Blue Ribbon CBB Preview Extremely Low On RU This Season

This is a great dig up.
Honestly, i was watching RutgersRant post game video and they mentioned blue ribbon being right about RU being 15th in the league. Got curious and googled it and this thread came up.

Anybody actually read the blue ribbon rationale behind the low projection?
Also, I think it’s a waste of time to see who was proven right or wrong. But just interesting how many assumptions Pike and Staff made that was wrong. Wild
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No you are right..the team doesn't play defense
They are too slow and most play small. Same ingredients for a crap offense as a crap D.

Has someone checked to see if Sommerville plays with 20 lb ankle weights?

Hayes and Acuff play in slow motion and Martini sprinted off the court after the game and didn’t get into the locker room until Friday.

The idea was for Ace and Dylan to be willing passers, draw multiple defenders and find open shooters. They are too slow catch and shoot on the rare occasions Ace isn’t a black hole.