Classless James Franklin of PSU

Are you PSU Nut? i dont care what your coach says, like others do on here, but think it's very immature to put another school down if it was intended in that way just because the other team celebrated because they beat you the year prior.

Did you bother to read both of our posts? They are related because both things happened and like he said it was about the truth, especially when many of your posters were spinning what happened and denying it ever took place. Also shouldn't be throwing at glass houses when your own house is made of

Pitts coach talked trash last year after pitt won. Franklin did not respond. Franklin talks a little trash and the world is coming to an end.
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Pitts coach talked trash last year after pitt won. Franklin did not respond. Franklin talks a little trash and the world is coming to an end.
Trash talk? What trash talk?

Was it this?

Despite using a clap cadence to signal checks, plays and for his snap, quarterback Trace McSorley and the Penn State offense had difficulty handling the crowd noise in some key situations early on.

Penn State coach James Franklin offered an opinion on what helped throw the Nittany Lions off — the Pitt defense.

"They were clapping on defense and the officials told us that is legal to do now," Franklin said after the game. "That hurt us."

However, Panthers coach Pat Narduzzi wasn't buying it.

"I guess that's just another excuse," Narduzzi said. "We clap...It's a way of telling our defensive linemen what to do. We're allowed to use signals, too."

Narduzzi continued.

"Are they the only ones who can make signals?" the coach asked. "We can all do whatever we want to do. We can jump up and down."

Penn State was flagged for two offsides penalties on the afternoon.
Seems like an excuse to me.

Of course Franklin is going to find a certain ;level of animosity aimed at him because he is a jackhole who goes around saying stuff like this... link from 2014

Speaking in Baltimore as part of Penn State's annual Coaches Caravan, Franklin made clear that he plans to own the region in recruiting.

"I consider this in-state. I consider New Jersey in-state," Franklin said, according to The Baltimore Sun. Of the schools in those areas, he said, "might as well shut them down because they don't have a chance."
Just admit it Penn State.. you coach is a jackass. You have a high tolerance for hypocrites and pedophiles and coaches that enable pedophiles.. as long as they win.. but just be honest with yourselves and admit it. Don't justify it or pretend it isn't happening. You hired a guy who looked the other way on rape at Vanderbilt and the first thing he does is go to other states and trash talk. The horse has left the barn on this issue.. the man is a jackass.
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Trash talk? What trash talk?

Was it this?

Despite using a clap cadence to signal checks, plays and for his snap, quarterback Trace McSorley and the Penn State offense had difficulty handling the crowd noise in some key situations early on.

Penn State coach James Franklin offered an opinion on what helped throw the Nittany Lions off — the Pitt defense.

"They were clapping on defense and the officials told us that is legal to do now," Franklin said after the game. "That hurt us."

However, Panthers coach Pat Narduzzi wasn't buying it.

"I guess that's just another excuse," Narduzzi said. "We clap...It's a way of telling our defensive linemen what to do. We're allowed to use signals, too."

Narduzzi continued.

"Are they the only ones who can make signals?" the coach asked. "We can all do whatever we want to do. We can jump up and down."

Penn State was flagged for two offsides penalties on the afternoon.
Seems like an excuse to me.

Of course Franklin is going to find a certain ;level of animosity aimed at him because he is a jackhole who goes around saying stuff like this... link from 2014

Speaking in Baltimore as part of Penn State's annual Coaches Caravan, Franklin made clear that he plans to own the region in recruiting.

"I consider this in-state. I consider New Jersey in-state," Franklin said, according to The Baltimore Sun. Of the schools in those areas, he said, "might as well shut them down because they don't have a chance."
Just admit it Penn State.. you coach is a jackass. You have a high tolerance for hypocrites and pedophiles and coaches that enable pedophiles.. as long as they win.. but just be honest with yourselves and admit it. Don't justify it or pretend it isn't happening. You hired a guy who looked the other way on rape at Vanderbilt and the first thing he does is go to other states and trash talk. The horse has left the barn on this issue.. the man is a jackass.

