Delbarton Football Schedule

You are star struck. Going to SPP & Alabama is not the end of the world. MF would be a star and playing for a top program no matter where he went to high school. Years ago, Drew Pearson and Joe Theisman played at tiny South River HS. It will take a lot for MF to exceed their accomplishments.

I raised the magnet school issue to make analogy. No one begrudges a non-athletic student who attends a magnet school in order to get the best possible academic education. Yet, when it comes to HS sports some people get very upset when kids leave their home town to go play somewhere else (usually parochial) because the kids believe it will be more beneficial athletically. Of course, it is rare that the education received at the parochial school is not at least as good as the local public.

I don't begrudge it at all; the main issue is that transfer for athletic advantage is specifically cited by the NJSIAA as a 'no-no' and a number of people also take an 'elitist' view and look down on public education while blatantly ignoring the different rules/ responsibilities that affect each part.

...honestly, the football situation is basically nirvana compared to basketball, where kids seem to change teams/ schools faster than a bunch of kids at the local playground. I'm a huge proponent of sports and they can be an integral vehicle to personal, educational and professional development, but I'm not sure if sports alone should be driving the bus for everything when it comes to educational decisions...and if you do choose to go that route, I hope for your sake you either knock it out of the park or develop a viable plan B so you don't end up being the subject of the song "Glory Days" or worse.

Joe P.
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You're cute. We disagree.

Nothing to disagree over. You called me star struck. I'm not. I just know what I'm talking about.

All you foaming at the mouth public school advocates have never stepped foot in a Parochial HS, and don't understand the culture. Then you mock what you don't understand in public. That's cute.
Wow, hot topic here...

I'll chime in. It's easy for Delbarton to actively recruit the smaller teams other than football, such as tennis, golf, wrestling, hockey, cross country, etc., so therefore they do. Two or three studs on a golf or tennis team can make a huge difference but football takes on a little more of a hit or miss proposition so they do not emphasize it. They still blow away the public schools in football so I love the fact that they'll have a harder schedule in football.