S Source Heisman Winner Aug 1, 2001 11,165 6,172 113 Oct 22, 2016 #1 What a dark, wet, windy day in New Brunswick. At least they'll have a calm, sunny day between 45 and 63 degrees in Minnesota today. Good day to be playing on the road. Go RU! Reactions: RUskoolie
What a dark, wet, windy day in New Brunswick. At least they'll have a calm, sunny day between 45 and 63 degrees in Minnesota today. Good day to be playing on the road. Go RU!
Plum Street Hall of Famer Jun 21, 2009 26,839 22,705 113 Oct 22, 2016 #2 Have had enough rain and bad weather dominated tailgates . We sure lucked out last week with the best tailgate weather of season
Have had enough rain and bad weather dominated tailgates . We sure lucked out last week with the best tailgate weather of season