He is owning Maryland and NJ. It is okay to talk smack if you can back it up. If he looked the other way the DA. Would have made some type of statement. The DA. Stated that Franklin did everything he needed to do in that case. Here is a crazy idea if I rape someone my father or my football coach is not responsible I am. Crazy thought huh?
So if beating Pitt this year was like PSU beating Akron, I guess that would make Pitt beating PSU last year like Akron beating PSU.
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"The DA. Stated that Franklin did everything he needed to do in that case"
Seems like that is what was said about Paterno , before all the facts were known.
Franklin did what was needed , but contacting the victim wasn't really needed and no matter what the claim, just Franklin making sure his butt was covered .
Needless to say cult members will disprove my saying that, just like my pointing out Penn St has proven that hey put the success of their football program over common decency.
Franklin's questionable ( but legal ) contacting a victim that was raped by members of his Vanderbilt football team . More than likley Franklin wanted to make sure the victim wouldn't do anything that would hurt his career.

Then you have Eric Barron while the FSU's President was part of miss handling a rape that was reported to the FSU Administration and did nothing about it. Making it look like the culture surrounding the FSU football program didn't care about anything except wins .
Penn St proved by hiring those two ( especially Barron) that questionable character traits won't stop them from hiring people they think will help the football program win.
As long as the wins keep coming, cult members don't care what goes on around the program or what type of people are in charge.
Can't we all just get along? All this back and fourth is painful to read. Who's making the trip to happy valley on 11/11??
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So if beating Pitt this year was like PSU beating Akron, I guess that would make Pitt beating PSU last year like Akron beating PSU.

Yeah I don't have a problem with that. I also don't have a problem with pitt reveling in their victory. They won. They earned the right to enjoy it and talk their smack. Just like psu won this year and earned the right to talk their smack. This is college football we are talking about here not important world events. If Rutgers wins this year or next year I will congrats and move on.
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"The DA. Stated that Franklin did everything he needed to do in that case"
Seems like that is what was said about Paterno , before all the facts were known.
Franklin did what was needed , but contacting the victim wasn't really needed and no matter what the claim, just Franklin making sure his butt was covered .
Needless to say cult members will disprove my saying that, just like my pointing out Penn St has proven that hey put the success of their football program over common decency.
Franklin's questionable ( but legal ) contacting a victim that was raped by members of his Vanderbilt football team . More than likley Franklin wanted to make sure the victim wouldn't do anything that would hurt his career.

Then you have Eric Barron while the FSU's President was part of miss handling a rape that was reported to the FSU Administration and did nothing about it. Making it look like the culture surrounding the FSU football program didn't care about anything except wins .
Penn St proved by hiring those two ( especially Barron) that questionable character traits won't stop them from hiring people they think will help the football program win.
As long as the wins keep coming, cult members don't care what goes on around the program or what type of people are in charge.

Whatever you say buddy. I live in western pa. and work with at least 50 pitt fans. We talk smack every day and no one has mentioned child molestation to me. As a matter of fact they all congratulated me and said we will get you next year. Just like I did last year.I can't speak for what is going on in California but I find it hard to believe that there are group discussions about the psu football culture. I get it your team missed their chance to beat psu when all the other bottom feeders did and you are upset. It will be okay you have Morgan state this week.
There is no discussion of Ped football, except when it happened. And everyone said that school is disgusting.

Nothing's changed. So everyone still thinks it's disgusting.

What more do you need to know?
Can't we all just get along? All this back and fourth is painful to read. Who's making the trip to happy valley on 11/11??

No. Porktrap - will you be wearing Scarlet Red or Pedophile Blue that day?
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Maybe because they don't like Penn St and the way that program enabled a child molester.
Penn St fans usually deny anything is wrong with the PSU FB program and have been know to lie about what went on yesterday and going on today.
That's another reason for RU fans to want Pitt beat Penn St

As for Penn St fans posting on another school site, Penn St fans have the need to troll Rivals sites defending the indefensible.
Rutgers fans have chosen a side in the renewed Cat fight rivalry, live with it !
Just I have to live with a so-called RU fan liking BS posts from BWI members.

So Mr madhat I admire your passion but I do want to ask have you met many real life psu fans? (Not the bwi idiots who have never even been to the campus let alone attend the school) but actual fans. Most will not really want to talk about joe and Sandusky as nobody is proud of what happened and most want to move on with their lives.

Nobody at psu condones child rape. Yes we are all very aware of what a complete monster of a human being Jerry Sandusky is and the heinous disgusting acts that he committed. All of our hearts go out to the victims (many of them have come out to support psu after the fact btw) and certainly if we can change things we would.

When you stand around a penn state tailgate these days you don't hear/see a great deal about joe paterno anymore, certainly not in the football talk. What you hear these days is talk about Franklin and whose going to replace joe Moorhead and how high Saquon will get drafted, etc.

