As a Rutgers football fan, you know you're old when.....

You can recall at least three helmet designs BEFORE the Block R.
God, they had some awful looking helmets in the past.

You can remember putting the turkey in the oven on Thanksgiving Day and the whole family heading off to Rutgers stadium for the big South River-New Brunswick rivalry game.
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Was it something like 25,000 average to retain D1 status?

No, 30K.

To maintain FBS status, a school must average 15,000 in paid or actual attendance a game at least once every two seasons. The NCAA used to require Division I-A schools to have a stadium with a minimum capacity of 30,000, but that rule was scrapped in 2004.
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You witnessed or participated in streaking in the Quad.
There was a great picture in the Targum of a streaker who only wore a cap and a long scarf where the scarf covered enough of his junk that they could publish. He became a minor celebrity.
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There was a great picture in the Targum of a streaker who only wore a cap and a long scarf where the scarf covered enough of his junk that they could publish. He became a minor celebrity.
That guy was my roommate and one of my best friends to this date. So was the guy behind him. They were the coffee house band, Jasmine. I was right behind them and not in the picture. Behind me was another buddy who just had a hernia operation, was shaved, and could only walk, not run. Spring of ‘74
You would drive to the store every Friday to buy the Star Ledger to read the weekly fact-based well written story about the football team and the prediction for the upcoming game in Saturday.
Tom Lucci and Jerry Izenberg. Day after Rutgers Plus page in Sunday Ledger. Reading at the local diner while enjoying Taylor Ham Egg & Cheese wit S,P,K!
You can remember putting the turkey in the oven on Thanksgiving Day and the whole family heading off to Rutgers stadium for the big South River-New Brunswick rivalry game.
Or you can remember the WCTC round robin TG HS football broadcast although that didn’t end until a few years ago.
I’m old enough to have watched JJ Jennings rush for over 200 yards against the UMASS REDMEN at RUTGERS Stadium
They were the Redmen at one time? I always remember Minutemen going back to the Eastern 8 days, but that was late 70s.
They were the Redmen at one time? I always remember Minutemen going back to the Eastern 8 days, but that was late 70s.

Here ya go:

The nickname was officially changed to the "Redmen" when the name of the college became the University of Massachusetts in 1947.
In response to changing attitudes regarding the use of Native American-themed mascots, they changed their mascot in 1972 to the Minuteman