Favorite holiday cookies or baked goods? (Please include recipes)


All American
Gold Member
Jan 18, 2015
Well it looks like its that time, nothing else positive here, time to look to the holidays

I am a big fan of Russian tea cakes.

Anyone else? Add recipes if you like
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My mom makes a great peanut butter cookie, and a sand cookie. It's a butter cookie with the top dipped in cinnamon sugar before baking. Yummy
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fruit cake. Especially like the kinds you get in Australia. American fruit cake can't compare.
I agree, H.

I hate the hard as a rock ones with the sprinkles on them. BTW, down here sprinkles are called "hundreds and thousands."

Maybe we could get a favorite recipe thread going.
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My mom makes a great peanut butter cookie, and a sand cookie. It's a butter cookie with the top dipped in cinnamon sugar before baking. Yummy

Those do sound good...

My wife makes these chocolate crackle cookies...

it's a really fudgey choc cookie rolled into a ball and then rolled in powdered sugar. Very good
Hey, here's one. When Moms Skillethead makes a pie, she takes the leftover crust, puts butter and brown sugar in it, closes it up and bakes it. I always like it better than the pie!
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