The point is I believe you along with many other fans (most vocally represented by Pitt followed by Rutgers) have a tendency to always revert back to the Sandusky scandal when talking psu bc no matter how much success they have and how much they distance themselves from that situation in terms of personnel (both athletic and administrative) because you believe it is the ultimate trump card. If psu won a NC this year I guarentee the first thing you would post is something about Sandusky.

The point is we real psu alums and fans hate what happened but understand it is in the past and the victims have moved on so so should we... it may be time for you to as well
Seems like trying to move on is hard to do on this site because Penn St fans( that are not like you) try to make like Penn St's ex HC and others weren't involved in covering up a child molester's actions or how long Penn St was paying out for sexual abuse claims against that school.

When the issue is raised I do state what I want to say, but if a decent Penn St fan ( like you seem to be) I'll try to stick to sports in my relies to them.
It's when a cut troll chimes in and makes like what happened with Sandusky and the cover-up wasn't as bad as advertised is when moving on from that and just discussing football becomes impossible.
You have to realize it will be brought up and issues about the culture surrounding the program and who Penn St hired will be a side issue, but if the cult just stayed on BWI and not posted their BS on another school's board, you'd find more football talk and less about the cover up and who Penn St hired that might lack the type of character that's needed to clean up the Nittany Lion football program
Of course Franklyn would still be bashed, but it would be more football related than the type of character he possesses.
Seems like trying to move on is hard to do on this site because Penn St fans( that are not like you) try to make like Penn St's ex HC and others weren't involved in covering up a child molester's actions or how long Penn St was paying out for sexual abuse claims against that school.

When the issue is raised I do state what I want to say, but if a decent Penn St fan ( like you seem to be) I'll try to stick to sports in my relies to them.
It's when a cut troll chimes in and makes like what happened with Sandusky and the cover-up wasn't as bad as advertised is when moving on from that and just discussing football becomes impossible.
You have to realize it will be brought up and issues about the culture surrounding the program and who Penn St hired will be a side issue, but if the cult just stayed on BWI and not posted their BS on another school's board, you'd find more football talk and less about the cover up and who Penn St hired that might lack the type of character that's needed to clean up the Nittany Lion football program
Of course Franklyn would still be bashed, but it would be more football related than the type of character he possesses.

The thing is though in the case of this thread, there was no PSU morons saying Sandusky was innocent or anything stupid like that. What I read was people defending Franklin over his post game comments and you're original reply to the poster (was it Jayhawks?) having nothing to do with Franklin and immediately jumping straight to Sandusky.

The only other mentions in this entire thread of the Sandusky scandal were simply another RU fan who was just going around saying "Ped St".

I'm not going to say I won't give you the benefit of the doubt moving forward, but just being honest madhat it's pretty well known that you along with a couple other posters on here are particularly critical of psu and seem to want to bring up the Sandusky scandal a lot.

I'm more or less just offering advice that at this point just about everybody (the victims, school, administration, media, fans) have moved on from the scandal. When you bring it up non stop on this message board just to try to pry at psu what exactly are you hoping to accomplish?

I don't mean this to be mean or overstep, I understand it's the RU board. I just know that the Sandusky scandal has been discussed every which way but sideways over and over again. Jerry is in jail, joe is dead and the other former administrators will be serving jail time.

The scandal occurred 20+ years ago and the news came out 6 years ago now. It's time to move on with your life. I sometimes believe that some other fans will hurl out insults like "Ped State" with zero regard to the victims considering they seem to only care about a sexual assault case at psu as opposed to the hundreds of sexual assault cases that occur every single day in this country that we never hear a peap out of folks about yet they want to come to their message board 6 years after the story came out and still talk about Sandusky for no other reason than they don't like penn state and it's an easy way to attack the school.

It isn't classy, how would you like it if opposing psu fans constantly brought up Tyler Clementi? What if every time you went to an RU basketball game when they played penn state some psu fan in the stands started making jokes about your coach abusing his players and chucking balls at them?

Now what if no other fanbase (for the most part) ever brought up those things but just every time you talk to a psu person for example they brought up Mike Rice it would probably annoy you.

