Classless James Franklin of PSU

After beating Pitt on Saturday this was his quote:

James Franklin: “I know last year beating us for them was like the Super Bowl. This was just like beating Akron for us.”

What a total jerk and a man with no class he is.
In Penn Live he said a win is a win, beating Pitt is just like beating Kent State.
In Penn Live he said a win is a win, beating Pitt is just like beating Kent State. I do t understand why we are so concern about what he talk about. We so be more concern about his team on the field, they are stacked.

Lololol you page 9 googled an article from 2008 written on a blog by a fanboy as evidence? Come on man. Just stop. That or just keep spewing the same stuff over and over again on page 4 of a message board thread on a free message board in a weird attempt to make yourself feel better about the fact that RU athletics (not just football) is not even in the same stratosphere as psu. so go ahead and bring up Sandusky to try to bring us down while it isn't working and psu is on the rise big time
The idea that this loathing of what went on at State Penn is indigenous to just us is beyond stupid. Most of the Big 10 sites are just as disgusted as we are.

Everyone including actual psu fans and alum were disgusted. The difference is those teams have moved on and have realized that no matter how convincing a post they make on a message board that isn't stopping psu as a program from rising up, correcting their past mistakes (which they have completely, resulting in the sanctions being lowered) and becoming a national force once again.some of your fanbase does not seem to want to let go of past horrible things that happened at psu I believe for no other reason than it's an easy way to criticize psu and with Rutgers program currently a burning dumpster fire, the bring up the only thing they feel there is no retort to when it comes to psu.

Problem is, recruits don't care about how much you hate psu and think it's a terrible place, they are still jumping at the chance to play for psu and Rutgers hasn't been able to land a mutual recruit in years
Can't we just get along?

This is complete BS. Joe Paterno was a legendary head coach who won two National Championships, was robbed of one in 1994 (trust me they would have destroyed Nebraska) and is loved throughout the country. The only place he is despised is on this site. To continue an onslaught against a man who openly advocated for us in joining the B10 is wrong and shameful.

Paterno's only mistake is that he hung on too long. He should have stepped down in 2005 after going 11-1. Losing to (a s$&t) Michigan team in the last minute, but making up for that loss by defeating Florida State in the orange bowl. By the way in case you forgot that's a BCS bowl.
So not turning in Sandusky wasn't a mistake.
Doing nothing but just watching a known child molester come and go freely on campus and remain honored as Coach Emeritus wasn't a mistake.
But then again maybe giving Sandusky Coach Emeritus status was a way to keep people from asking why he was being forced out (1999 after the 1998 investigation was a distant memory and wouldn't be connected) and have them find why.

Your mistake is considering Paterno a great man because of how he made the Penn St football program a top program while many seen a rotten person who put his image over the safety children and allowed a Child Molester to victimize children after Paterno had a chance to stop him.

What's shameful : despite Paterno doing nothing to keep children from being molested by Sandusky those like you still honor his memory because of football wins.
Yes some leave flowers to pay respect to a deceased man who meant a lot to them for a long time.

It's a difficult situation for some, Joe was always an embodyment of everything that was good about college athletics. Until 2011 there wasn't a more respected and nationally loved figure in college football than Joe Paterno. Obviously 2011 happened and feelings changed across the country.

For most of the psu fanbase at first it was a sense of shock and disbelief. That coupled with his death not long after we didn't want it to be true that he wasn't perfect. Over time people started to heal from the hurt more than anything that something like this could happen at the school we hold so dearly.

Since you have been there you can see the kind of passion and support so many have for that program. If anything it shows how much more the program is than Joe Paterno. I'm sure when you were there you were also treated with respect by opposing fans. To my knowledge there were no major bad events of psu fans being bad hosts so why do you care what other people do?

How does it effect your life aside from giving you message board material to post every time you guys want to complain about psu for the 47,000th time?
It was all based on a lie. One he perpetrated for decades to protect his program. The man knew everything that went on there. Police came to him, professor's came to him, administration bowed to him. Yet you want me to believe the most heinous crime in college football history perpetrated over decades under his watch was completely unnoticed. Once again it was a house of cards built on a lie. And no I was not treated with up most respect. Your students or those twenty somethings who are psu fans were complete douches.
Obsessed, fact-free conjecture from the little brother fanbase oh so wishing to be PSU's rivals. Even senior Mensa poster extraordinare vjk91 getting in on the "ped state" act. Poor Rutgers fans. Upset because you couldn't take advantage of PSU's sanctions, not because of what (you want to believe so badly) went on there. Such moral superiority!

