APP; Washington stunned by ASH's Punt Call

Carino Article.This is a rookie mistake Ash shouldnt be making in year #2. Hope he learns from it and holds himself accountable. You dont stop the Mo you have going and then show lack of confidence in your offense,in light of horrible special teams. Rookie call.

Jerry Carino is a snarky little douche who has a weird hard on for Rutgers, and you are a bigger douche for continually posting negative bullshit about Rutgers. Nobody on the Washington team said "stunned." The rest of the article had complimentary quotes about how well we played, but you don't highlight that because you have some sort of anti-Ash agenda. You are a jerk, plain and simple.

“I really didn’t think they were going to punt the ball,” Bierra said. “I thought they were going to stay out there (on offense).”

“They’re a lot more together as a unit,” Bierra said. “You could see they’ve taken a great step this year.”

“They played a lot harder this year,” Pettis said. “Guys were flying all over the field. They put some pressure on us.”

Quick observations:

OL: Kamaal seymour actually didnt look THAT bad. Applefield seemed to struggle a little bit more

Baileys TD: shouldve been picked, horribly underthrown

DL: behind our starters not too many guys popped. Wiafe is particular is stiff as a board. Starters were impressive

Kemoko: deserves his own section, i understand he had one blown coverage but this kid is a special player. He keeps this up, top 3 round pick.

RB: Martin deserves to play over gus

QB: bolin has a below average arm as we all already knew about and if thats gonna limit him to one read, super conservative throws, i expect lewis to be in there by mid october.

WR: hard to really make judgements but looked like they werent getting much separation

TE: Jerome Washington is a beast. Might even be a better blocker than some of our OL's

DBs: all around pretty good, not much to complain about, but again behind starters pretty big drop off

LB's: were ehhhh. They have to initiate contact more than waiting for the contact to come to them

IIRC, Ray Lucas thought it was right. I'll take his opinion over most every fan's opinions, as he knows a little bit about the game.

He was wrong with this.
I wanted him to go for it. But i'm not going to pretend like his thinking was wrong to want to try and pin them inside the 5 like they did to us 2 times. He tried to flip the field of play. We have a young head coach and a young team growing together.
In hindsight maybe it was a bad call. At the time I thought it was a good call. Easy to look back now and second guess.
Anyone can have any opinion they want. Ash knows the team better then anyone. When the team proves it can move the ball he will take these kinds of risks more. Good teams would not hesitate to go for it. Rutgers is getting there.
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Disagree. Washington hadn't score an offensive TD, no reason to believe the D wouldn't make another stop. They also have a ferocious front seven, a lot a reason to believe you won't get a 1st. Punt it and if they drive the field, you tip your cap. They did.
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Anyone can have any opinion they want. Ash knows the team better then anyone. When the team proves it can move the ball he will take these kinds of risks more. Good teams would not hesitate to go for it. Rutgers is getting there.
the staff just has a few seconds between plays to make a decision...they made the wrong one here.....yes, they had a good game plan, called a good game otherwise.... no one is questioning the ability of the staff to run the team, just a couple of quickly made decisions.

it is ok to admit this decision was not the right one.......

another thing to consider was the lack of depth on our team, as our mods here discuss in the recap of the game

if we lack depth, does it not make sense to try to get the one yard needed in the 3rd quarter, or should we punt and try to score again, later on, when the lack of depth is even more noticeable, both on offense and more so on defense, and thus, less likely to get a td, or stop Washington from scoring with the ball

the deeper you go into the game, the less likely we are to defend Washington, and move the ball ourselves..,.. you grab the chance when you have it.
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This is just more proof of the BS that the local media do to RU. He had a plan and told you what it was and it worked for the most part. You have to be close to have a chance to win at all. No need for this type of article unless your are trying to divide the fan base.
A free press is the hallmark of human freedom and that includes sporting events. Ash should be questioned on the punt decision and the lack of urgency in 4Q, not attempting to throw downfield more.
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The first one was 4th and 1, 44 yard line, 3rd Q 11:54 on the clock, Wash up 10-7. I think the odds are better than average on 4th and 1 and the net yardage on punts in this situation is probably around 25 - 30 yards. I would have gone for it but a lot of time and a close game so I can see trying to pin them deep. With our special teams maybe this is less of a good choice but I am still ok with it, think a good argument can be made for either choice.

The second one, 4th and 1, 43 yard line, 3Q 4:41, down 17-7. If you don't go for it here you are not trying to win the game. We hadn't scored in over a half. Terrible decision.