My point is people have moved on and you certainly demonstrate from what I have seen someone who likes to provoke. No psu fan was on this page running their mouth about Joe, so why did you bring up Sandusky? Was it just so you could take a dig at us? That's fine and fair the first few years after the fact, truth is time has passed and any time you bring up Sandusky at this point, it just sounds like a rather pathetic attempt to discredit what is actually going on at PSU right now which is a phenomenal football team led by an excellent HC who are setting themselves up for a NC run.

Maybe one day Rutgers can have that conversation, but don't be salty and bring up crap from 6 years ago when the reality is the country has moved on. Nobody including psu has forgotten and they never will, but that doesn't mean you need to remind them any chance you get in an attempt to make them feel bad (which is exactly what you are doing)

Just my 2 cents
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After beating Pitt on Saturday this was his quote:

James Franklin: “I know last year beating us for them was like the Super Bowl. This was just like beating Akron for us.”

What a total jerk and a man with no class he is.

I mean didn't you all love it when Kyle Flood refused to refer to Penn State by their name? It was "That Team for Pennsylvania" if I remember correctly. I remember your fans loving that he threw shade at us like that. At the same time it didn't bother us, we thought it was fun.

Why do you care what Franklin says about Pitt anyway?
The Rutgers incidents like those you mentioned weren't covered up or defended like the PSU Cult does what happened at Penn St and most RU fans were upset about what the RU MBB HC did and expressed it.
I doubt you would upset many RU fans if you brought it up when discussing RU MBB.
As for Tyler Clementi, what happened to him wasn't covered up and the people responsible were brought to justice , unlike what Penn St tried to do.
Also both what the RU MBB HC did and what Tyler Clementi did have been brought up by people trying to defend Penn St , stop the cover up talk or just trying to make what happened at Rutgers look similar to what happened at PSU.
You just did.
The Rutgers incidents like those you mentioned weren't covered up or defended like the PSU Cult does what happened at Penn St and most RU fans were upset about what the RU MBB HC did and expressed it.
I doubt you would upset many RU fans if you brought it up when discussing RU MBB.
As for Tyler Clementi, what happened to him wasn't covered up and the people responsible were brought to justice , unlike what Penn St tried to do.
Also both what the RU MBB HC did and what Tyler Clementi did have been brought up by people trying to defend Penn St , stop the cover up talk or just trying to make what happened at Rutgers look similar to what happened at PSU.
You just did.

Ok so 2 things.

#1 nobody brought up Sandusky but you. You are going on this tangent about "the cult" which is juvenile in itself but more than that nobody brought up joe or Sandusky but you. This was a discussion about James Franklin's postgame comments against Pitt and you took it upon yourself to turn it into a Sandusky discussion. The way you do it makes me believe this is common practice for you.

I believe that probably every psu related post you see on this board you just can't help yourself but to bring up Sandusky.

#2 What's weird to me though is your apparent belief that that psu fans are consumed with defending joe. You seem to believe that most psu fans believe joe and the administrators weren't in the wrong, this is incorrect. We just don't go around parading around saying "Yes our old coach did not do enough" because the school had already been publicly humiliated and drug through the mud enough during that time because of the actions of 5 men... I assure you 5 people (no matter who they are) do NOT represent penn state university as a whole. That's absolutely asinine to believe, and quite honestly at this point nobody but the insane idiots on bwi still go out of there way to defend joe and even they have died down... there might be 1 post a week about paterno and you make it out like it's the constant topic of discussion of psu fans... BS

Message board posters are always the craziest fans, of course there are a few weirdo's who still believe joe was a saint but that isn't the case for 98% of psu fans and alums I assure you.

FYI I see you get upset about me bringing up terrible things that happened at RU as well and don't like it. Well why then if you don't like someone saying bad things about your school do you feel you have the right to bash psu? Don't for a minute try to take the moral high ground and say the case at RU wasn't as severe, a young man is dead.

Listen I'm not here to debate joe so if that's all you are here for is to make Sandusky comments and bash Psu while simultaneously not being willing to have a discussion about awful things that happened at RU, well you are quite a hypocrite.

You really should get a new hobby rather than trying to continue the Sandusky debate any time you get a chance. The reality is I doubt you could name a single child abuse case in the US that occurred within the last 5 years without a google search so don't for a minute sit there and try to play moral hierarchy that you are concerned for anyone. The only thing you are concerned with is trying to bash psu bc of your own bitterness that ur team was not able to capatalize on PSU's restrictions when they had them and now that ship has completely sailed as PSU is a NC contender while RU is arguably the worst P5 team in the country over this year and last.

