Basketball GAME THREAD: RHoops vs. Maryland

Lmao at #4 on Maryland hurting himself trying to jump into geo. Made the whole game worth it
God we play stupid at times
No sure what that pass was by Baker? Why try that alley oop bullsh*t now when you just closed the lead? And that's supposed to be your leader with that moronic play.
Mags needs to get the Dennis Rodman instructions: Play great defense and rebound, but do not shoot under any circumstances. He should play more - just never shoot.
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Pike needs to pick up the pace of the offense. instead of having each player dribble the ball 4 or 5 times when ball is in their hands then pass. He needs to have much more movement W/O the ball. And to thecperson alluding to we attack the basket....attacking the basket is having your guys going to the basket W/O the ball. We play more of a 5 out offense with rarely anyone in the key. We never gave anyone e on the offensive boards