Geo Baker Tweet

Because it has to be that way. The minute an amateur can earn a dime from his playing his sport the box is open and can't be shut. What about all the players that didn't make the NCAA tournament?

You mean like the guys on the Duke or Kentucky rosters?
He isn’t asking to be paid, he wants to control his own likeness. BTW, men’s basketball does not lose money

He is actually asking to be paid. That's kind of the point of owning his own image. Again, any dime he would make from a picture or jersey would be directly deducted from the Rutgers share. It's business 101. To use an old term, he wants his slice of the pie. The pie is the pie.
Are you sure he doesn;t want to get paid?
Guys this is really silly. The biggest problem will be for the institutions.

so let’s say we have a car dealership. That dealership supporter is an avid Rutgers fan and donates 5,000 per year to support the basketball team. Well now with NIL this owner now wants to directly impact the program so he wants to give geo 5,000 to help get him to come to Rutgers.... do you think that the owner will be giving Rutgers and geo 5k each or just now geo, Ron, Myles, Montez, jacob, etc all get paid. Then the fooball players get paid. Well here is a problem all the donors paid the players directly now Rutgers can’t support the other sports that noon scares about.

you are pitting the players vs the school.

2. Rutgers university has done significantly more for geo baker than geo has done for them and all musical students combined in the history of Rutgers university. So please stop comparing him to a musician.

3. Geo wouldn’t be the best player in the Ivy League, MAAC, America East... qwasi was a first teamer at stony Brook and came in and averaged 9 a game. Geo averages 10. Sam Sessoms is 6’ from Binghamton averaging 8 for penn state. Geo is delusional.

Geo is a typical college kid who is using his “voice” to make change on issues that he doesn’t fully grasp.

Lastly geo can run a basketball camp. No one is stopping him. I just don’t think he understands that when you run a camp you need to pay for the gym, pay for the insurance, pay the other counselors.... everything is always a great idea until you actually figure out what you need to do to run it.
Is a few nicer meals worth the rights to your own name and likeness? Seriously?

But he does have his rights. He can quit the basketball team tomorrow and be on billboards all over jersey. his image is worthless.

this is standard In society. The rules are in place to protect the institutions and the students in them.

The problem is geo wants to play in the ncaa but not abide by their rules.
You're not getting my point. March Madness is a Billion dollar product and over 90% of their revenue. Each game is worth about 300k per game to a conference playing in 1 game, 67 games x 300k each game totals $20M. NCAA can handout $50-100 dollars worth of personal products to over 1000 players, 68 teams, about 15 players each team, $50-100k worth of merch most comped through sponsors, no rules broken. The moment they accept a $50 or $100 gift card to buy their own personal products from the NCAA at March Madness, NCAA breaks their own guidelines and rules, eligibility lost temporarily or permanently. Most players are smart enough to figure this out. Why can other "full ride"' college students from other majors benefit from their major and earn money without losing their full ride college scholarship and eligibility but the moment a d1 athlete accepts a ham sandwich or a lunch suspended. It's quite silly.
Sorry. You're right. I didn't. And I don't have an answer for you. The NCAA is a strange bird and full of inconsistency, manipulation, and self gratification.

it is pretty obvious how it would end. Schools would eventually cut all programs except basketball and football and keep woman's sports that are the least expensive per person. eventually all but 25 to 30 schools would ultimately survive.

You might be right. I’m not sure it’s a compelling reason why it shouldn’t happen though. Why are football players responsible for the health of the volleyball program?
But he does have his rights. He can quit the basketball team tomorrow and be on billboards all over jersey. The problem his image is worthless.

this is standard In society. The rules are in place to protect the institutions and the students in them.
Lmao you have absolutely zero clue what you are talking about. Why does it matter how much he would make from his own likeness? Even if it was just 10 bucks, he should be able to accept that money. And don’t give me that bullshit that the NCAA does this to “protect the players”. If you knew anything about the origins of the NCAA, you would know they created the term “student-athlete” so they would be able to get out of paying the players. The idea is that he shouldn’t have to give up the rights to his name and likeness to play the game you have worked your whole life to play. No other company legally works this way in the United States. No other country has a collegiate system work this way. It is absolutely idiotic to think that collegiate sports should require pawning your likeness away so a corrupt business can profit off it.
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Because it has to be that way. The minute an amateur can earn a dime from his playing his sport the box is open and can't be shut. What about all the players that didn't make the NCAA tournament?

Why is a scholarship, clearly something of value, okay then? Seems like the box is already open?
Is college basketball better with 1 and dones playing 2 games vs each other and then heading to the NBA? Or is it better if they play 8-12 times between conference play and conference tourney over 4 years? Give me the 4 year blood baths alllllll day.

side note: I go to st peters and fdu games pretty regularly so you picked the wrong guy haha. I dont watch the nba, bores me. I truly enjoy the college game and the grind and passion the kids play with as they all know for the most part theyll never see the nba

If someone is bored by the modern NBA they truly hate basketball. It has surpassed the NCAA in strategy.
There's non-student athletes that get a free education too and they're able to make money in ways that the students athletes can't. That's the double standard/problem in many peoples' eyes.
This is true but are there incentives for schools and boosters to find ways to manipulate boat loads of cash their way to come to their school? Big time sports is unfortunately a whole nuther animal.
That's the issue and I would love to see it figured out.
Why is a scholarship, clearly something of value, okay then? Seems like the box is already open?
Good question but there are standardized limits to what and how many. The variables being the value of that scollie.. And again to certain extent in the eye of the player. I.e. One might want to pass up Stanford to play on a team that gives better chance for NBA cash later.
Lmao you have absolutely zero clue what you are talking about. Why does it matter how much he would make from his own likeness? Even if it was just 10 bucks, he should be able to accept that money. And don’t give me that bullshit that the NCAA does this to “protect the players”. If you knew anything about the origins of the NCAA, you would know they created the term “student-athlete” so they would be able to get out of paying the players. The idea is that he shouldn’t have to give up the rights to his name and likeness to play the game you have worked your whole life to play. No other company legally works this way in the United States. No other country has a collegiate system work this way. It is absolutely idiotic to think that collegiate sports should require pawning your likeness away so a corrupt business can profit off it.

he is not giving up any rights. If he wants to play in the ncaa he has to abide by their rules.