Time for you to get over yourself.
Ok so 2 things.

#1 nobody brought up Sandusky but you. You are going on this tangent about "the cult" which is juvenile in itself but more than that nobody brought up joe or Sandusky but you. This was a discussion about James Franklin's postgame comments against Pitt and you took it upon yourself to turn it into a Sandusky discussion. The way you do it makes me believe this is common practice for you.

I believe that probably every psu related post you see on this board you just can't help yourself but to bring up Sandusky.

#2 What's weird to me though is your apparent belief that that psu fans are consumed with defending joe. You seem to believe that most psu fans believe joe and the administrators weren't in the wrong, this is incorrect. We just don't go around parading around saying "Yes our old coach did not do enough" because the school had already been publicly humiliated and drug through the mud enough during that time because of the actions of 5 men... I assure you 5 people (no matter who they are) do NOT represent penn state university as a whole. That's absolutely asinine to believe, and quite honestly at this point nobody but the insane idiots on bwi still go out of there way to defend joe and even they have died down... there might be 1 post a week about paterno and you make it out like it's the constant topic of discussion of psu fans... BS

Message board posters are always the craziest fans, of course there are a few weirdo's who still believe joe was a saint but that isn't the case for 98% of psu fans and alums I assure you.

FYI I see you get upset about me bringing up terrible things that happened at RU as well and don't like it. Well why then if you don't like someone saying bad things about your school do you feel you have the right to bash psu? Don't for a minute try to take the moral high ground and say the case at RU wasn't as severe, a young man is dead.

Listen I'm not here to debate joe so if that's all you are here for is to make Sandusky comments and bash Psu while simultaneously not being willing to have a discussion about awful things that happened at RU, well you are quite a hypocrite.

You really should get a new hobby rather than trying to continue the Sandusky debate any time you get a chance. The reality is I doubt you could name a single child abuse case in the US that occurred within the last 5 years without a google search so don't for a minute sit there and try to play moral hierarchy that you are concerned for anyone. The only thing you are concerned with is trying to bash psu bc of your own bitterness that ur team was not able to capatalize on PSU's restrictions when they had them and now that ship has completely sailed as PSU is a NC contender while RU is arguably the worst P5 team in the country over this year and last.

Time for you to get over yourself.
What I find weird is your on another teams message board trying to critique what they say.

I think it's time u get over yourself........just sayin
So Mr madhat I admire your passion but I do want to ask have you met many real life psu fans? (Not the bwi idiots who have never even been to the campus let alone attend the school) but actual fans. Most will not really want to talk about joe and Sandusky as nobody is proud of what happened and most want to move on with their lives.

Nobody at psu condones child rape. Yes we are all very aware of what a complete monster of a human being Jerry Sandusky is and the heinous disgusting acts that he committed. All of our hearts go out to the victims (many of them have come out to support psu after the fact btw) and certainly if we can change things we would.

When you stand around a penn state tailgate these days you don't hear/see a great deal about joe paterno anymore, certainly not in the football talk. What you hear these days is talk about Franklin and whose going to replace joe Moorhead and how high Saquon will get drafted, etc.

The point is I believe you along with many other fans (most vocally represented by Pitt followed by Rutgers) have a tendency to always revert back to the Sandusky scandal when talking psu bc no matter how much success they have and how much they distance themselves from that situation in terms of personnel (both athletic and administrative) because you believe it is the ultimate trump card. If psu won a NC this year I guarentee the first thing you would post is something about Sandusky.

The point is we real psu alums and fans hate what happened but understand it is in the past and the victims have moved on so so should we... it may be time for you to as well
I went to the game two years ago. What are you blabbing about? That creepy shrine was disgraceful and I saw everyone around it in silence and people taking their hats off as they walked by. I will never go back, it and your fans were appalling.
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Message board posters are always the craziest fans, of course there are a few weirdo's who still believe joe was a saint but that isn't the case for 98% of psu fans and alums I assure you.

I think this is pretty cool of Jim to say right here, honestly.
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Come to the game and find out for yourself.

I don't need to, I know that you are a Pedophile Lover who for some reason would rather spend time on this board than on DWI.
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No matter what Penn State does, they will always remain the school that enabled the most criminally corrupt program in the history of college football.
That will be their legacy forever.
Here's what SI said in reporting on the Fankling handling of the Vandy rape case:

Penn State coach James Franklin testified via Skype on Wednesday in the rape case that led to the dismissal of four former Vanderbilt football players.