No wonder every parent at a decent NJ high school is embarrassed when the only school their kid gets into is Rutgers. You laugh at PSU for what you think it is about, and we don't notice you because of what you're actually about.

See you at the RAC when we spank your bottom like Jerry Sandusky in the shower in yet another sport.
"The DA. Stated that Franklin did everything he needed to do in that case"
Seems like that is what was said about Paterno , before all the facts were known.
Franklin did what was needed , but contacting the victim wasn't really needed and no matter what the claim, just Franklin making sure his butt was covered .
Needless to say cult members will disprove my saying that, just like my pointing out Penn St has proven that hey put the success of their football program over common decency.
Franklin's questionable ( but legal ) contacting a victim that was raped by members of his Vanderbilt football team . More than likley Franklin wanted to make sure the victim wouldn't do anything that would hurt his career.

Then you have Eric Barron while the FSU's President was part of miss handling a rape that was reported to the FSU Administration and did nothing about it. Making it look like the culture surrounding the FSU football program didn't care about anything except wins .
Penn St proved by hiring those two ( especially Barron) that questionable character traits won't stop them from hiring people they think will help the football program win.
As long as the wins keep coming, cult members don't care what goes on around the program or what type of people are in charge.

And jay
Pitts coach talked trash last year after pitt won. Franklin did not respond. Franklin talks a little trash and the world is coming to an end.

No what Pitt did was very wrong. What your coach did was even more wrong. Acting immature because they did it the year prior. Lol
It was all based on a lie. One he perpetrated for decades to protect his program. The man knew everything that went on there. Police came to him, professor's came to him, administration bowed to him. Yet you want me to believe the most heinous crime in college football history perpetrated over decades under his watch was completely unnoticed. Once again it was a house of cards built on a lie. And no I was not treated with up most respect. Your students or those twenty somethings who are psu fans were complete douches.

And I assure you in 2014 RU fans were not exactly "friendly" to us.

Look your obviously going to turn anything psu related into a Sandusky debate even when the topic has nothing to do with joe paterno, Jerry Sandusky, or anyone who has been associated with the university for 6 years. But hey, that's all you have when you know your team is going to get blown out each time they play psu for the forseable future.

Have a nice day
He is owning Maryland and NJ. It is okay to talk smack if you can back it up. If he looked the other way the DA. Would have made some type of statement. The DA. Stated that Franklin did everything he needed to do in that case. Here is a crazy idea if I rape someone my father or my football coach is not responsible I am. Crazy thought huh?

Wow! Here is a crazier idea, If you witnessed or knew that a rape had taken place even though you are not the rapist you are still culpable. Or if your father and or coach saw you raping a young boy and did or said nothing they are responsible. Crazier though huh! Lol
And jay

No what Pitt did was very wrong. What your coach did was even more wrong. Acting immature because they did it the year prior. Lol

I'm just wondering what was Franklin supposed to say?

Pitt fans will tell you they don't give a hoot if the team goes 1-11, as long as that win is against psu. Psu on the other hand does not put that much stock into one game particularly in a year where they are positioned to challenge for a college football playoff spot.

It is what it is, narduzzi is just butt hurt he can't land a mutual recruit. Pitt's recruiting has been horrible the last 3 years
What are you talking about?

So what happened in the past is awful. I clearly wrote in my post "the actions of 5 men 20+ years ago" and followed up with a joe is dead and the administrators are facing jail time. I never defended any of them.

If stuff happened in the 70's that's awful but to be completely honest with you I haven't paid much attention because it doesn't matter at this point moving forward. As psu fans we took a blow on the chin no doubt, but we picked ourselves back up and are moving forward with James Franklin and a new administration, we also have been for 6 years at this point.

All I did was point out how ridiculous you sound when you insist on changing the subject any time psu is discussed just to fit your narrative.

I believe you hate psu. I believe you want RU to beat them more than anything. I also believe that because you realize that is most likely not going to happen any time soon that you continue to post the same things over and over and over again about psu simply because you somehow feel better about yourself as a result of it.

