So you admit you were booing also.
Here is the challenge that Ash has with Laviano as the choice. Laviano is on a very short leash with the fans which puts Ash on a shorter leash then he deserves this season. This team is going to struggle and when they do, I would assume that Ash would want the fans supporting the team and not turning against the team. With Laviano at the helm than it is much more likely to happen than with any other QB.
Now, when the team struggles, which is highly likely, changing out QB's when the fans have given up makes you look dumb. If Allen was the starter and struggled early, Ash would have gotten the benefit of the doubt that the QB cupboard was bare. His comments in the press about not caring about Laviano's relationship with the fans are somewhat troubling to me.
Either Laviano was leaps and bounds better than everyone else the past two weeks or I think Ash may be making a mistake.
So Ash should making decisions based on what the fans think? Really?