One thing that is going to hurt us on 3rd and 4th and 1 is we don't have a mobile qb so opponents will key on the rb like they did last night.
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he had a he had a plan and people are saying that it worked. So his plan was not to win the game or make adjustments necessary or to put your foot on their throat when they were on the ropes?
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I see both sides on this particular call, but keep in mind we were in the game at that point. Forget the call and just be happy the score was 10-7 at the end of the 3rd quarter. Barring any injuries this team is going win at least 5 games this year.
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perception is everything, bill parcells said there are no moral victories. in
this game this year , i beg to differ.we needed to be a tougher opponent
this year., and we were....i know. lets take some chances, but, wash could put
points up in a hurry, and if we lose 48-17, no one will care how tough we played.
they'll just see the score, and say same old ru .i understand were here to
express our opinion, but let coach ash coach, and get this team where it
needs to be in the big east.
Carino Article.This is a rookie mistake Ash shouldnt be making in year #2. Hope he learns from it and holds himself accountable. You dont stop the Mo you have going and then show lack of confidence in your offense,in light of horrible special teams. Rookie call.
So Carino thought he should go for it and when he didn't he mis used quotes from the other team to try and question his decision, and we are doing exactly what he wants, we are arguing about a narrative that he wants to drive.
I see both sides on this particular call, but keep in mind we were in the game at that point. Forget the call and just be happy the score was 10-7 at the end of the 3rd quarter. Barring any injuries this team is going win at least 5 games this year.
lets consider one other factor,....that RU lacks depth, the deeper into a game against a top opponent, the less likely to move the ball ourselves, and stop the other teams offense...... this turned out to be true, as
Washington moved the ball and scored more easily in the second half

this is why you grab the chance when you get it.....early 3rd quarter, should have been done.
Will say Ash did a garbage job with the clock at the end of the first half. Calls a spike and then we go into the half with a time out on the board
Disagree, i think his clock management was totally fine. Our starting qb is not capable of stretching the field and making those type of big play throws so you play for the fg and make sure UW has no chance to get the ball back.

Bolin is really limited due to his lack of arm strength, alot of the throws he makes are low risk, low reward. Or the out routes which are high risk low reward, were gonna see a pick 6 sooner than later on one of them. Grants TD was a GREAT throw but, 6 inches more away, pixk 6
On the prior 6 plays following kickoff there were 2 rushes up the middle for no gain and 1 for 5 yards. Not good odds to go for it. A winning strategy is boring - stick with what works.
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Disagree. Ash is prepping his team for the rest of the season. It would be awesome to beat Washington, but it was not going to happen on Friday.

In year 2, Ash's team looks like a real B1G team; he had scrapped and undone most of his hired mistakes, upgraded & developed players and fixed most off the field issues.

Right now, Ash needs to figure out the glaring weakest area on the team - the LB corp, to have a chance at a winning season. RU LB can't cover when RB are coming out of the backfield as receivers. If Ash can fix this problem. As GS would say "We have a chance."

Carino Article.This is a rookie mistake Ash shouldnt be making in year #2. Hope he learns from it and holds himself accountable. You dont stop the Mo you have going and then show lack of confidence in your offense,in light of horrible special teams. Rookie call.
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Ash has many Schiano qualities like being a control freak and a bad gameday coach. Hopefully he will also be similar to Schiano as a strong Recruiter and program builder.
It was absolutely the right call.

We dominated the TOP, yet we were the gassed team. We weren't going to win that game, we just had to look good and came away doing that.
You've to take risks against a team with superior talent to level the playing field. No way you can expect to win straight up. Ash made a bad coaching error with the decisions to punt.

Being pinned twice by their punts hurt more than these two calls. One time was purely unlucky, but I would have liked Grant to stop it from happening twice. Of course, he didn't have a good return later in the game either. Not the greatest game by Grant - especially when he really is one of the keys for RU to turn an upset.
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It wasn't a bad call if we pin them inside the 10 yard line. Instead the punt was fair caught at the 16. It was game 1, well execute better.
what should Rutgers have done with a 4th and one at the 35 against Nebraska?..... if you try a field goal, it is over 50 yards...if you punt, there is an excellent chance Nebraska starts from the
I understand the risk/benefit analysis of the situation (I was at the game, too). I wasn't pissed that we went for it, I was pissed that we couldn't get one yard. One. Damn. Yard.
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Bac and Wheezer are correct it's okay to discuss. I don't do the Monday QB thing myself but it's fine.

However the OP and one other guy who I have blocked have proven repeatedly that they are pretty clueless and the OP hates Ash. He's a tool so don't back him when others call him out.
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Fans always want to go for it, does not mean it is the right call.
that may be so but having such over-whelming vocal support should give coach some confidence..and I posted in response to the comments about fans being wishy-washy on the decision.
It was absolutely the right call.

We dominated the TOP, yet we were the gassed team. We weren't going to win that game, we just had to look good and came away doing that.

Were we? In the 3rd qtr?

I'm not buying that.
The way the defense was playing I have zero issue with the first punt.

I think the second one is debatable, not a slam dunk though. If you have faith in the defense then continuing to play field position is not a terrible call.
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Jerry Carino is a snarky little douche who has a weird hard on for Rutgers, and you are a bigger douche for continually posting negative bullshit about Rutgers. Nobody on the Washington team said "stunned." The rest of the article had complimentary quotes about how well we played, but you don't highlight that because you have some sort of anti-Ash agenda. You are a jerk, plain and simple.

“I really didn’t think they were going to punt the ball,” Bierra said. “I thought they were going to stay out there (on offense).”

