Effect of Sitowski Commit

DC Jefferson part2 - If he has good hands we can work him out at TE
So with a handful of pass attempts and predictable undisguised QB runs, Lewis has gone from dual threat savior of the RU program to being compared to another highly touted QB that was converted into a mediocre TE who couldn't remember the snap count or block without holding.

It would be nice if the answer at the QB position was in the program being developed instead of in high school.
Does anyone think we have a shot at the RB from South Jersey who is a Florida commit now that Mac is out at UF? I also really want some LOS guys. Anderson coming back would be huge as well.
Reports are he would be a January enrollee which would mean a December signing and practicing through the spring. That gives him a better opportunity to compete for a starting job in the fall.
if he's an early enrollee he could sign his financial paperwork today
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He's not losing 10-20 lbs. he simply needs the game to slow down for him and that comes with a better understanding of the playbook. Hopefully he or Gio(or both) progress and plays well next year. Sitkowski RS's and then battles Lewis his Jr year. You will also have chambers in the mix. Multiple options at QB is a good thing and something I've never really seen here
Why not?

Imo that is one of Parkers priorities this offseason.
Not sure how anyone can say who starts next year at this time. Let the best man win.
An athlete of Sitkowski's caliber does not flip from Miami to Rutgers for no reason at all. I'm sure Miami told him that he's not starting next year. Also, he sees the way Miami is recruiting which is always a threat to any red-shirt freshman. People here think that the QB position is wide open at Rutgers when it is nowhere near wide open. How does a freshman who has never played a down in college or know our playbook beat out a Gio Rescigno who will have studied that playbook for two full years leading up to next year. I see this kid maybe starting in 2019.
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Am I overly cynical in saying the effect will be the ratings services dropping him to 3 stars?
An athlete of Sitkowski's caliber does not flip from Miami to Rutgers for no reason at all. I'm sure Miami told him that he's not starting next year. Also, he sees the way Miami is recruiting which is always a threat to any red-shirt freshman. People here think that the QB position is wide open at Rutgers when it is nowhere near wide open. How does a freshman who has never played a down in college or know our playbook beat out a Gio Rescigno who will have studied that playbook for two full years leading up to next year. I see this kid maybe starting in 2019.
Miami would never say that. Coaches say anything to get players. They don't layout a conservative option. Ash seems willing to play the best players to help him win. Expect all QBs to get a fair chance next year. Also don't forget the Sitkowski and Chatman are enrolling early. That gives them both a head start.
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He's not losing 10-20 lbs. he simply needs the game to slow down for him and that comes with a better understanding of the playbook. Hopefully he or Gio(or both) progress and plays well next year. Sitkowski RS's and then battles Lewis his Jr year. You will also have chambers in the mix. Multiple options at QB is a good thing and something I've never really seen here

He can lose 10-20. He bulked up by lifting over the past year and the lifting program was halted/toned down.

No, Lewis can be a great college QB.
You guys are underestimating him.

I am with you on this one. Plus with new recruits breathing down his back, nothing will be handed to him. He will have to continue to learn and progress. That's the best part about multiple good players at every position. It provides more competition and everyone hopefully steps up their game.
yes. add in the fact he lost his starting job and he's not ready. There is nothing wrong with that. We ned to change the mindset that every freshman QB is going to be the savior for our program. Him sitting next year and Lewis developing would be the ideal for the program. Imagine having the potential for back to back potential NFL QB's
Good post. We could stand to have a little more fan-base composure about incoming players.

In our current situation, most high ranking skill-position recruits might actually have more value as recruit-magnets than as players. We need to build up multiple-year quality depth across the lines and the more 4 or 5 star players that commit, the more alluring we become to other recruits, such as quality linemen.
Not sure how anyone can say who starts next year at this time. Let the best man win.
I'm guessing that his post was intended more as a "wouldn't it great if we could redshirt two good QBs because our existing QBs are good enough to win games now" then as a prediction of what will happen.
RU31trap: Sitkowski always had serious feelings of staying home at Rutgers...The lure of IMG... the close proximity to Miami... A very high profile coach... and I’m sure the pressure to commit to a school with it’s own Legacy TV Show played a part in his initial quick decision... I think we Rutger’s loyalists more than anything appreciate this young guy wanting to play at home...Polish Rifle part II coming soon to Piscataway NJ.
No idea how much of a role this may have played - but it is true that a kid can go through all of the introspective self assessment possible and consider what it is like to be away from home for extended periods of time - can think that every scenario has been thought through - but - until they are living it - it just is not fully appreciated - if you are going to school a long way from home - you hardly have a chance to get home (not enough days off in a row) - family mostly has to come visit you - and if it is a great distance - it is not going to be frequent. Some kids are fine - some kids crumble - and some say yeah I could do it - but why?
I'd simply be happier closer to home - family & friends at every home game not just a couple.
I saw his video a while back and he has a quick release and he's a real passing QB. Gonna have to get my season tickets again.
Thinking he might read these boards to get some of his content

