FREE Northwestern at Rutgers Tickets / For Federal Employee

Fellow board members — Not sure why, but as a season ticket holder forever, free tickets always rub me wrong. Guess I’d be happier if it cost something — maybe two tickets for the price of one. Or make them stay for the whole game and give them a refund when the game ends. Hopefully none of the Federal gift getters are Northwestern fans. I’ll get over it. Regards, $port$ $ucker.
Mr Twister,
I get what you are saying,but as the old saying goes "Empty seats don't buy hotdogs." The fact that we are in a state of NINE MILLION PEOPLE and we have somewhere around 65,000 students and nearing a HALF MILLION alumni and can't fill a medium sized football stadium and an Indiana high school-sized gym is pathetic,but that is the current reality.Even if they get a Free ticket, people will spend some money--food,parking,programs,shirts,hats,etc. And some of these people will buy tickets in the future. My Dad started taking me to Rutgers sports in 1976 even though no one in the family had any connection to Rutgers. I can tell you 100% that I never would have become a fan if the ticket prices then, were what they are now. (even adjusting for today's dollar). If someone has a family of five,going to a Rutgers game (even if they buy the cheapest tickets), is way out of reach for many,many families Season tickets for football or basketball are WAYYYY out of reach. --Just my two cents,others may disagree.
Mr Twister,
I get what you are saying,but as the old saying goes "Empty seats don't buy hotdogs." The fact that we are in a state of NINE MILLION PEOPLE and we have somewhere around 65,000 students and nearing a HALF MILLION alumni and can't fill a medium sized football stadium and an Indiana high school-sized gym is pathetic,but that is the current reality.Even if they get a Free ticket, people will spend some money--food,parking,programs,shirts,hats,etc. And some of these people will buy tickets in the future. My Dad started taking me to Rutgers sports in 1976 even though no one in the family had any connection to Rutgers. I can tell you 100% that I never would have become a fan if the ticket prices then, were what they are now. (even adjusting for today's dollar). If someone has a family of five,going to a Rutgers game (even if they buy the cheapest tickets), is way out of reach for many,many families Season tickets for football or basketball are WAYYYY out of reach. --Just my two cents,others may disagree.
I am not a Rutgers alumnus. I understand the possibility of the giveaway boosting revenue. But it cheapens the product and increases the cynicism level for the Rutgers Athletics department’s best customers — season ticket buyers.
Albany, Marshall, GW, George Mason, and Howard University are making free tickets available, too.
Curious ... are any of Rutgers Big Ten counterparts making a similar offering? Maryland is, for one.
Would love to see the numbers for the free tickets. How many folks took up Rutgers on the offer?
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Can I have a free pair? I'm not getting a paid vacation and I promise to buy some food.