'Fess Up--How Many Of You Knew/Know What An Ombudsman Is Or Does?


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2011
I had to look it up. Then I forgot a few minutes later. I'm almost positive you can study ombudsmanship on Cook Campus in the Ag School because, if memory serves me correctly, it involves plants and people working cooperatively somewhere near Route 1. It's pretty cool stuff.
In the newspaper business, it was the guy who checked into reader complaints that the paper screwed up. Thought it worked the same way in government as well, kind of like a public advocate in case of a mistake.
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The term Ombudsman comes from Scandinavia. It denotes the person in charge of helping citizens cut through government bureaucracy. The concept came to America in the 1960s via the writings of Walter Gellhorn, then a very distinguished professor of law at Columbia. (If it means anything to anybody, Gellhorn was the brother of Martha Gellhorn, who was in her prime a well-known journalist as well as one of the wives of Ernest Hemingway.) I know this because in the 1970s I served on a city charter revision commission that considered establishing one locally.
Nah, thats the budman...
As in, Larry "Bud" Melman?
Isn't this curriculum only offered in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska currently?
Isn't this curriculum only offered in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska currently?
Legally, yes, but it also has a yogic sound to it. There's a deeper story to the meaning of this word, and the more we search the more likely it appears it will take us to the Freemasons. Or the Mormons. Quite possibly Ireland, India, or Jamaica.