No! Really?? lol

They all do it now. Politi and Sarge have written more than one column lately that they all but admit comes straight from right here.
Before the commit, Banks was the only one we had better than a 50/50 chance with. And like I said before, people who think the loss of Anderson was no big deal are sorely mistaken - he could potentially start as a true freshman - which means a lot because by next year you are hoping that at least 2 of our much heralded WR have made a huge leap (ie - Melton, Wormley, Jomes Hayek (S) )

Many thought Melton could be a starter this year, too, but that's RARELY the case for true frosh. Remember LC didn't see time at WR until his sophomore season.
Anderson recommits to RU.

Watch for it. Consider it a “take it to the bank” situation...YES, INDEED. and for all the fools that doubt me, remember Mr.TV predicated that QB DC Jefferson would recommit to RU!

Well hopefully this is the broken clock being right a 2nd time! [cheers]
Anderson recommits to RU.

Watch for it. Consider it a “take it to the bank” situation...YES, INDEED. and for all the fools that doubt me, remember Mr.TV predicated that QB DC Jefferson would recommit to RU!

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. That said, I have a feeling that Anderson will recommit to RU.
An athlete of Sitkowski's caliber does not flip from Miami to Rutgers for no reason at all. I'm sure Miami told him that he's not starting next year. Also, he sees the way Miami is recruiting which is always a threat to any red-shirt freshman. People here think that the QB position is wide open at Rutgers when it is nowhere near wide open. How does a freshman who has never played a down in college or know our playbook beat out a Gio Rescigno who will have studied that playbook for two full years leading up to next year. I see this kid maybe starting in 2019.
lewis was ahead of gio at the start this year
Many thought Melton could be a starter this year, too, but that's RARELY the case for true frosh. Remember LC didn't see time at WR until his sophomore season.

Caroo was on the depth chart behind Coleman, Deering, Harrison,Pratt and Wright, all of whom played in the NFL. Unfortunately, there are no WR ahead of Melton who will be drafted in the next year (Grant has potential as a special teams guy if he isnt injured at the combine)
Caroo was on the depth chart behind Coleman, Deering, Harrison,Pratt and Wright, all of whom played in the NFL. Unfortunately, there are no WR ahead of Melton who will be drafted in the next year (Grant has potential as a special teams guy if he isnt injured at the combine)

Good point!
Caroo was on the depth chart behind Coleman, Deering, Harrison,Pratt and Wright, all of whom played in the NFL. Unfortunately, there are no WR ahead of Melton who will be drafted in the next year (Grant has potential as a special teams guy if he isnt injured at the combine)

Leonte's last name is spelled Carroo (2 r's and 2 o's)
Artur's last name is Sitkowski (2 k's and 2 i's)
These are the threads that try men's patience.We only have a few spots left contingent on a bunch of guys being asked to leave so there's that. Artur can send all the tweets he wants but the attraction of RU is still weak. He could make a difference once he arrives and turns some heads. As of today he is an unopened but welcomed gift.
Anderson recommits to RU.

Watch for it. Consider it a “take it to the bank” situation...YES, INDEED. and for all the fools that doubt me, remember Mr.TV predicated that QB DC Jefferson would recommit to RU!
You also said Jabril Peppers was on campus taking an official....
Looks like the Polish Rifle 2.0 is getting his WR roommate at IMG to take an official at RU, so there's that
Btw, to defend Mr TV, it's not over yet with Amad Anderson but he is proving to be a bit of a diva and might not be a fit with the Rutgers culture. ALot of his handlers still want him to play at home for that very reason