Basketball Baker/Pikiell offer comments on Baker's IG reply today

Good words from both. Geo agrees he could have worded it differently, but his message still stands. And in a way it draws attention to the subject, which is a good one. College athletes deserve to make money off of their name and image. Any other college student could do such a thing, make money based on their personal successes through the university - patents, research, scholastic competitions. No reason Geo shouldn’t be able to make money off selling his jersey with his name on it. Good comments on Pike too, a teachable moment about word choice and platform, but that he stands by and supports his guys and what they stand for
Good words from both. Geo agrees he could have worded it differently, but his message still stands. And in a way it draws attention to the subject, which is a good one. College athletes deserve to make money off of their name and image. Any other college student could do such a thing, make money based on their personal successes through the university - patents, research, scholastic competitions. No reason Geo shouldn’t be able to make money off selling his jersey with his name on it. Good comments on Pike too, a teachable moment about word choice and platform, but that he stands by and supports his guys and what they stand for
Any other college kid isn’t being given a full scholarship, room, board, tutors, incredible support staff and private jets to sporting events. Rutgers promotes Gio to no end. No other college kids get these incredible advantages. As far as being a slave, it’s more than laughable. It’s offensive.
kudos to Geo for addressing this. Thats a leader there. I was hard on him for his choices. Wording bad but he addressed it and clarified his position. Its a discussion to be had that got lost and it is worthy to have. Agree with some things, disagree with others. Thats what makes America such a great place. We all have our opinions and everyone does not have to agree
Solid response. Geo couldve shortened by just saying, “i shouldve never used the modern day slavery phrase. I meant everything else though”
Supported Geo completely for his opinions. He addressed the one dicey issue I had very well.

Admitted his mistake, learned from it, that’s part of growing as a young man to an adult.

Larger discussion is there still. But as far as I am concerned, time to move forward.

Go Rutgers!!!!
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Amazing people don’t like the way he apologized.

Let's read how Iowa guard Jordan Bohannon agrees 100% that Geo is correct and how some Iowa fans are offended that the Iowa guard feels that he's being exploited and the free education is also not the discussion many people want to change the argument away from the topic and turn it into a scholarship thing......
Someone calculate the total sum of what these 18 year old kids are paid during their time at College.

Many weren’t even names until they started playing for a couple years.

And colleges lose money on sports period. This idea would further drain the resources of universities so we have to pull the plug on other sports. What about those athletes that trained 3 hours a day?

The comparison to academic scholarships is silly since they don’t make money based upon the fact that they have a 4.0 GPA.
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Much better from geo. He needs to think before instagramming. If he was an actual employee he at a job and was costing the university money he would be fired. This was a good learning lesson.

Let's read how Iowa guard Jordan Bohannon agrees 100% that Geo is correct and how some Iowa fans are offended that the Iowa guard feels that he's being exploited and the free education is also not the discussion many people want to change the argument away from the topic and turn it into a scholarship thing......
The scholarship is worth around 200k. And let's be honest,
the vast majority of these players are going to have to
get regular jobs. And they will be debt free. The idea that
the scholarship is beside the point is just dumb.
Good job by Geo there. He’s definitely a smart kid and while he is young and it shows at times in some way he’s quite mature. This was a good example.
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The scholarship is worth around 200k. And let's be honest,
the vast majority of these players are going to have to
get regular jobs. And they will be debt free. The idea that
the scholarship is beside the point is just dumb.
The value of an fbs/cbb scholly over 4 years is closer to $350k. At this point though, im at the point where im ready to just say fvck it, let them get paid, lets blow it the fvck up. Let them ruin the greatest deal running for college aged kids. It will slowly lead to the collapse of the sport as they continue to push for more and more and more after NIL. Fvck it, let em blow it up. The problem is the kids who get it passed wont suffer, it’ll be those after them. And for what? So they can make $2,000/yr off selling a dumb tee shirt? Lol
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The value of an fbs/cbb scholly over 4 years is closer to $350k. At this point though, im at the point where im ready to just say fvck it, let them get paid, lets blow it the fvck up. Let them ruin the greatest deal running for college aged kids. It will slowly lead to the collapse of the sport as they continue to push for more and more and more after NIL. Fvck it, let em blow it up. The problem is the kids who get it passed wont suffer, it’ll be those after them. And for what? So they can make $2,000/yr off selling a dumb tee shirt? Lol

Tell us what blows up exactly....what is the NCAAS contract with TNT and CBS to televise the tournament.....??

