Because he's doing everything that can be done and, so far, doing it the right way.and you base this on???
The argument that people make about pro-set vs. spread is just plain stupid. We're not going to trade off experience in our future offense in order to score a few points in losing efforts this season. And we played a pro-set last season (with a healthy Grant) and when Carroo was out, we sucked. So there's no evidence that we'd do any better anyway.
The argument that coaching decisions would have materially affected the blow-out losses is wishful thinking of the hallucinogenic variety. Except for a relatively small number of instances, our players were being severely outplayed individually all over the field by the elite team's players. If you are getting knocked on your butt by opposing players, that's not scheme. That's talent and experience.
There's an incredibly obvious talent gap. But beyond that, these teams we are playing have a lot of players who've had multiple years of great position and technique coaching, and strength and conditioning training. Our players have had exactly one year of that. Not nearly enough time to make up the gap.
The problem is that some people seem unable to accept that our program was a dumpster fire before Ash got here and have ridiculously unrealistic expectations in terms of how fast this can be be turned around.