Why is this so hard for you. You keep saying he should be able to make money ofhis name. That is true and he can do that he just can’t play in the ncaa.

the university and the players will be fighting for the same dollars from the same people. Geo would be using his status as a Rutgers player to get money from donors that would otherwise give to Rutgers. Doing this at any job in the world would get you fired.
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There's non-student athletes that get a free education too and they're able to make money in ways that the students athletes can't. That's the double standard/problem in many peoples' eyes.

these people get nothing from Rutgers other than the scholarship. If they fall below a certain grade point average they lose it.

geo gets tutors, trainers, 24/7 access to world class facilities, travels the world, nutrition plans, first shot at all the best classes, the network that comes from being a Rutgers athlete.

Geo doesn’t get it yet but he is making out on this deal.
he is not giving up any rights. If he wants to play in the ncaa he has to abide by their rules.

Why is this so hard for you. You keep saying he should be able to make money ofhis name. That is true and he can do that he just can’t play in the ncaa.

the university and the players will be fighting for the same dollars from the same people. Geo would be using his status as a Rutgers player to get money from donors that would otherwise give to Rutgers. Doing this at any job in the world would get you fired.
Didn’t realize me starting a YouTube channel or giving tips for money to people in my profession would get me fired from my job.
Geo put up a strong and focused performance in the next game, the last time he went off on the NIL issues on Twitter.

I don't like the idea that he may not be focused before one of the biggest games of his and his teammates' lives, but if he can make it work, let him make it work.
these people get nothing from Rutgers other than the scholarship. If they fall below a certain grade point average they lose it.

geo gets tutors, trainers, 24/7 access to world class facilities, travels the world, nutrition plans, first shot at all the best classes, the network that comes from being a Rutgers athlete.

Geo doesn’t get it yet but he is making out on this deal.

He also gets a 'Cost of Attendance' stipend every year which, if my understanding of the way it's calculated is correct, equals a little over $6K a year. In his pocket. With his every other need paid for that is not insignificant.

PS. The kid making spending $$ tutoring or the music student giving lessons don't get this with their scholly.
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Geo has bought into his hype and it shows, both on and off the court.

To your comment about Geo and his HYPE, you guys are to blame making him out to be way better than he has been for four years...

But I agree with Geo here for the most part. So many of the arguments here against him and general advocacy for the players are so flawed.
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They very well may go one and done, but it won’t be because of these tweets

The facts of how this has gone down this season beg to differ.

The first time he got on this kick we lost 5 in a row as he sulked up and down the court.
The real issue in my opinion is the inequity between sports and across institutions. The reason they don't get paid is that teams like duke could just have a higher budget leading to further inequality across schools.

If anything they should pool money made across all of the institutions in a league and basically profit share it. Like splitting tips in a restaurant. This negates recruiting advantage
According to this article...

We can also reference apparel licensing deals both within professional and collegiate sports to assess the range of compensation student-athletes might receive. Nike’s licensing deal with the NBA is for a reported $1 billion over 8 years, for an Average Annual Value (AAV) of $125 million, which works out to approximately $275,000 per-player annually. On the collegiate side, if we average the Top 10 most valuable apparel deals in college athletics, we get an AAV of about $8,000,000 per school, which when divided by an average of 750 student-athletes, gives us an approximate value of $10,000 per-student athlete.

Thus from a licensing standpoint, the annual NIL value per student-athlete could range from $1,000 – $10,000, whereas professional athletes garner between $50,000 – $400,000 for the same group usage licenses.
This isn’t a conversation about Rutgers. We’re talking about the G League vs NCAA future. Imagine the majority of the top recruits that usually commit to title contenders go to the G League out of high school. No Ayo or Kofi. No Hunter Dickerson. No Cade Cunningham. Wouldn’t it make watching G League games more fun than a couple of teams filled with 3 stars? If the G League truly became a farm system, it would hurt the NCAA. What makes it more appealing is that they get paid, they get NIL and they don’t get suspended because the local bodega gave them a free pack of cookies.

In my opinion it would not make the G league more fun to watch. I like watching team basketball, not individuals. The college product has declined tremendously over the past few decades so if some lesser recruited kids back filled for these “stars” who skipped college for a developmental league I don’t think it would make a whole hell of a lot of difference. The NCAA tourney would still be the second biggest sporting event in the US because of the names on the front not the backs of the uniforms.
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Geo's market value will be easily calculated in a short amount of time. The day after he plays his last game he is still Geo Baker basketball player. Same guy, just not selling Rutgers with his name. His value will equal what he makes in endorsements and licensing from just his own name. If we see him on TV endorsing Nike's and and eating McDonalds, then he is right and Rutgers prevented him from cashing in on his name. If he doesn't sign any endorsement deals then we know the value of selling the "Geo" name and image was not what he thought it would be.