Fans with unused tickets for Saturday

please give them away to either friends or people on this site. lots of people willing to take them and it will lessen all the our fans suck threads we need to see on Saturday
You mean like the jerk that wanted to get money for tickets that lives in PA and NO ONE was going to A) Drive to pick them up other than me and B) Give him money for them. SO instead they went to waste. I had people who would use them. SMH....
You mean like the jerk that wanted to get money for tickets that lives in PA and NO ONE was going to A) Drive to pick them up other than me and B) Give him money for them. SO instead they went to waste. I had people who would use them. SMH....
that's kind of strange, not to mention you can just transfer them through RU's website for only $5. Fee can be paid by either party. I had someone tell me they wanted tickets and then pull out because they only wanted "free" tickets and it would have cost them $5 for 4 tickets. That being said, lots of people would gladly take them.
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if you have free tix post them on the ticket exchange. I think there was/is a person over there that can also facilitate them to the needy , military, and other opportunities. Then you can take your tax deduction as well and get some value for them if going to a 501c program.
if you have free tix post them on the ticket exchange. I think there was/is a person over there that can also facilitate them to the needy , military, and other opportunities. Then you can take your tax deduction as well and get some value for them if going to a 501c program.
don't post them on the ticket exchange. People only go there when they are specifically looking for tickets. If you post them on the free board you end up getting people who weren't looking but have a buddy that would go if he had a ticket type scenario.
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well I think both works. I get what you are saying but if I was looking just to see I would go there.

said another way, I myself look there a few days prior just to see if there are any such opportunities myself and share with friends who aren't going. Or somebody who has a great parking situation available to upgrade.
that's kind of strange, not to mention you can just transfer them through RU's website for only $5. Fee can be paid by either party. I had someone tell me they wanted tickets and then pull out because they only wanted "free" tickets and it would have cost them $5 for 4 tickets. That being said, lots of people would gladly take them.
Jeez... Even Im not that cheap. Once again, thanks for the tickets.
that's kind of strange, not to mention you can just transfer them through RU's website for only $5. Fee can be paid by either party. I had someone tell me they wanted tickets and then pull out because they only wanted "free" tickets and it would have cost them $5 for 4 tickets. That being said, lots of people would gladly take them.

Post the user name
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Nobody seems interested in tix. Trying to convince some RU grads to go to homecoming. Crickets. . . . .
And some of us thought we would make money on selling tickets when we went to the B1G.