Franklin, who coached at Vanderbilt for three seasons before being hired at Penn State in January 2014, said Wednesday he did not see the cell phone video of the incident, which allegedly took place in the early morning of June 23, 2013. But Franklin testified he told his Vanderbilt team that he saw the video because he did not want to "water down" his message that he was "angry and upset."

From The Patriot-News:

"I had just gotten done meeting with the administration and I didn't want to go in and water my message down to the team," Franklin testified. "I didn't want to say 'I was told (or) I saw a video from somebody else.' That's what I did. I addressed the team and spoke as if I had seen the video because I was angry and upset and I didn't want to water down the message to them.

"I did talk about the video as if I had seen it, based on what was described to me from the administration. I didn't think that was the right way to deliver my message to the team at the time."

The four former players have been charged with five counts of aggravated rape and two counts of aggravated sexual battery but have pleaded not guilty.

A Buzzfeed article published in September 2013 cited a source "close to one of the defendants" who said he believes Franklin "encouraged a player to delete a video of the incident after the player showed it to Franklin.” Franklin later called the allegation "baseless."

Defense attorneys for one of the players charged in the case wrote in a filing that Franklin and former Vanderbilt and current Penn State staff member Dwight Galt contacted the victim four days after the incident in the interest of explaining "that they cared about her because she assisted them with recruiting."

The Nashville District Attorney's Office said in May that Franklin's interaction with the alleged rape victim was not significant and that he did nothing inappropriate in the investigation.
So what this means is.. if you believe Franklin.. that he had an option to view the video that was going around his team's cell phones and chose not to view it.. but to pretend he viewed in before talking to his team about it.

So why didn't he choose to look at what his players were up to? Was he worried that he might have to decide what to do about it?

But the other accounts mentioned here have Franklin viewing the video and telling players to delete it off their phones. Was that encouraging destruction of evidence? That would make him a perfect fit for Penn State.. no wonder he got hired.

No.. I think he said he saw the video because he did see the video and then told players to delete it.

The real James Franklin reveals himself time and again.. while PSU fans may want to call his trash talk just telling ti like it is, he has also said things like he doesn't hire assistant coaches until he sees their wives...

The man is a first class jerk. He is so lucky now ti be at Penn State where football is king and the program support structure will not allow him to fail... but fail he will.. karma demands it. Its just a question of time.
Can't we all just get along? All this back and fourth is painful to read. Who's making the trip to happy valley on 11/11??
There is no we. Can you stop making believe you are anything but a Ped State fan? To answer your question. Nobody is going. By mid November it's too cold. I'd go but new RV rules blow.
So Mr madhat I admire your passion but I do want to ask have you met many real life psu fans? (Not the bwi idiots who have never even been to the campus let alone attend the school) but actual fans. Most will not really want to talk about joe and Sandusky as nobody is proud of what happened and most want to move on with their lives.

Nobody at psu condones child rape. Yes we are all very aware of what a complete monster of a human being Jerry Sandusky is and the heinous disgusting acts that he committed. All of our hearts go out to the victims (many of them have come out to support psu after the fact btw) and certainly if we can change things we would.

When you stand around a penn state tailgate these days you don't hear/see a great deal about joe paterno anymore, certainly not in the football talk. What you hear these days is talk about Franklin and whose going to replace joe Moorhead and how high Saquon will get drafted, etc.

The point is I believe you along with many other fans (most vocally represented by Pitt followed by Rutgers) have a tendency to always revert back to the Sandusky scandal when talking psu bc no matter how much success they have and how much they distance themselves from that situation in terms of personnel (both athletic and administrative) because you believe it is the ultimate trump card. If psu won a NC this year I guarentee the first thing you would post is something about Sandusky.

The point is we real psu alums and fans hate what happened but understand it is in the past and the victims have moved on so so should we... it may be time for you to as well
Since you say JoPa is no longer relevant are you ok with eliminating him from the campus? Renaming the library? Erasing any image of him from the football facility? God forbid eliminating his ice cream flavor?
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You seem upset with me, I'll add you to the list of Penn St fans that are.
But don't expect me to change from posting what I feel when Penn St is mentioned even though you want what Penn St did forgotten about.
Most like you do, because what happened is indefensible .

