Geo Baker Tweet

This is likely going to a professional versus an amateur model. I’m guessing rutgers ends up in the amateur model
A rather sad state of affairs that this thread/topic is dominating the board on the eve of our first tournament appearance in over 30 years. Particularly since we just had this same discussion a few weeks ago in reaction to a more unfortunate Geo Tweet.

I am probably old school in my thoughts on this and believe the value and cost of a college education is not properly factored into the equation. The issue is that too many of these guys take that as a given. If you then taken into account all of the fringe benefits (academic and athletically) the student athlete has access to that are difficult to quantify it seems like a fair deal for both sides. Maybe if you actually had to pay a couple full cost four year tuition/room and boards you would realize how nice it would be not to have to pay for an out of state or private school of your choice.

This can go either way but I would just as soon see the NBA turn the G league into a full farm system so that those not interested in a college degree can just get on with trying to make a living playing basketball. The end of college one and done can't come soon enough for me. College basketball will survive either way and if the quality of play is slightly less that is fine with me. At the end of the day its Rutgers although I have to admit the trend in college athletics looking more like a professional operation is sapping some of my passion.

The NCAA and individual schools do themselves no favors by claiming poverty yet continue to bid up the prices of coaches and then eating significant amounts when they want to get rid of them. The facilities arms race also continues unabated. Whether the school or donor pays for the buyout gets lost in the optics just like the distinction between a NIL comp vs the direct stipend model. If the NCAA would have some success in penalizing those who cheat under the current rules, perhaps many of us would not be so fearful of the likely Pandora's box that would be opened if NIL was allowed. I am sure such a fear does not sit well with the students who want change but that is the reality.
Beautify Written. Nailed it for me.
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This is the problem with the world right now. Twitter. Everyone is a victim. no matter who you are, who you know, or what you do you can go to twitter and be an expert. Kids say they are "property" because they do not get compensated for playing a sport that is a drain on the university. Not to mention the university is already giving them compensation and benefits in the form of scholarship and services.

I wish one journalist would ask Geo what he thinks he is worth. I also wish instead of Geo deflecting he would answer it with a dollar amount. I also wish a journalist would ask him about sharing in the costs of the program. So if the basketball is in the red than geo has to pay up, if they make money he makes money. This would be ridiculous because geo doesnt care about the costs he just wants to get paid.
Just set a cap for everyone and reporting requirements for all earning and then there is no pandora’s box. Let the sneaker companies pay the $30 or $40k a year off the bat for the right to use a few elite players names in their branding if they want to. Let the rest of the kids work on and off throughout the off season at community camp events in their hometowns (if a regular college kid makes $25 an hour to be a part time basketball instructor, pretty much any known varsity player figures to have potential to negotiate a much better rate and should be allowed to do this if they want to earn money with basketball related activities while in school).
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But could they at least have given these guys a nice buffet to eat from. even sit down meals served on sanitized plates with dedicated staff of folks tested like they are. These are likely pretty good hotels and there is tons of cash to make that part right for them. That's the part I really feel for them right now.

I've been to PLENTY of National Meetings and Conferences where we are stuck in the damn hotel for 3-4 days.... and the first thing we all did was run for the exits when we could. Things were always done to keep us "on temp campus" and make it more comfortable. The bitching that went on about even pretty decent food was always there too.

oh and perhaps its changed of late...but for those who often got to go to a Rutgers Hosted event.....those were some of the cheapest things ever attended. (But I will say the last Appreciation event at the then Audi Club was very well run)
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I feel like most of their earning potential would be from appearances.

Just as a hypothetical, say some random NJ high school basketball coach hosts a summer basketball camp. The camp reaches out to a prominent basketball player from the State University, say Geo Baker. The camp throws Geo some money and then markets the camp as “Coach Whoever’s Basketball Camp, with guest instructor Geo Baker.” Geo makes an appearance, gets a little dough, the coach boosts interest in his camp, and the kids there get to meet a guy they watch play on TV.

I’d imagine there’d be a market for that type of thing, at least locally.

There would be a ton of interest for this. The problem I see with it though is how much the player earns here in that scenario. Imagine Geo Baker attending that camp versus Zion WIlliamson attending. I would think Zio would be the bigger draw along with a higher priced camp fee. Additionally, Zion would prob get paid more for that appearance as his time would be valued in many places. this could also be a situation where a booster gets involved or a handler who throws extra money during the recruitment process for him to go to X school so he could earn more.

