Can we agree this isn't a good look for Rutgers and the RAC?

This is the exact type of thing Rutgers needs to be nailing and executing on. It doesn't take extra funds and resources to keep your most visible areas (really should be ALL areas of campus) looking PRISTINE. Not nice, not good, BUT PRISTINE. That is the level of excellence every single department at RU should be aiming for. Our campus simply needs the attention to detail, an increase in the level of "caring" about it, and an extra does of pride from employees, students, and all others.

Having a nice campus matters ... a lot! Its a sense of pride, its our collective home, its our image to project to the outside world, and most importantly its an area that is well within people's control without additional funds. Yes many areas need serious renovation as well, but RU needs to take up some serious landscaping and exterior care training.

Attention to detail. execution. pride.
This is the exact type of thing Rutgers needs to be nailing and executing on. It doesn't take extra funds and resources to keep your most visible areas (really should be ALL areas of campus) looking PRISTINE. Not nice, not good, BUT PRISTINE. That is the level of excellence every single department at RU should be aiming for. Our campus simply needs the attention to detail, an increase in the level of "caring" about it, and an extra does of pride from employees, students, and all others.

Having a nice campus matters ... a lot! Its a sense of pride, its our collective home, its our image to project to the outside world, and most importantly its an area that is well within people's control without additional funds. Yes many areas need serious renovation as well, but RU needs to take up some serious landscaping and exterior care training.

Attention to detail. execution. pride.

You mean like the Disneyworld method that Julie wanted to introduce that everyone here killed her for?
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You mean like the Disneyworld method that Julie wanted to introduce that everyone here killed her for?

Yes, exactly! Anybody that denies that the best schools are not already in that model/mind-set is foolish. College is a customer experience. Everything from the dorms, to the campus life, to entertainment, food offerings/dining hall, to the buildings.
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The students live in the dorms right there. Where should they park?

At the very back of the RAC general lot that doesn't ever get used. It would be pretty easy for the University to cordon that off for students. Also, I'm not sympathetic to providing parking for students who live in dorms. No need for a car.
The students live in the dorms right there. Where should they park?

In the lots designated for resident students.

Plenty of campuses do not grant parking to any and all residents.

Plenty of campuses ticket and tow cars parked in a lot that might have other uses on other days but on game day are reserved for fans whom have paid to park there.

This ain't rocket science. Though neither is emptying the trash cans.

At the very back of the RAC general lot that doesn't ever get used. It would be pretty easy for the University to cordon that off for students. Also, I'm not sympathetic to providing parking for students who live in dorms. No need for a car.

I park over there. Because I don't mind the exercise and I like keeping my car less "dinged" Tons of room and frankly what I thought used to be student parking. Maybe they the students figured it out. Nobody us enforcing so go for it. Water seeks its level right?

Sorry. Rutgers and attention to detail has never been a factor. Unless its busting balls over stupid $hit. That's 42 years of observation testifying.
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I don't know what I am looking forward to more, finally having the RAC renovated and updated, or all of the complaining about the inconvenience the construction is causing people
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I don't know what I am looking forward to more, finally having the RAC renovated and updated, or all of the complaining about the inconvenience the construction is causing people
To be clear, you're saying the garbage thing is a construction inconvenience?