Basketball GAME THREAD: RHoops vs. Wisconsin

The funny thing is, the first possession of the game I watch, the refs miss a travel when the player fell. It’s too funny
1984 said:

Last comment today. Pikel doing NOTHING to fire up his team. Letcthe refs own us AGAIN early and take us out of the game. So sick of the Mr. Nice guy crap.[/quote]

It would he nice to see him pull an Izzo or the like and actually pull and chew somebody out for their poor or lax play. Lord knows he has plenty of opportunities.
why did Hobbs make the trip? To personally think Barry Alvarez for the Ash recommendation? Does Alvarez have the same agent as Hobbs and Ash?
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We have to work our asses off and have everything go right to get a 6-0 run. Wisconsin drills two threes in like 15 seconds.

It’s called offensive efficiency.
Our football and basketball teams could learn a thing or two.

We choose the most inefficient offensive philosophies.
The touch call on us are a joke. Especially when this miss one on the other end
I give the Rutgers team a shout out for not giving up.61-49 Wisconsin.
Is Myles the weakest kid on the team? I think my 5 yr. old nephew could rip the ball out of his hands.
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Myles.. SPEED is your friend.. not strength.. act QUICKLY

move from one side of the rim to the other.. you are faster than their big guys.. or should be