Full stats from Rutgers' first scrimmage of spring practice

Please choose one of three typical responses to spring practice stats:

A) "defense sucked! we're doomed! but the offense looked great..."

B) "offense sucked! wer're doomed! but the defense looked great..."

C) "cant tell anything from a scrimmage. theyre playing the same team. its 1st team vs 2nd team. its situational plays. etc.."

This post was edited on 4/11 2:32 PM by jay_hq
Laviano will likely be the starter when the season begins.

Rettig may very well catch up to him at some point into the season. Whether he beats out Laviano eventually is yet to be determined.
Laviano looked better?

From the linked article:

Laviano -completed his first five passes for 93 yards.
On first-and-goal from the 3-yard line, ran into the end zone.
After Rettig stalled on offense, Laviano connected with wide receiver Carroo for a TD.

This post was edited on 4/11 5:18 PM by Knight Shift

Asbury Park Press (Not NJ.Com) Story
Long snapper Lucy still can't get it right? Bergen Catholic walk-on, coming aboard, should get his scholarship if he beats him out.
Stats from the Asbury Park Press article are different from Duggan's. I'll trust the Asbury Park Press. Who is correct?

From Asbury Park Press: PASSING: Laviano 6-9-0 105, Rettig 4-5-1 76, Rescigno 1-3-0 7

Duggan had Rettig throwing 8 passes---Hayden Rettig (5-8, 80 yards, 1 interception)

I see my post was removed quoting the scrimmage statistics from Statistics are not protected under copyright. They are compilations of data.

Statistics can be reproduced
Martin 6-24 on carries. One of the articles said he put on 10 pounds since last season. I think he is going to be big time this year. Goodwin 5-25, interesting more carries than Hicks, maybe Goodwin has muscled up too because previously he showed good vision and cuts but not the strength to break tackles. Hicks 3-9 but I'm sure next scrimmage he will get more and he will do well.