Green Lot Question


All American
Sep 25, 2002
I'm flying up with my son for the game Saturday an I usually don't park in the green lot, but will be doing so this time. Can someone remind me please - I can't come up river road an right up the hill to the Stadium with a green lot pass, correct?
Sure you can.

One side of the road is for Scarlet, the other Green.
yes, just get on 18 north and take the river road exit. As E5 stated, make the right on to Scarlet Knight way but stay left of the cones for the green lot. good luck
The green lot can hold several hundred cars so it's not just media.
Do people tailgate in green? I thought it was media
The old media part is now just regular parking.

Saw Ray Lucas walking on the way in for WSU and it looked like he was parked outside the fence closer to Yurcak.
Do people tailgate in green? I thought it was media
We sure do! It's a good lot. Parked on grass, similar situation as Yellow, but smaller area and fewer cars. The front row is now restricted to reserved parking. The media and other key staff parking within the fenced area next to the bubble.
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My advice, get there real early so they don't stick you in the fenced in area. It's a real bitch to get out of the fenced in area for big games such as this. Seriously consider getting there early.
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My advice, get there real early so they don't stick you in the fenced in area. It's a real bitch to get out of the fenced in area for big games such as this. Seriously consider getting there early.
GREAT advice!

There is something to be said about tailgating amongst the trees. And you only get that if you are early in the Green Lot.

And remember @CuredbywinningRU , you need a NICE car to park in Green. LOL (sorry, i just had to - lol)