Could be a real shady business.
so basically “shut up and dribble”

Yes. shut up and dribble! Geo has no real world experience. He is a privileged kid who has been privileged his whole life and given everything he wanted over the last 4 years. I do not take advise from a 21 year old kid who has never paid a bill in his life or balanced a budget or anything for that matter. He has no responsibility and doesn't know a thing about running an athletics program or managing an athletics budget. When your only comment is your're a " modern day slave" or "property" just another way to insinuate slavery then please shut up and dribble.

this is the problem. Athletes and other people talk out of their asses all the time and they get pissed because people tell them to shut up and dribble.

If geo was on twitter talking about how masks are useless or how he is not at risk so shouldn't have to quarantine every single person on this message board would be telling him to shut up and dribble.
There's a ton of implications and a ton of things to figure out. (and we all know how good the big bureaucratic organizations are at doing that lol)... and I still think there will be focus consequences to this on Friday.
But that having been said. In fairness (and I surely could be wrong) that all these guys are looking for is the Right to fail if that's what happens. Meaning we can all say their image, etc isn't worth anything, etc. But in a free market. Its their right to find out.
Now how that plays into everything else is a big a$$ can o worms.
I think people are just pissed because we make the tournament for the first time in 30 years and this is what the players on the team decide to start shouting about. Listen, just don't get embarrassed on the court first game and we can continue this discussion. They are putting a lot more pressure on themselves, lose to Clemson and it's not going to be pretty with the fanbase.

I can't say I blame him about being pissed on the box meal front. If thats really what they are serving these guys the NCAA should be ashamed. The rest is up for discussion but they already are paid quite well in the form of scholarship, gear, food, tutors, etc.

I'm sure a buffet is likely not allowed with covid but they need to do better than a box meal. They could have set up a dining hall and had waiters, etc for the amount of money the NCAA is making on the tourney.
I think people are just pissed because we make the tournament for the first time in 30 years and this is what the players on the team decide to start shouting about. Listen, just don't get embarrassed on the court first game and we can continue this discussion. They are putting a lot more pressure on themselves, lose to Clemson and it's not going to be pretty with the fanbase.

At least the losing streak will only be one game for this tweet. 😀
There's a ton of implications and a ton of things to figure out. (and we all know how good the big bureaucratic organizations are at doing that lol)... and I still think there will be focus consequences to this on Friday.
But that having been said. In fairness (and I surely could be wrong) that all these guys are looking for is the Right to fail if that's what happens. Meaning we can all say their image, etc isn't worth anything, etc. But in a free market. Its their right to find out.
Now how that plays into everything else is a big a$$ can o worms.
But it’s not their right. Their right is to play or not play. As an adult we all sign in to do certain things and when you sign on you play by the terms of the contract. If you do t like it go do something else. They also have the right to complain about it. So I have no problem with him complaining. It’s a free country. An NBA coach cannot talk about another teams player without getting fined. We have free speech in this country so he should be able to but he signed on to play by the NBA rules so he cannot.
But Geo has ownership of his own likeness. Geo is free to stop playing basketball at any point in time and sell his likeness. He just cant do it and play on the Rutgers basketball team. He can make the decision today.

The same thing for jersey tax payers and rutgers students. They should move out of jersey or leave rutgers if they do not want to foot the bill for Geo to have world class facilities, tutors, trainers, professional coaching, travel across the country and world to play a games against exceptional talent so that he can have a good college experience, promote his brand or go make money playing.

For some reason Geo thinks he generates money for the school and the other students.

Thats a very good point. He knew the rules going in, if you don't like it, move to another league. The money the NCAA is making isn't just for basketball, it supports all Olympic sports championships as well. Its socialism, you would think some of these posters and players would support that.
But it’s not their right. Their right is to play or not play. As an adult we all sign in to do certain things and when you sign on you play by the terms of the contract. If you do t like it go do something else. They also have the right to complain about it. So I have no problem with him complaining. It’s a free country. An NBA coach cannot talk about another teams player without getting fined. We have free speech in this country so he should be able to but he signed on to play by the NBA rules so he cannot.
no, not currently. That's why I said they are looking for that right. They are seeking a change to the current rules.
Thats a very good point. He knew the rules going in, if you don't like it, move to another league. The money the NCAA is making isn't just for basketball, it supports all Olympic sports championships as well. Its socialism, you would think some of these posters and players would support that.
unless he is coming back..and I highly doubt it. He's done in a matter of days or weeks. And he's not likely running any bball camps or selling many t shirts between now and then. So unless he's looking for some compensation in arrears from a suit and ruling..(maybe).... he's truly doing this for others. I'll give him that.