“They’re a lot more together as a unit,” Bierra said. “You could see they’ve taken a great step this year.”

“They played a lot harder this year,” Pettis said. “Guys were flying all over the field. They put some pressure on us.”
Oh Boy Knight Shift the hate monger has a new writer to hate and spin reporting about!. Ash questionable play call on fourth down called out by another writer in APP today Sunday edition.. One decision turned tide in Rutgers Loss Also Ash was off base throwing Blame on punter who stood on back line of end zone and blasted a 55 yard punt but Vince O (who needs to go)special teams blew a great kick..Last season that same punt would have went went 29 yards..

In the end, Rutgers ended up showing some very good signs and letting it slip away in the second half, losing 30-14.

But at one point felt like it might just end up as the upset by which all others would be measured On the Banks.

And there was one play that had some scratching their heads when it happened, and left and increasingly uneasy as things played out over the next quarter. Because by the time Rutgers regained its footing four minutes into the fourth quarter, the game was effectively over.
It’s a tough call, no doubt. But the Rutgers offense had looked pretty good up to this point, and this was a perfect chance to show some faith in the players. Let them stay on the field, get a yard and try to win the game.

Instead, the punt team came out, with Washington taking over at its own 17.
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And for the record I hope Ash does become sucessful for the main reason being RU will not have to dig deeper finacialy and start from point zero again rebuilding the program,and also lose a recruiting class.
I will admit ,I thought this rebuild job in the B10 east,clearly the toughest division in football ,was best undertaken by a proven prior experienced head Coach ,one who has rebuilt a program,coached squads into top 20 rankings and had local recruiting ties,like a Schiano,Fleck or Narduzzi. Hopefully Ash grows with the team and leans heavily upon Kill for his years of head coaching experience .Also as Ash matures,he understands when changes in staff need to be made,be it by subtraction when a coach isnt getting the job done ,or addition to improve recruiting to B10 east level.
actually we knew the outcome once Washington scored to go up 17-7 and they did it quickly..and then did scored again after Ash did it again

Wheezer is right, this is fair for discussion, you can love what Ash did with the team yesterday but still hold him accountable for those two plays
Agreed but unfortunately some people think you have to love every single decision Ash makes or you are somehow not a good fan. The game was better than expected but it does not mean we shouldn't have tried to win.
Oh Boy Knight Shift the hate monger has a new writer to hate and spin reporting about!. Ash questionable play call on fourth down called out by another writer in APP today Sunday edition.. One decision turned tide in Rutgers Loss Also Ash was off base throwing Blame on punter who stood on back line of end zone and blasted a 55 yard punt but Vince O (who needs to go)special teams blew a great kick..Last season that same punt would have went went 29 yards..

In the end, Rutgers ended up showing some very good signs and letting it slip away in the second half, losing 30-14.

But at one point felt like it might just end up as the upset by which all others would be measured On the Banks.

And there was one play that had some scratching their heads when it happened, and left and increasingly uneasy as things played out over the next quarter. Because by the time Rutgers regained its footing four minutes into the fourth quarter, the game was effectively over.
It’s a tough call, no doubt. But the Rutgers offense had looked pretty good up to this point, and this was a perfect chance to show some faith in the players. Let them stay on the field, get a yard and try to win the game.

Instead, the punt team came out, with Washington taking over at its own 17.
Carino is a hoops reporter, and not a good one. He wrote several snarky articles last year putting down Rutgers.

Again, nobody on Washington's team was "stunned." But you bit Carino's bait and took it hook, line and sinker, because you love hurling mud at Ash for some reason.

Edelson is a tired old man who needs to retire. He's always looking for some angle to write about. If Ash went for that 4th and 1 and failed, Edelson would have went with the same narrative of how that changed the game. Could have, should have, would have writing from a mamby pamby writer for a tiny local paper. The only one worth anything on that staff is JP Pelzman.
The way the defense was playing I have zero issue with the first punt.

I think the second one is debatable, not a slam dunk though. If you have faith in the defense then continuing to play field position is not a terrible call.

for the record(per the drive chart)...Washing went 83 yards in 10 plays for a TD after the first punt and 80yards in 10 plays for a FG after the second punt. We did better stopping them short field then long. RU couldn't sustain much while Wash did. That's why you have to go for it when you have the chance.
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for the record(per the drive chart)...Washing went 83 yards in 10 plays for a TD after the first punt and 80yards in 10 plays for a TD after the second punt. We did better stopping them short field then long. RU couldn't sustain much while Wash did. That's why you have to go for it when you have the chance.
Ya, but that does not suggest we should have gone for it on the first punt. But it is an argument for going for it on the 2nd one.

And maybe that 1st TD drive of the 2nd had the D a little worn out.

Still to that point, the D had given up one TD drive. I think you still have to have confidence that if you put the ball deep on their side of the field the D can withstand a drive. It wasn't able to.

I prob would say, punt on the first, go for it on the 2nd, but it's not clear cut.

The overall conservative play calling was more an issue then not going for it on either of these drives.
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