Here's the reality, the Rutgers free message board is not where psu needs to worry about. The team has moved on away from all those that were involved during a horrible situation inclusive of paterno. Psu has been drug through the mud enough over the years and now folks have moved on(look no further than recruiting if you don't believe that's true that folks have moved on). If you want to run to this message board and complain about psu every chance you get because that's what makes you happy, we'll have at it.

Just be aware that the vast majority of the country is over it, the vast majority of psu fans admit what happened was awful. Yet you I guess want psu publicly humiliated any opportunity you can (my gut tells me for no other reason than you just want RU to beat PSU on the field so badly). It's going to be pretty sad when in the year 2025 or 2030 you are still blabbing about Sandusky bc ru still hasn't beat psu on the field since joining the big 10 even then

I'm just wondering what was Franklin supposed to say?

Pitt fans will tell you they don't give a hoot if the team goes 1-11, as long as that win is against psu. Psu on the other hand does not put that much stock into one game particularly in a year where they are positioned to challenge for a college football playoff spot.

It is what it is, narduzzi is just butt hurt he can't land a mutual recruit. Pitt's recruiting has been horrible the last 3 years


I see that the faithful on this board have made you feel quite uncomfortable. That is only practical since you are a PSU fan and an admirer of the biggest pedophile cover-up in sports history. I guess it does burn you a little to here the facts on a constant and then say everyone has forgotten and moved on when they actually haven't, and that includes you.

See you mentioned earlier that on BWI they bring it up once a week. So this my dear Jim, tells me you are a liar. the fact that you are lying abut this tells me that you were enameled with the child molester and have not moved on at all. You keep going around stating that everyone has moved on over and over again. It is quite sickening to see your writing and getting into other people's business. See my message was directed to Jay not you, and this is where the cultism, provided by you know who, that you have been accustomed takes over. It's like the hive on Star Trek, you can't think for yourself and you all think as one.

I did not to get in your conversation with the other poster on here because it was between you and him but there were a lot of other incorrect statements made by you. I ask you to look at what you wrote and really search inside yourself for your answer, not the collectives. Have to say it is cute that you are trying to protect/save Jay by responding for him. You deserve a lollipop for that.......from he who knew what was going on and didn't report it because football was more important than a child being molested.....wait he has passed.....maybe Sanudusky has an extra one in his pocket.

Also in The other posters post to you he stated why haven't your fans gone to the board and said to get rid of anything associated with your coach's name and you never responded about that on your long, boring post. Is it because you still have a hammie for him? Not unusual with the cult-like atmosphere over there. You decided not to discuss that question because you didn't know how to defend the pedophile because you are on another school's board. The collective taught you well and know I truly understand what this cult-like atmosphere is all about. I wouldn't want to give everyone kryptonite would I. No, it would be too messy and wouldn't like to get anyone else involved. Unlike you, that had to get involved in someone else's conversation. Boo-hoo, boo-hoo!

See Jim you came to this board to insult our program by trying to belittle our team. Every post you made a dig about how inferior we are to you in football. Point was taken the first time you wrote it. Psssstttt we know we don't have a very good football team. We all know it here and that is nothing new to us. Your team is light years ahead of ours. We are not blind to that and we will eventually catch-up but in style and with dignity. But at least our team has integrity and doesn't cover up something as drastic as what happened at your school. Yes, there I go again bringing up the pedophilia that happened at your school. That is what your school is known for and will be known as for a very long time. You can try to shoo it away as much as you want but you won't be able to.