OK, I'm done here. Have to go Bowling. I have a 161 avg. Anybody want to buy a shirt with my name on it? 😜
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Geo is a very intelligent young man, who has been locked in a hotel room for two days. He is more than capable of concentrating on basketball and NIL issues. Give our kids more credit.
Hes not. Hes grossly under informed on topics he speaks on.
Check out what the movement is asking for. They are demanding to be able to use their own names to earn pay by 7/1. Why is everyone so sure he’s not back if that goes through?
I didn’t read through all the threads. This was probably already brought up. This can really be abused and will hurt schools with no donors.

Think Hillary Clinton giving a speech for $500k to Goldman Sachs. That’ll just happen all over the place with the money paid by people not affiliated with the school. Come to Michigan and you can make a million dollars in speaking and camp income. Rutgers would be screwed. This would backfire so hard and you’d have like 20 schools that get all the good players and then everyone else.

Maybe do something but put up limits and guard rails or else it’ll get nutty in a bad way.
Heck Indiana just had a single donor pay 10million to buy out their coaches contract. Can you imagine the money that would get tossed around at players.
On point. The time is always right to speak for any injustices we see.

It's not an injustice. It's a 20 year old that doesn't like the contract he agreed to and doesn't like the fact that the other party to the contract has infinitely more bargaining power than he does. He can quit basketball and pay for his own education (and housing, and books, and meals) any time he wants; nobody is stopping him.

Do we support them as people, or just for the entertainment they provide? Remember, they are in New Brunswick and are Knights.

... and they are wrong.
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It's not an injustice. It's a 20 year old that doesn't like the contract he agreed to and doesn't like the fact that his the other party to the contract has infinitely more bargaining power than he does. He can quit basketball and pay for his own education any time he wants; nobody is stopping him.

... and they are wrong.

He has a right to want to renegotiate a contract happens everyday in every industry.
We have a chirpy bunch for a bunch of guys that have accomplished little to nothing
[roll]Such a joke. Demanding a Supreme Court ruling...

Anyone who think this hasn’t impacted the team’s play this year is out of their minds. If you were as unhappy at your job as Geo apparently is at being a college basketball player, that wouldn’t impact your performance? Work ethic? Preparation? Relationship with colleagues? Of course it would.

There’s a reason why there has been a noticeable difference in how the team has “looked” this season. Chemistry off. Laziness getting back on defense. Doesn’t seem like they are having nearly as much fun. Everyone who saw that assumed it was Covid protocol related. Apparently it is the absolute horror that is being a college athlete and not having the right to make 100 bucks running a camp.

My humble opinion is that this group of players really thrived off the support they received from the home crowds. They overachieved in many ways, beating stronger teams by capturing the crowd's energy. To me, that is the noticeable difference this season from last.

My daughter attends lacrosse clinics that have associated fees. They advertise coaching from ex-D1 players. None of the players are still playing college lacrosse as that would be a violation. It makes those clinics more attractive to participants.
Geo is a very intelligent young man, who has been locked in a hotel room for two days. He is more than capable of concentrating on basketball and NIL issues. Give our kids more credit.
I guess we will see on Friday night. Hope I am wrong.
He has a right to want to renegotiate a contract happens everyday in every industry.

Of course. Let him renegotiate. But remember ... the other side gets to say "no" and he has absolutely no bargaining power. None.

