Basketball GAME THREAD: Rutgers Hoops vs. Illinois

In other news, Illinois is doing a masterful job playing perimeter defense. We’ve only had a couple of clean looks from three point range, and only hit one three.
Three calls/non calls that have me irate:

1. The T on PM
2. The no call when COCKburn went over MacConnell’s back then literally threw him out of the way for an easy 2.
3. The JY steal.
I usually don’t agree with blaming refs but with those calls you list we could be down only single digits and have a shot
Omoruyi. Good athlete. Really bad basketball player. He's completely clueless out there.
Hey Cliff, the big guy, yeah that's the guy you're supposed to block out. He's really big and hard to miss.
Earlier I said put in Reiber for Duke. Now I am saying put in him for Cliff. ( yes a little tongue in check)
And the Caleb airball. Wouldn't be a Rutgers game without one.