I started seeing it a about 6-7 years ago when my now freshman in college son was looking at HS. Some of career academies (Allied Health, Biotech, High Tech) in the MCVSD would list not just what colleges their kids were accepted at but where they were actually enrolling. I was surprised to see back then how many from these really, really good high schools we’re going to Rutgers.I think, and those numbers show it, the perception of Rutgers inside of NJ is improving. Anecdotely I am seeing it too.
My son was accepted to Engineering, SEBS and SAS but chose a different college all together as the fit at his present school was much better for him.
Ridiculous amounts of money from Shoe that we started seeing last year. That might be their attempt but from my son’s classmates who ended up going who were also offered lots of aid...let’s just say I don’t know about that. LOLAs an aside, lots of kids heading to Seton Hall this year also. They offered free applications and are throwing a lot of money at the good students. Wonder if this is an attempt to raise their own academic profile.