How many times has the NCAA ran the clip of Bryce Drew and his game winner with Valparaiso.....what is that worth to Valparaiso and their school??

What about on a smaller scale, social media apps that can allow a player to monetize his fame and status at the height of their one is going to remember Jordan Bohannon when he leaves Iowa UNLESS they somehow make the Final Four....

And you're talking about a T-Shirt....??? LMAO

When you tell us all how much Bryce Drew has been paid for using his game winning shot on the CBS introduction, then you can talk....this isn't about a friggin's ridiculous that as soon as someone knows their value and knows it's a free market, suddenly they're the bad guy "ruining the system".

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The value of an fbs/cbb scholly over 4 years is closer to $350k. At this point though, im at the point where im ready to just say fvck it, let them get paid, lets blow it the fvck up. Let them ruin the greatest deal running for college aged kids. It will slowly lead to the collapse of the sport as they continue to push for more and more and more after NIL. Fvck it, let em blow it up. The problem is the kids who get it passed wont suffer, it’ll be those after them. And for what? So they can make $2,000/yr off selling a dumb tee shirt? Lol
Your $350k estimate is a little high. You’ve stated that you have no kids in other posts so you might not know.
Rutgers 4year Tuition/ fees / room & board
out of state is ~$200k / in state ~$130k

Ivy League & Private Schools are closer to $300-325k

I’m glad Geo clarified the point he was trying to make. It was a poor choice of wording in his initial thoughts.

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I just gained more respect for Geo. Made a mistake by using a poor choice of words and owned up to that mistake. That's what a true "man" does, takes responsibility for his own mistakes and has the courage to rectify that mistake. That's one helluva kid right there.
Any other college kid isn’t being given a full scholarship, room, board, tutors, incredible support staff and private jets to sporting events. Rutgers promotes Gio to no end. No other college kids get these incredible advantages. As far as being a slave, it’s more than laughable. It’s offensive.
It was a bad choice of words but what he said was the NCAA owns his NIL liked a slaveowner owns his slave. That was the context it was used in. So someone like you with what a suppose is a Rutgers education should be able to appreciate context. Plus the NIL issue where the NCAA owns your rights and prevents kids from making money off of it is unamerican !. He wasn’t saying he wasn’t grateful for everything he has as a student athlete at a major Division 1 school. The statement was made in context. So stop with your stupid statements that he doesn’t appreciate what he has. So un Rutgers like
The scholarship is worth around 200k. And let's be honest,
the vast majority of these players are going to have to
get regular jobs. And they will be debt free. The idea that
the scholarship is beside the point is just dumb.
Except that is not what was said. You obviously cannot put things on in context. The NIL issue has been a hot button topic with the NCAA and all of the basketball experts are on Geo’s side not the NCAA’s side. You are dumb for injecting scholarship into the equation when that was never the point. Learn context so you don’t fight with the next person about wearing a damn mask.
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Your $350k estimate is a little high. You’ve stated that you have no kids in other posts so you might not know.
Rutgers 4year Tuition/ fees / room & board
out of state is ~$200k / in state ~$130k

Ivy League & Private Schools are closer to $300-325k

I’m glad Geo clarified the point he was trying to make. It was a poor choice of wording in his initial thoughts.

$350k includes the value of the food, housing, training, medical, coaching received, etc, etc. $350k is on the SUPER low end. Forbes estimates it to be worth as high as $250k/YEAR.

in total forbes estimated that a DECADE AGO the value of a scholarship when combining short and long term benefits was $2,200,000
Your $350k estimate is a little high. You’ve stated that you have no kids in other posts so you might not know.
Rutgers 4year Tuition/ fees / room & board
out of state is ~$200k / in state ~$130k

Ivy League & Private Schools are closer to $300-325k

I’m glad Geo clarified the point he was trying to make. It was a poor choice of wording in his initial thoughts.

What is the value of coaching, training, tutoring and having both the school and the conference promote them. That’s also for in state. So we are looking at 250k for 20 year old kids and a shot to go pro if they are that good.

Any revenue that goes to the kids comes out of the colleges pocket or some other pocket and we know most run money losing programs. Why does a basketball player or a football player deserve more than a lacrosse or soccer player etc etc? Just so happens they play the popular sport. If your good enough to go pro you make millions. If not graduate with a degree many would likely not have qualified for and debt free.
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What is the value of coaching, training, tutoring and having both the school and the conference promote them. That’s also for in state. So we are looking at 250k for 20 year old kids and a shot to go pro if they are that good.