Also remember that I, as a customer of his entertainment product, get to offer my opinion that his primary focus does not appear to be winning basketball games and representing the university athletically to the best of his abilities. And while I do care about the university being represented well in athletics, I couldn't care less about his poorly considered opinion on the merits of paying college athletes.
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Wow what? He can bring this up all he wants when we aren't leading up to the one meaningful game of the season. If we lose and geo does not perform well, I am 100% putting all the blame on him. He is shaping his own legacy and playing with fire for how he is viewed going out the door.
Wow what? He can bring this up all he wants when we aren't leading up to the one meaningful game of the season. If we lose and geo does not perform well, I am 100% putting all the blame on him. He is shaping his own legacy and playing with fire for how he is viewed going out the door.
And if he plays great and we win . I hope he sends a similar tweet before the next game
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Wow what? He can bring this up all he wants when we aren't leading up to the one meaningful game of the season. If we lose and geo does not perform well, I am 100% putting all the blame on him. He is shaping his own legacy and playing with fire for how he is viewed going out the door.
Because it's a game. It's a basketball game. Your opinion, and that of so many in this thread, is that something that he is very passionate about (owning his own name) isn't nearly as important as a game he will play to entertain you. To me, that is completely ridiculous.
It doesn't matter if he can make $1 or $1,000,000 on his name. He should own his name. This isn't about him. It is about every student athlete. DO I think they should be paid by the school? No, I don't. Do I think they should be allowed to have a job and profit from their own likeness? Absolutely.
If you believe Geo firing off a tweet that took him 2 minutes to compose is going to distract him from properly entertaining you 2 days later, you're clueless. The kid has been in a hotel room for days. In your expert opinion, what should he be doing with all of that time? Should he spend the whole time watching film? Every single waking second?
This entire thread is ridiculous. To say that a kid can't have an opinion on social issues because he's not focused on entertaining you is ironically, a really entitled opinion to hold.
Because it's a game. It's a basketball game. Your opinion, and that of so many in this thread, is that something that he is very passionate about (owning his own name) isn't nearly as important as a game he will play to entertain you. To me, that is completely ridiculous.
It doesn't matter if he can make $1 or $1,000,000 on his name. He should own his name. This isn't about him. It is about every student athlete. DO I think they should be paid by the school? No, I don't. Do I think they should be allowed to have a job and profit from their own likeness? Absolutely.
If you believe Geo firing off a tweet that took him 2 minutes to compose is going to distract him from properly entertaining you 2 days later, you're clueless. The kid has been in a hotel room for days. In your expert opinion, what should he be doing with all of that time? Should he spend the whole time watching film? Every single waking second?
This entire thread is ridiculous. To say that a kid can't have an opinion on social issues because he's not focused on entertaining you is ironically, a really entitled opinion to hold.
So you think between the zoom calls and the organizing and all he has spent only 2 minutes on this. naive.
At the end of the day the argument comes down to the fact that their are systemic injustices with the current model. Player + University creates tangible value. University can monetize this without restriction and transfer this value to coaches, administrators and others that support the real asset (the players). Player in essence must surrender their identity for that education (which in essence is a violation of Sherman antitrust). Some do not want to acknowledge that and do not want status quo interrupted (shoutout to Mark Emmert), as then the balance of power would shift ever so slightly. Are we just afraid the entire house of cards comes tumbling down? Are their other undertones to this debate? We are ok with Calipari & K cashing checks at every turn & Athletic depts outsourcing agencies to further monetize these 'programs' (hi IMG! - or Michigan State Bball presented by Rocket Mortgage), but lets all get up in arms for allowing a kid to make a couple grand leveraging their identity & skills they have worked their entire life building.
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I fellow ILLINI fan told me that Illini players have decided to go blackout on social media 72 hours before their first game and stay that way thru the tournament to focus on winning.
Geo achieves a goal based on his hard work,but now hes on obsessive' tweets and social media for hours daily, regarding NLI ,before biggest game in his life.' Dumb move IMH0.
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Geo is a very intelligent young man, who has been locked in a hotel room for two days. He is more than capable of concentrating on basketball and NIL issues. Give our kids more credit.

Life in the Bubble including a Clemson view:

All players on the 68 teams are experiencing the same lock down rules - no practices for the first 2 days, a ton of downtime and isolation There's only such much preparation work that can be done from the hotel room. Lots of TV, Xbox, mobile devices and maybe some IBM internship work (nobody was complaining about focus and distractions when Myles was taking his laptop with him to do his internship work).

The idea that some Rutgers fans are already making this issue an excuse for losing is laughable, as if these kids are robots and spend 24 hours each and every day doing basketball.

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