It amazes me that so many people on this board can't understand a fairly rudimentary concept.
He is the best quarterback on the team. He just doesn't have the best arm.
It's not an uncommon situation. It's only bitch-worthy within the bubble of what has become the whiniest fan base in all of sports.
It amazes me that so many people on this board can't understand a fairly rudimentary concept.
He is the best quarterback on the team. He just doesn't have the best arm.
It's not an uncommon situation. It's only bitch-worthy within the bubble of what has become the whiniest fan base in all of sports.
Best QB on the team? how would you know that, because of the 1/2 game he
played? If CL didn't get suspended you wouldn't have seen even that much.
So you think he'w good? If you were the coach you would ignore Rettig for
these 3 years. Of cource If Cl is the only one playing he will improve, but
is he the one that will beat Mich, Ohio State, Neb,Wisc. and so forth. Would you not play the one with the NFL arm. Do you think CL's arm will get
him a national championship or entry into the NFL? How do you know
if Rettig has or doesn't have the tools for this. You are telling us you think Rettig should be ignored.? You saw what in his one appearance that would
cause you to waste his talent. Why are you and Flood so reluctant to
see if Rettig has what it takes? Are basing your decision on the putrid
defense that Indiano has?