This will be my first and last post to you as your writing really bores me and the only reason I responded was because you wrote to me. You can have the last word. I promise I will not respond in hate or love. Just know this is the Rutgers board and there is no reason for you to take digs at our program. It is bad enough many of our own fans take digs on our program. So when you collect yourself and start to think on your own and actually receive a degree from an accredited university, not Pedaphile University, that does not control your thought process come back and we can possibly chat. I will apologize for taking you away from your homework and play time but someone had to make you REALLY aware that you are just like the rest of the Pedophile University cult. You can sugar coat it all you want and deny it all you want but you are like the rest of the cult, except you are worse. You are the type that gets away every once in a while because you are in sheets clothing. Luckily, I found you out Jim, and now everyone knows and unfortunately there is nothing that you can do except cry about it. Don't worry it will make you feel good and maybe mommy can give you a cookie after your cry. I am going to say it will take you at least ten years before that can happen since your writing seems to indicate that you must be a young teenager still. I will bid you goodbye and will reiterate that I will not respond to you but knowing your character from the posts I have read here, you will post because of your arrogance and bullying behavior portrayed in your writing. Character traits that I really despise. Lol
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I see that the faithful on this board have made you feel quite uncomfortable. That is only practical since you are a PSU fan and an admirer of the biggest pedophile cover-up in sports history. I guess it does burn you a little to here the facts on a constant and then say everyone has forgotten and moved on when they actually haven't, and that includes you.

See you mentioned earlier that on BWI they bring it up once a week. So this my dear Jim, tells me you are a liar. the fact that you are lying abut this tells me that you were enameled with the child molester and have not moved on at all. You keep going around stating that everyone has moved on over and over again. It is quite sickening to see your writing and getting into other people's business. See my message was directed to Jay not you, and this is where the cultism, provided by you know who, that you have been accustomed takes over. It's like the hive on Star Trek, you can't think for yourself and you all think as one.

I did not to get in your conversation with the other poster on here because it was between you and him but there were a lot of other incorrect statements made by you. I ask you to look at what you wrote and really search inside yourself for your answer, not the collectives. Have to say it is cute that you are trying to protect/save Jay by responding for him. You deserve a lollipop for that.......from he who knew what was going on and didn't report it because football was more important than a child being molested.....wait he has passed.....maybe Sanudusky has an extra one in his pocket.

Also in The other posters post to you he stated why haven't your fans gone to the board and said to get rid of anything associated with your coach's name and you never responded about that on your long, boring post. Is it because you still have a hammie for him? Not unusual with the cult-like atmosphere over there. You decided not to discuss that question because you didn't know how to defend the pedophile because you are on another school's board. The collective taught you well and know I truly understand what this cult-like atmosphere is all about. I wouldn't want to give everyone kryptonite would I. No, it would be too messy and wouldn't like to get anyone else involved. Unlike you, that had to get involved in someone else's conversation. Boo-hoo, boo-hoo!

See Jim you came to this board to insult our program by trying to belittle our team. Every post you made a dig about how inferior we are to you in football. Point was taken the first time you wrote it. Psssstttt we know we don't have a very good football team. We all know it here and that is nothing new to us. Your team is light years ahead of ours. We are not blind to that and we will eventually catch-up but in style and with dignity. But at least our team has integrity and doesn't cover up something as drastic as what happened at your school. Yes, there I go again bringing up the pedophilia that happened at your school. That is what your school is known for and will be known as for a very long time. You can try to shoo it away as much as you want but you won't be able to.

This will be my first and last post to you as your writing really bores me and the only reason I responded was because you wrote to me. You can have the last word. I promise I will not respond in hate or love. Just know this is the Rutgers board and there is no reason for you to take digs at our program. It is bad enough many of our own fans take digs on our program. So when you collect yourself and start to think on your own and actually receive a degree from an accredited university, not Pedaphile University, that does not control your thought process come back and we can possibly chat. I will apologize for taking you away from your homework and play time but someone had to make you REALLY aware that you are just like the rest of the Pedophile University cult. You can sugar coat it all you want and deny it all you want but you are like the rest of the cult, except you are worse. You are the type that gets away every once in a while because you are in sheets clothing. Luckily, I found you out Jim, and now everyone knows and unfortunately there is nothing that you can do except cry about it. Don't worry it will make you feel good and maybe mommy can give you a cookie after your cry. I am going to say it will take you at least ten years before that can happen since your writing seems to indicate that you must be a young teenager still. I will bid you goodbye and will reiterate that I will not respond to you but knowing your character from the posts I have read here, you will post because of your arrogance and bullying behavior portrayed in your writing. Character traits that I really despise. Lol

Sir I'm not going to respond to your accusation that we all defend joe bc that is simply inaccurate. What I will say though is you really shouldn't be talking about RU having dignity in their football team as if you are all saints. I'm not saying incidents are on the same level as psu, they aren't. But just 2 years ago you had 5 players arrested at practice for breaking and entering on the heels of your head coach sealing out a professor to attempt to get a grade change to make one of your players eligible...

