Ash v Al Golden


All Conference
Jul 6, 2011
Yesterday's game shows illustrates that, against an inferior team, on the field talent should be able to overcome bad game planning and in-game strategy.

The problem is, RU doesn't have an demonstrable talent advantage, even against a MAC team. Despite Kill's conservative play calling (now born out over 2 weeks), RU should have edged out EMU. The problem is, the cream doesn't rise to the top because RU doesn't have enough of it.

Some will say, give Ash 4 years to build his roster. True, but his roster talent level for his first two classes is not better than Flood's not ready for BiG rosters. As the years and head scratching losses and in conference blowouts continue, there isn't much confidence that Ash will deliver those top 30 recruiting classes that are needed to be at least average in the BiG.

Which lead to the question: if you can't outcoach your opposition and you can't out recruit them, what is your outlook for success?

Should we have hired Al Golden and D'nofrio? Not tacticians by any stretch but the at least had strong connections to the NJ area and could sell and close out good recruits.
Hard to argue. Strong up-and-coming coaching staffs don't lose to EMU at home.

Ash's window of recruiting top 4 star talent may be closing quickly. His best pitch next year to 3 star talent may be " hey, at least you can start and play against the best teams in the country".

Golden is a great recruiter and would have restocked the cubbards quickly but would be gone in 3-4 years one way or another. He was high risk high reward. Ash is low risk, frankly improbable reward but is very much a by the books guy. He's "clean" and that is what the scandalridden program needed.
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If Golden could not win at Miami with all that talent there, why would he win here?

RU should have hired Schiano back. That was the mistake. Schiano with the B1G label would have been our Kirk Ferentz.
What makes you think Schiano was interested? Beggars can't be choosers.
Hard to argue. Strong up-and-coming coaching staffs don't lose to EMU at home.

Ash's window of recruiting top 4 star talent may be closing quickly. His best pitch next year to 3 star talent may be " hey, at least you can start and play against the best teams in the country".

Golden is a great recruiter and would have restocked the cubbards quickly but would be gone in 3-4 years one way or another. He was high risk high reward. Ash is low risk, frankly improbable reward but is very much a by the books guy. He's "clean" and that is what the scandalridden program needed.

Scandal ridden program ??
I hate all the comparisons to the what were's and what could have beens. From Schiano, to Flood to Golden. We can not know how they would now perform. And not for nothing I don't think any of those 3 are the answer to the current problems.

But the discussion right now should be about Ash. What is he doing right? what is he doing wrong? does one out weigh the other? Are we heading in the right direction? etc.
One thing I can't stand is the idea of firing or choosing one mickey mouse coach for another....Al Golden? Miami payed $20 million dollars for him not to coach... Why even bring him up?

Spend real money on a real coaching staff instead of constantly shopping at yard sales for leftovers and then paying them king's ransoms to go away. We put millions into stadium renovations. Spend the money now to put people in the seats.
I agree Golden wasn't the answer -- if only because he couldn't win recruiting great talent at Miami. Still think Schiano was the answer, but it's water under the bridge.

Is Ash the man? Recruiting has been better but not phenominal, especially for a honeymoon period. Are we in danger of it slipping from here? I think it's too soon to bail, but the leish is getting shorter. If things don't improve over the course of the year, some discrete inquiries should (and will) be made.
I agree Golden wasn't the answer -- if only because he couldn't win recruiting great talent at Miami. Still think Schiano was the answer, but it's water under the bridge.

Is Ash the man? Recruiting has been better but not phenominal, especially for a honeymoon period. Are we in danger of it slipping from here? I think it's too soon to bail, but the leish is getting shorter. If things don't improve over the course of the year, some discrete inquiries should (and will) be made.

Marginally better maybe ? ????? 2016 was not a good class. 2017 was a strong class.... 2018 so far is a real bust.( Not even in the Top 50 while schools like SMU and Cuse are).
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Golden is not the answer. Has he landed a gig since Miami?
The jury is obviously still out on Ash but you are absolutely right, Golden is not and was not the answer. Every AD with a head coaching opening in late 2015/early 2016 did not buy "fear the tie" either. I guess they're all a bunch of morons. He's still coaching TEs for the Detroit Lions and one would think he'd jump at the chance to be a head coach again if literally any D1 team gave him a call.
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The jury is obviously still out on Ash but you are absolutely right, Golden is not and was not the answer. Every AD with a head coaching opening in late 2015/early 2016 did not buy "fear the tie" either. I guess they're all a bunch of morons. He's still coaching TEs for the Detroit Lions and one would think he'd jump at the chance to be a head coach again if literally any D1 team gave him a call.
Didn't know he was a TE coach for Detroit.
Marginally better maybe ? ????? 2016 was not a good class. 2017 was a strong class.... 2018 so far is a real bust.( Not even in the Top 50 while schools like SMU and Cuse are).

We are #36. Syracuse is #58. We're ahead of Michigan State, Nebraska, Illinois, Purdue, and indiana
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Schiano's ship sailed.

