Goodale with a Boom!

Gayer is a good pick up. Multi year team captain in HS. Only losses at Super 32 were to Hunter Mays (Rider commit, did we go after him?) twice. Gayer was the 13 seed and beat the 3,4 and 9 seeds to finish 4th. Keeps good position, not too flashy but wrestles smart. Lots of room to develop physically in a college weight room and wrestling room.
Is Gayer expected to be stronger than Clark? "#83-Gayer" Did Clark have a ranking?
"#138-Chletsos" Wow, I thought he was stronger than that.
Don't forget that Clark was a 145lber in h.s. He probably still weighs in on the lighter side vs competition. Gayser will be a natural 165, pending any late growth spurts.

I still think we need to get two more bodies in that 165-184 range.
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