You said it happened 20 years ago ( glad you admit the 1998 incident) but forgot to mention Penn St had been paying out sex abuse claims for at least 20 years before that, starting in the 70s and kept it a secret ( just like when Sandusky was caught molesting a child in 2001 and Penn St kept it under wraps until around 2011).
So maybe it's only fair that I use those time frames to judge when it would be appropriate to consider your request and stop bringing up Penn St protecting a child molester.

Seems like there are many like you who claim to be disgusted over what Sandusky was doing, but fail to be disgusted at the leadership of Penn St (including it's long time HC) protecting that pervert and enabling him to continue to molest children.
So if I just go by the 1998 abuse claim and overlook Penn St was paying out for sexual abuse claims since the 70s , I'll honor your wish when you admit Penn St covered up child molestation since the 70s and Joe Paterno knew.
Or just stay mad at me every-time you see a post of mine about it and maybe
( if you stop whining) I'll stop:
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Look guys, you should be focused on Morgan State not Penn State. It's important. This is Rutgers only shot at a win this year. You can't blow this precious opportunity for glory!

Nittydoosh, do you have nothing better to do? The stigma surrounding your fan base is already pretty bad,. Acting like an ass doesn't help.
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You seem upset with me, I'll add you to the list of Penn St fans that are.
But don't expect me to change from posting what I feel when Penn St is mentioned even though you want what Penn St did forgotten about.
Most like you do, because what happened is indefensible .

You said it happened 20 years ago ( glad you admit the 1998 incident) but forgot to mention Penn St had been paying out sex abuse claims for at least 20 years before that, starting in the 70s and kept it a secret ( just like when Sandusky was caught molesting a child in 2001 and Penn St kept it under wraps until around 2011).
So maybe it's only fair that I use those time frames to judge when it would be appropriate to consider your request and stop bringing up Penn St protecting a child molester.

Seems like there are many like you who claim to be disgusted over what Sandusky was doing, but fail to be disgusted at the leadership of Penn St (including it's long time HC) protecting that pervert and enabling him to continue to molest children.
So if I just go by the 1998 abuse claim and overlook Penn St was paying out for sexual abuse claims since the 70s , I'll honor your wish when you admit Penn St covered up child molestation since the 70s and Joe Paterno knew.
Or just stay mad at me every-time you see a post of mine about it and maybe
( if you stop whining) I'll stop:

What are you talking about?

So what happened in the past is awful. I clearly wrote in my post "the actions of 5 men 20+ years ago" and followed up with a joe is dead and the administrators are facing jail time. I never defended any of them.

If stuff happened in the 70's that's awful but to be completely honest with you I haven't paid much attention because it doesn't matter at this point moving forward. As psu fans we took a blow on the chin no doubt, but we picked ourselves back up and are moving forward with James Franklin and a new administration, we also have been for 6 years at this point.

All I did was point out how ridiculous you sound when you insist on changing the subject any time psu is discussed just to fit your narrative.

I believe you hate psu. I believe you want RU to beat them more than anything. I also believe that because you realize that is most likely not going to happen any time soon that you continue to post the same things over and over and over again about psu simply because you somehow feel better about yourself as a result of it.

Here's the reality, the Rutgers free message board is not where psu needs to worry about. The team has moved on away from all those that were involved during a horrible situation inclusive of paterno. Psu has been drug through the mud enough over the years and now folks have moved on(look no further than recruiting if you don't believe that's true that folks have moved on). If you want to run to this message board and complain about psu every chance you get because that's what makes you happy, we'll have at it.

Just be aware that the vast majority of the country is over it, the vast majority of psu fans admit what happened was awful. Yet you I guess want psu publicly humiliated any opportunity you can (my gut tells me for no other reason than you just want RU to beat PSU on the field so badly). It's going to be pretty sad when in the year 2025 or 2030 you are still blabbing about Sandusky bc ru still hasn't beat psu on the field since joining the big 10 even then
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I went to the game two years ago. What are you blabbing about? That creepy shrine was disgraceful and I saw everyone around it in silence and people taking their hats off as they walked by. I will never go back, it and your fans were appalling.

Yes some leave flowers to pay respect to a deceased man who meant a lot to them for a long time.

It's a difficult situation for some, Joe was always an embodyment of everything that was good about college athletics. Until 2011 there wasn't a more respected and nationally loved figure in college football than Joe Paterno. Obviously 2011 happened and feelings changed across the country.