Rutgers in no way runs a program with dignity the way you proclaim. Again I'm not saying it's on the same level as what happened at psu, it isn't. However it is still extremely bad.

Have a good day sir. Keep harping on Sandusky bc it's the only thing you have to bash psu the team you hate so much
Wow! Here is a crazier idea, If you witnessed or knew that a rape had taken place even though you are not the rapist you are still culpable. Or if your father and or coach saw you raping a young boy and did or said nothing they are responsible. Crazier though huh! Lol

That is the point I have been making. I and other penn state fans are not responsible for Sandusky actions. So why do you guys keep throwing that Sandusky, joe knew crap at us? I think it it is because you are ticked off that Rutgers missed their chance to beat psu when they were down. Be assured that if I ever see a kid getting raped, I will make every effort to stop it.
And jay

No what Pitt did was very wrong. What your coach did was even more wrong. Acting immature because they did it the year prior. Lol

You call it wrong. I call it entertaining. If you can't have a little fun discussing a football game, maybe you should look for other entertainment options. It is a game after all.
And I assure you in 2014 RU fans were not exactly "friendly" to us.

Look your obviously going to turn anything psu related into a Sandusky debate even when the topic has nothing to do with joe paterno, Jerry Sandusky, or anyone who has been associated with the university for 6 years. But hey, that's all you have when you know your team is going to get blown out each time they play psu for the forseable future.

Have a nice day

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Sir I'm not going to respond to your accusation that we all defend joe bc that is simply inaccurate.

yeah.. you are correct.. there was this one guy..


And then you guys went had had that big party for JoePA... oddly enough featuring half-naked greased up young men

That is the point I have been making. I and other penn state fans are not responsible for Sandusky actions. So why do you guys keep throwing that Sandusky, joe knew crap at us? I think it it is because you are ticked off that Rutgers missed their chance to beat psu when they were down. Be assured that if I ever see a kid getting raped, I will make every effort to stop it.

It's all about reading comprehension. Lol

Since I do not actively participate in football and am a realist I don't get ticked about any game. Yea I get upset when a player or coach makes an illogical play/call but I get over it pretty quickly. It's trivial in the big sense when you consider there are more important things in life (My house in Florida actually survived the recent storm and my family, friends, and neighbors are fine.)

Your school has always had a better track record in football. No one can deny that. But no one can deny or should forget what happened either. Glad to hear that you would make every effort to stop a rape. I wish that others would have done the same instead of covering it up for years because of the allure of wins were more important.
You call it wrong. I call it entertaining. If you can't have a little fun discussing a football game, maybe you should look for other entertainment options. It is a game after all.

Linda is that you? Lol

My wife tends to make suggestions or tell me what to do. Lol It is a game but it should be played with respect. I am sure you find what Trump did during the election process entertaining when he made fun and bullied his competitors. I found that deplorable and with no tact/class. We shouldn't behave like that. Kids see this and then feel that it is ok to behave in this fashion.

Having fun between you and your friends is ok. You don't represent your university and I have no problem with bantering back and forth amongst friends. Your coach does represent your school and he is a "well known". He is also on local and national television regularly. Very different situation than when you and your buddies are trying to have some fun discussing your teams.

Here's an example my wife gave me. She works for a highly "respected" school district. One of the students, not in her class, was bullying another child by calling them names. When she witnessed that she went over to him and started to inquire why he was doing that. The kid stated that he had watched Trump put down the other candidates on tv. According to the kid, his father began laughing and "whooping it up" at home and happy that Trump was able to stand his ground by attacking the characters of the other candidates. Hit them where it hurts, their character he said proudly. So this boy said to my wife "If Trump can do it, then why shouldn't he be able to do it", he proclaimed righteously. My wife had to have a discussion with the boy and his parents about what transpired. Anyway, Not the message I want my children to receive.

I guess we will disagree on this aspect. Lol
Linda is that you? Lol

My wife tends to make suggestions or tell me what to do. Lol It is a game but it should be played with respect. I am sure you find what Trump did during the election process entertaining when he made fun and bullied his competitors. I found that deplorable and with no tact/class. We shouldn't behave like that. Kids see this and then feel that it is ok to behave in this fashion.

