Commitment to the Program

1) No. Our university has been completely desensitized to losing seasons.

2) No & No.
AD: An excellent Law Professor with exceptional fund raising skills, however limited football knowledge. Hand picked hire by President Barchi and BOG's.

HC: A great interviewer with vast knowledge of big time football. Coached for a National Championship team as Co-DC. Expected to improve team by 2018 and generate a winning season by 2019, maybe 2020.

3) No. Our Governor would not get involved in Rutgers business.
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People - you do recognize troll posts, don't you? Whenever you see a poster with a vaguely RU sounding username, who has less than 50 posts, and this person starts a thread asking some sort of question about the program, you know it's a troll. NCAAballz that Nova troll, has been doing it for years with multiple usernames - this one fits his MO.
Never let a troll-post get in the way of a good story.
Never let a troll-post get in the way of a good story.

I am asking questions that Rutgers fans should ask, especially given the history of failed ADs and coaches. There is no malice intended.

I am seriously curious about who the people are we have turned our programs over to, and what they bring to their new jobs. Thank you to those of you who tried to bring serious discussion to a very serious topic for RU fans!
I'd like to ask a few tough questions...

Do you think Rutgers University is committed to winning?

Did the university demonstrate that commitment with either the Pat Hobbs hire, or his hire of Chris Ash?

When President Barchi fired Julie Hermann does anyone know how he came to settle on Pat Hobbs? Was the hire influenced in anyway by Chris Christie?
There are many levels of commitment in college football. Is Rutgers committed like Alabama? Win at all costs? No in my opinion. Are they committed to football more than any other sport? Yes. Are they committed at a level to be competitive in the Big Ten? Yes, once that Big Ten money comes at a full share, Rutgers will spend at a similarly level to Minnesota, Iowa, Maryland and Illinois. The goal should be to mimic patterns of success at Wisconsin and Michigan State.

Hobbs is the right person. Very confident in that after meeting him. I also believe in Ash.