Any revenue that goes to the kids comes out of the colleges pocket or some other pocket and we know most run money losing programs. Why does a basketball player or a football player deserve more than a lacrosse or soccer player etc etc? Just so happens they play the popular sport. If your good enough to go pro you make millions. If not graduate with a degree many would likely not have qualified for and debt free.
Forbes has estimated when calculating both short and long term benefits of the scholly, the scholarship is worth $2,200,000. As forbes says, how many players will generate $2.2 mill in revenue for their school? Almost zero
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Any other college kid isn’t being given a full scholarship, room, board, tutors, incredible support staff and private jets to sporting events. Rutgers promotes Gio to no end. No other college kids get these incredible advantages. As far as being a slave, it’s more than laughable. It’s offensive.
Other students also aren’t helping Rutgers and the NCAA generate millions in revenue. Other students are also allowed to make things like YouTube channels and make money off of it. Other students are allowed to accept money from third parties unrelated to school. Other students aren’t examined and made fun of and ridiculed like these athletes are. Other students aren’t pressured into forgoing classes that might be too time-inducing. I just don’t understand how people can defend the NCAA when they completely control nearly every aspect of a student’s life, owning many unjust things. If you use the scholarship argument, guess what, like Geo said, he worked 3 hours every day on his game. I doubt most of the people complaining worked 3 hours outside of schoolwork on their education during high school. If not, then your scholarship is deserved, just like Geo’s. Difference is one has their identity controlled by a corporation and another is allowed to make a corporation.
It was a bad choice of words but what he said was the NCAA owns his NIL liked a slaveowner owns his slave. That was the context it was used in. So someone like you with what a suppose is a Rutgers education should be able to appreciate context. Plus the NIL issue where the NCAA owns your rights and prevents kids from making money off of it is unamerican !. He wasn’t saying he wasn’t grateful for everything he has as a student athlete at a major Division 1 school. The statement was made in context. So stop with your stupid statements that he doesn’t appreciate what he has. So un Rutgers like
Hi scholarship and ancillary benefits are worth more than his “likeness”. He’d lose money if he had to pay for his scholarship and benefits, which is the engine for whatever marketability he has. Geo Baker is a good college basketball player. He’s not some marketing sensation that would bring in huge contracts. He’s always welcome to declare himself a professional and forgo his paid education to see how marketable he really is. No slave could ever do that.
cholly over 4 years is closer to $350k. At this point though, im at the point where im ready to just say fvck it, let them get paid, lets blow it the fvck up. Let them ruin the greatest deal running for college aged kids. It will slowly lead to the collapse of the sport as they continue to push for more and more and more after NIL. Fvck it, let em blow it up. The problem is the kids who

Not to mention the fact that all i hear about is how brilliant myles johnson is. Which no doubt he is . However i wouldnt know his name without rutgers basketball. I wonder how much the publicity is worth. No doubt he is going to get alot of jobs out of college. There is also no doubt that having every commentator, coach, administrator, fan talk about him in glowing terms is going to significantly help him.

My guess based on Geo's career, he will be able to go to the basketball donation list and call every single donor with connections on that list and ask for a job. He will get 99% of them or at least get his foot in the door ahead of other rutgers students. if he was not a basketball player the odds of that is likely zero. i bet if the random econ student did that he would get alot of "email me" type responses. Geo baker has more followers on instagram than 99% of college students. Do you think that would happen without rutgers basketball?

There is a cost to everything. We often forget about these costs.
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Hi scholarship and ancillary benefits are worth more than his “likeness”. He’d lose money if he had to pay for his scholarship and benefits, which is the engine for whatever marketability he has. Geo Baker is a good college basketball player. He’s not some marketing sensation that would bring in huge contracts. He’s always welcome to declare himself a professional and forgo his paid education to see how marketable he really is. No slave could ever do that.
You are clueless. Do you even know what the controversy about NIL is with the NCAA ? Try not to change the topic .discuss intelligently without other things brought into the equation. Or not.
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Excellent clarification buy Geo.
I have a difference of opinion but that ok.
I do too but we grew up in a different world. It’s slipping away fast. In a world with little or no accountability it is great to see this young man take accountability for what was for me, 3 words he would like to have back. Myles made a tweet after the OSU debacle that he should not have too. I don’t judge either of them for their mistakes but rather for their body or work which is in my opinion excellent on and off the court.