For most of the psu fanbase at first it was a sense of shock and disbelief. That coupled with his death not long after we didn't want it to be true that he wasn't perfect. Over time people started to heal from the hurt more than anything that something like this could happen at the school we hold so dearly.

Since you have been there you can see the kind of passion and support so many have for that program. If anything it shows how much more the program is than Joe Paterno. I'm sure when you were there you were also treated with respect by opposing fans. To my knowledge there were no major bad events of psu fans being bad hosts so why do you care what other people do?

How does it effect your life aside from giving you message board material to post every time you guys want to complain about psu for the 47,000th time?
It's a difficult situation for some, Joe was always an embodyment of everything that was good about college athletics. Until 2011 there wasn't a more respected and nationally loved figure in college football than Joe Paterno. Obviously 2011 happened and feelings changed across the country.

Respected and loved my ass. You just showed us what's wrong with the cultist PSU fanbase. In most of the country Paterno was known to stretch the rules when it came to his players, sweeping all the garbage they pulled under the rug. He didn't have the national respect you claim and at best he was looked at as an old fool, that is until 2011 when it surfaced that he helped cover up a scandal he knew would rock the football program. And what do the PSU fans do? They lay flowers at a shrine to honor a someone they know might be rotting in a cell if he were alive.
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Can't we just get along?
Respected and loved my ass. You just showed us what's wrong with the cultist PSU fanbase. In most of the country Paterno was known to stretch the rules when it came to his players, sweeping all the garbage they pulled under the rug. He didn't have the national respect you claim and at best he was looked at as an old fool, that is until 2011 when it surfaced that he helped cover up a scandal he knew would rock the football program. And what do the PSU fans do? They lay flowers at a shrine to honor a someone they know might be rotting in a cell if he were alive.
This is complete BS. Joe Paterno was a legendary head coach who won two National Championships, was robbed of one in 1994 (trust me they would have destroyed Nebraska) and is loved throughout the country. The only place he is despised is on this site. To continue an onslaught against a man who openly advocated for us in joining the B10 is wrong and shameful.

Paterno's only mistake is that he hung on too long. He should have stepped down in 2005 after going 11-1. Losing to (a s$&t) Michigan team in the last minute, but making up for that loss by defeating Florida State in the orange bowl. By the way in case you forgot that's a BCS bowl.
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The Onion had to come up with a funny blurb about each of the teams in the Top 10 that their largely non-sports-following readership would be aware of and potentially find funny. I wonder what they came up with for Penn State...?

Fair or otherwise, this scandal will be a part of the legacy of Penn State for a long time to come, and for folks who aren't fans of college football, will be their predominant thought when it comes to Penn State football, if not Penn State in general.
Respected and loved my ass. You just showed us what's wrong with the cultist PSU fanbase. In most of the country Paterno was known to stretch the rules when it came to his players, sweeping all the garbage they pulled under the rug. He didn't have the national respect you claim and at best he was looked at as an old fool, that is until 2011 when it surfaced that he helped cover up a scandal he knew would rock the football program. And what do the PSU fans do? They lay flowers at a shrine to honor a someone they know might be rotting in a cell if he were alive.

Yea, you really have no clue what you are talking about.

I understand RU hated paterno going back to an old doug graber argument but I can assure you prior to 2011 aside from Pitt and apparently RU everyone across the country respected Paterno. May not have liked him but all respected him.

As I said before, that changed in 2011 and the country (and yes the psu fan base) changed opinions, have brought to justice all involved and now are moving forward.

The original point of my first post was that some folks in certain fanbases (Pitt and about 5 RU posters) can't help themselves from constantly making the Sandusky scandal the topic of conversation whenever psu is discussed.

Yes the Sandusky scandal is what often comes to mind when people see penn state in public... is that what you wanted to hear is that yes a lot of times when somebody new walks into my office and see's my diploma that says Pennsylvania State University their head probably thinks of what happened? Well yes for about 3 years from 2011-2014 that was the case.

What I have found is that over the last 2-3 years most folks realize how awful it was for alumni and faculty their to have our university in the news like that and have moved on.

There are obviously some message board warriors like yourselves who just want to chastise psu and bring up Sandusky whenever you can because you believe it's your trump card (FYI look at recruiting, the rankings and our records if you need assurance of what the public and recruits think of the trump card).

No reason to keep going with this dialogue, it's obvious some of you will always provoke no matter what