We need the next Schiano. And full share B1G money.
I think the shine is off of Greg right now at tOSU. Would he eat some humble pie to come back to RU some day?

I hope Ash gets it together before that might need to happen....
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We all know for a fact that Al Golden sucks, we thought that maybe Ash could be good. I know that doesn't have the players to take on the top teams, but when you can't beat Eastern Michigan, perhaps that is not the only problem.

We shall see. I won't abandon ship after one bad game, I am not as fickle as some, but it is already looking like we shouldn't renew his contract unless Ash can turn things around. Pre-season I had us going 2-10. We may not even do that,

If he doesn't make a bowl game next year, I think it is time to start a new HC search.
If Golden could not win at Miami with all that talent there, why would he win here?
He was a bad fit there. People wanted someone from the U to take over and he was never won over the alumni or locals. He had trouble recruiting and getting guys to buy in. He was viewed as an outside. Richt being an Miami alumni is not facing those issue. To many times those making decisions don't take in the outside factors. Typically the best hires have ties to an area.
We are #36. Syracuse is #58. We're ahead of Michigan State, Nebraska, Illinois, Purdue, and indiana

you really have to look at the recruiting classes more closely.....taking Nebraska as an example, they have ten verbals at this time that they are being scored on, we have 20

of their ten recruits, five of them are four star players..... of those five, two of them are more than minimum 4 star players, a 5.9 and a 6.0

they have three 5.7 recruits that, that could be moved up to 4 stars during their senior season, the same hope we have for our 5.7's

so, in a nutshell, they have eight of their ten verbals either at, or very near four star quality

when all is said and done, they go flying past us in the final evaluation....this is most
obvious...... unless they don't have room for 20 verbals..

it is this type of "slow recruiting" by some programs that will push us much closer to 50 at the final evaluation, IMO, than where we are now.... unless we close with a few big timers.
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Still can't believe this is still a thing. So Golden was 59-59 with Top 20 talent and couldn't do a thing down there. Between that, his teams committing stupid penalties at the wrong times, and having his BFF Mark Donofrio and his as his DC, you actually think he's a game changer at Rutgers? HELL NO!!!!
He was a bad fit there. People wanted someone from the U to take over and he was never won over the alumni or locals. He had trouble recruiting and getting guys to buy in. He was viewed as an outside. Richt being an Miami alumni is not facing those issue. To many times those making decisions don't take in the outside factors. Typically the best hires have ties to an area.
And he'll be an outsider at Rutgers with the questions of will he leave for Penn State when Franklin leaves for greener pastures hanging over Rutgers. Wouldn't be the first time a Penn State guy screwed over Rutgers.
If Golden could not win at Miami with all that talent there, why would he win here?

RU should have hired Schiano back. That was the mistake. Schiano with the B1G label would have been our Kirk Ferentz.

Couldn't win at Miami?

Who wouldn't sign up for 32-25 in 4+ years at RU?

If Schiano couldn't win the Big East..what makes you think he'd win the Big Ten?

Golden would have been a great hire.
He was a bad fit there. People wanted someone from the U to take over and he was never won over the alumni or locals. He had trouble recruiting and getting guys to buy in. He was viewed as an outside. Richt being an Miami alumni is not facing those issue. To many times those making decisions don't take in the outside factors. Typically the best hires have ties to an area.
And he'll be an outsider at Rutgers with the questions of will he leave for Penn State when Franklin leaves for greener pastures hanging over Rutgers. Wouldn't be the first time a Penn State guy screwed over Rutgers.

Why would PSU be interested if he stinks so bad?
Hire a proven winning hc not an assistant.The mistake is made by head of central admin,who can spend 25 million on a bad strategic plan.but cannot get a good hc for football.
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What makes you think Schiano was interested? Beggars can't be choosers.

Brian Leonard told me at a 2015 tailgate (MSU vs Rutgers) that GS would never come back. He said that there was too much political bs that went along with the job. GS didn't need the hassle. TIFWIW
No thank you to Al Golden (baggage,not like by many NJ HS coaches)or any asst wonder boy. RU next HC hire has to be a proven winning power five H.C., or hot group of five head coach.
If the comparison is between Al Golden and Chris Ash I say one is no better than the other right now. However, the loss to EMU really tarnishes Chris Ash's reputation. He deserves to try and prove himself until the end of 2018. If we finish 5-7 or worse then we know he's a dud.
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Hung out with some of the guys over the weekend. Was told Ash does not inspire confidence in the team and is not a leader of a head coach.
5-7 or "worse-"-are for real--man you are so centered on hoping and preaching for RU's demise that you need to paint BS scenarios
Wow the nerve....GS trashes RU for putting up with his seeking other jobs, giving him a helicopter, virtually forcing us to borrow 120 million to expand another 10k seats which rarely sell, and giving himself a 250K 'off the books' raise by forgiving that media company's debt to RU so they could pay him directly instead....and all RU ever got in return for his 3rd place greatness was the Texas Bowl.