Overall I agree that we cannot make them pros but when they see the Kardashians capping off at over $1 Billion they probably think they deserve something for the entertainment value they bring. I don’t want to see it happen but think it will. It’s our world today. Sadly.
You are clueless. Do you even know what the controversy about NIL is with the NCAA ? Try not to change the topic .discuss intelligently without other things brought into the equation. Or not.
Of course I do. It’s not rocket science. Are you always this angry or did something happen to you recently?
Said in the now locked thread...

I’m cool.😎

And great answer.

On to the next game....

But @kyk1827 and @Caliknight are correct in that the actual monetary value (and all the ancillary benefits that come with it) of the scholarship for a P5 athlete is a LOT higher than sticker.
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Other students also aren’t helping Rutgers and the NCAA generate millions in revenue. Other students are also allowed to make things like YouTube channels and make money off of it. Other students are allowed to accept money from third parties unrelated to school. Other students aren’t examined and made fun of and ridiculed like these athletes are. Other students aren’t pressured into forgoing classes that might be too time-inducing. I just don’t understand how people can defend the NCAA when they completely control nearly every aspect of a student’s life, owning many unjust things. If you use the scholarship argument, guess what, like Geo said, he worked 3 hours every day on his game. I doubt most of the people complaining worked 3 hours outside of schoolwork on their education during high school. If not, then your scholarship is deserved, just like Geo’s. Difference is one has their identity controlled by a corporation and another is allowed to make a corporation.

1. Revenue is not profit. As has been said a million times, college sports is a money losing business for most schools given the costs incurred.

2. Regarding other students. Then go be one. No one is forcing these kids to play.
Any new revenue sharing model must be in the form of a pool where every player gets an equal share.
As far as appearance and endorsement deals, it will be impossible to monitor that, and will only lead to deep pocket boosters at schools like Alabama luring kids with million dollar promises.
Just an awful precedent to set for 18 year old kids
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1. Revenue is not profit. As has been said a million times, college sports is a money losing business for most schools given the costs incurred.

2. Regarding other students. Then go be one. No one is forcing these kids to play.
1. True, most of the time it isn’t profit but that’s just cause the NCAA takes a whole lot of that money for themselves. Either ways it should not matter that it’s a losing business for schools, it doesn’t mean kids should have to lose their identities away to play the sport the college is seeking they play for them.
2. Idk how dense you are but the idea is that players shouldn’t have to give up their identity to a corrupt company in order to play the sport. The college wants the player to play for them. If they stop plying they lose the scholarship they rightly deserve.
1. True, most of the time it isn’t profit but that’s just cause the NCAA takes a whole lot of that money for themselves. Either ways it should not matter that it’s a losing business for schools, it doesn’t mean kids should have to lose their identities away to play the sport the college is seeking they play for them.
2. Idk how dense you are but the idea is that players shouldn’t have to give up their identity to a corrupt company in order to play the sport. The college wants the player to play for them. If they stop plying they lose the scholarship they rightly deserve.
Last I checked we have our players names on the backs of their jerseys, for Football and Basketball.

So it’s not like they’re anonymous.
1. True, most of the time it isn’t profit but that’s just cause the NCAA takes a whole lot of that money for themselves. Either ways it should not matter that it’s a losing business for schools, it doesn’t mean kids should have to lose their identities away to play the sport the college is seeking they play for them.
2. Idk how dense you are but the idea is that players shouldn’t have to give up their identity to a corrupt company in order to play the sport. The college wants the player to play for them. If they stop plying they lose the scholarship they rightly deserve.

Easy guy. I can say your dense for not understanding that’s the contract to play sports at the college level with all the previously mentioned perks. When you sign a contract, you are beholden to the terms. You don’t like the terms, go play in Europe or Canada or wherever. Or just be a student

Maybe they should put the average annual cost the university incurs to fund said athlete so they understand the numbers.
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Easy guy. I can say your dense for not understanding that’s the contract to play sports at the college level with all the previously mentioned perks. When you sign a contract, you are beholden to the terms. You don’t like the terms, go play in Europe or Canada or wherever. Or just be a student

Maybe they should put the average annual cost the university incurs to fund said athlete so they understand the numbers.
The player revenue streams could be universal, where all the money is equally divided among all the players from every school,
Some schools make money, some don’t, the schools that do shouldn’t mind putting aside a small percentage of their profits into the universal pool.
No player should be lured to a school because their boosters are offering kids more revenue than others