Having fun between you and your friends is ok. You don't represent your university and I have no problem with bantering back and forth amongst friends. Your coach does represent your school and he is a "well known". He is also on local and national television regularly. Very different situation than when you and your buddies are trying to have some fun discussing your teams.

Here's an example my wife gave me. She works for a highly "respected" school district. One of the students, not in her class, was bullying another child by calling them names. When she witnessed that she went over to him and started to inquire why he was doing that. The kid stated that he had watched Trump put down the other candidates on tv. According to the kid, his father began laughing and "whooping it up" at home and happy that Trump was able to stand his ground by attacking the characters of the other candidates. Hit them where it hurts, their character he said proudly. So this boy said to my wife "If Trump can do it, then why shouldn't he be able to do it", he proclaimed righteously. My wife had to have a discussion with the boy and his parents about what transpired. Anyway, Not the message I want my children to receive.

This will be my last discussion about these topics. I have endured to much this week and have a lot to do. You can write back but will not be responding back, so if you want to get something off your chest go ahead but don't expect a return message. Hope you can make the game against us and your season is what you are expecting. Cheers!

I guess we will disagree on this aspect. Lol
It's all about reading comprehension. Lol

Since I do not actively participate in football and am a realist I don't get ticked about any game. Yea I get upset when a player or coach makes an illogical play/call but I get over it pretty quickly. It's trivial in the big sense when you consider there are more important things in life (My house in Florida actually survived the recent storm and my family, friends, and neighbors are fine.)

Your school has always had a better track record in football. No one can deny that. But no one can deny or should forget what happened either. Glad to hear that you would make every effort to stop a rape. I wish that others would have done the same instead of covering it up for years because of the allure of wins were more important.

I am glad your family came through ok. I have friends and family in Florida and sc. I was very concerned about them as well. I agree and I believe that I have stated that college football is not that big of deal. It is entertainment to me and I take it as such. I wish that other people would have made a effort to stop it at psu as well. So we agree on that issue. I can't say it was you, but read over some of these threads. The insults and venom that are directed at psu fans for being psu fans is unreal. I don't see one of these posters noting what they are doing to help victims. I hear them blaming myself and other psu fans of being enablers. I was a caseworker for sexually abused children for 10 years. So when I see a blow hard accusing me of enabling a child molester. I will respond.
Linda is that you? Lol

My wife tends to make suggestions or tell me what to do. Lol It is a game but it should be played with respect. I am sure you find what Trump did during the election process entertaining when he made fun and bullied his competitors. I found that deplorable and with no tact/class. We shouldn't behave like that. Kids see this and then feel that it is ok to behave in this fashion.

Having fun between you and your friends is ok. You don't represent your university and I have no problem with bantering back and forth amongst friends. Your coach does represent your school and he is a "well known". He is also on local and national television regularly. Very different situation than when you and your buddies are trying to have some fun discussing your teams.

Here's an example my wife gave me. She works for a highly "respected" school district. One of the students, not in her class, was bullying another child by calling them names. When she witnessed that she went over to him and started to inquire why he was doing that. The kid stated that he had watched Trump put down the other candidates on tv. According to the kid, his father began laughing and "whooping it up" at home and happy that Trump was able to stand his ground by attacking the characters of the other candidates. Hit them where it hurts, their character he said proudly. So this boy said to my wife "If Trump can do it, then why shouldn't he be able to do it", he proclaimed righteously. My wife had to have a discussion with the boy and his parents about what transpired. Anyway, Not the message I want my children to receive.

I guess we will disagree on this aspect. Lol

You read me right. I thought those debates were some of the best entertainment I ever saw. I was laughing my head off. However, I did not think anyone would believe that nonsense. they had a 10 minute discussion about penis size. One of the candidates said he peed his pants during the debate. I was waiting for stone cold steve Austin to run on the stage and bust someone in the head with a folding chair. I guess I was the fool because he is president, so apparently this type of behavior is what the country wants. However, I think it is a big reach to compare a football coach comparing pitt to Akron to trump leading the crowds in chants of lock her up. We can agree to disagree on that point, but I want to thank you for a civil conversation.
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I think Narduzzi and Pitt need to worry less about going high and more on improving on the football field. They gone out and are proving exactly what Franklin said.