I could see Ash's reasoning for punting on the first 4th and short in an attempt to flip field position, given the multiple 2nd quarter starts inside RU's 10 yard line, superiority of RU's running game and defense, as well as looking to maintain the 10-7 lead. The punt return for the TD was the unfortunate result.

I disagree with the decision to punt on the second 4th and short in Washington territory in the 2nd half. RU was down, had a chance to maintain ball possession reestablish momentum, and on that subsequent drive Washington woke up to drive down the field for a quick score..

You could debate both calls.
Pretty sure we were stopped on third and short just prior to one of the calls. Hard to say the Huskies were on their heels.
I'm just agreeing with what some of the Washington players were saying. And so what we were stopped on that preceding play. I saw the game and they were on their heels. Either way the point is moot now, but I think when Ash looks at the game tape he's going to realize that he blew it as the HC.
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Will say Ash did a garbage job with the clock at the end of the first half. Calls a spike and then we go into the half with a time out on the board

And then in the post game oresser he says they did it exactly as they wanted. A 47 ft attempt by a guy with questionable credentials is what they wanted? Not buying it.
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