I understand that people are concerned. It's only natural. Folks don't see immediate game day results-oriented improvement, and begin to get buyer's remorse, wondering if the choice was bad, and all the things that go along with that- four more years wasted, the program sinking further, and so forth. I get it.
That said, Ash is starting from scratch. He scrapped everything and started over, and he said right out of the gate we won't see on the field results right away. So in order to make an informed assessment, he has to be given the time to get his plan implemented and his own players in. Then we will know if the plan was implemented well or not- three or four years in. That's the way college football works. Always has.
Regarding the fan base and the snap judgments, it has everything to do with who is hurt, because as fans all the folks here are making their assessments on is what they see on the field, and they are making those judgments based on incomplete information or ignoring available information. There have been a ton of injuries, guys are playing hurt that the fans don't know anything about- they just decide that either a) the player sucks, or b) the coaches suck, or c) some combination of the two.
None of us has any idea what we don't know. There's lots of stuff that's just not said to the press or told to the fans. It's true of any program. So the rush to judgment either for or against, is just not warranted until the staff has had the time to get their systems in and at least three classes of their own recruits in to demonstrate some results.