Greg really is that dumb

bad move, but probably setting up for a fake field goal defense and didn't want the D to get
This loss just makes the haters happy and gives then a chance to sprout s#1t
Lame doofus
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You can't be serious with that post, right?
just tired of the BS from those unwilling to understand Schiano is probably as good as it gets
as a HC the way RU hires.
Greg isn't a good game-day coach , but he will bring in minor bowl games.
I don't like to settle for that, but feel the cream of crop gives Rutgers a wide birth because of the type of support they will receive from the school and fan base..
This game was the usual Schiano, build expectations, fall apart right after the fanbase feels their expectations are being met .
just tired of the BS from those unwilling to understand Schiano is probably as good as it gets
as a HC the way RU hires.
Greg isn't a good game-day coach , but he will bring in minor bowl games.
I don't like to settle for that, but feel the cream of crop gives Rutgers a wide birth because of the type of support they will receive from the school and fan base..
This game was the usual Schiano, build expectations, fall apart right after the fanbase feels their expectations are being met .
And THIS is the problem with RU fans. People want to settle for mediocrity. Let’s just accept schiano as the best we can get….bullshit!
Our coaching staff is VERY paid and the record doesn’t reflect that.
Start acting like you expect more and that we should win. That’s the difference between our fans versus other teams. We also happen to have alligator arms digging into our pockets for donations
I am still dumbfounded hours later. And I’m a huge Schiano guy. I lived in Rhode Island for 4 years and my buddies up there all wanted R magnets and loved Schiano for delivering guy after guy to the Patriots. But I don’t know what to say

It’s a loss and whatever thank goodness the team is going bowling but this is just a really unfortunate low point.

Well — adversity introduces a man to himself. Time to man up and nut up I guess
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I am still dumbfounded hours later. And I’m a huge Schiano guy. I lived in Rhode Island for 4 years and my buddies up there all wanted R magnets and loved Schiano for delivering guy after guy to the Patriots. But I don’t know what to say

It’s a loss and whatever thank goodness the team is going bowling but this is just a really unfortunate low point.

Well — adversity introduces a man to himself. Time to man up and nut up I guess
Post game he mostly put it on the d for not defending the next play.
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Kicker had hit a 59 yarder and that kick was long enough.

but agree.. very stupid... and it gets worse..

1) Kicker is gainst the wind trying a 58-yarder.. it is a mistake to go for the kick.. let the opponent make that mistake.

2) Called the T/O so late that kicker got to see how the wind affected the kick.. he could have adjusted.

3) They come out to go for the 13 yards they need instead and WE DO NOT THEN CALL A TIMEOUT.

I like GS and what he has done for teh team, especially with all the injuries this year.. but this one is on him.

All the haters are going to have a justifiable moment of outrage today.
Can’t call back to back TOs in college
And THIS is the problem with RU fans. People want to settle for mediocrity. Let’s just accept schiano as the best we can get….bullshit!
Our coaching staff is VERY paid and the record doesn’t reflect that.
Start acting like you expect more and that we should win. That’s the difference between our fans versus other teams. We also happen to have alligator arms digging into our pockets for donations
I wish Rutgers was the type of program that could bring in the type of coaches that mediocrity might be the beat the football coaches RU hires are capable of .
Schiano's pay probably is more then he deserve and that pay might attract a better HC.
But the maim problem since 1983 and since ,when Rutgers was coach hunting is the same as it is now,
Cream of the crop and the real good coaches give RU a wide berth when they are looking for a place to land or move on to a better situation.
They might get the salary they want but won't get the type of support they demand from the administration because the administration doesn't have the type of booster to give those coaches what they need.
So it's the 3rd tier candidates and Schiano is/was one of the best of them.
You tell me why Rutgers never brought in a winner and usually was a bad program except for G-1 and G2 turning terrible programs into ones that are respectable, but really can't be considered good ones

Rutgers fans expect and deserve better, but we really are getting a deal because to get the good ones the program needs to show them that besides their salary they will have a program that has the finances to be
elite with the right people in charge

In 2012 Rutgers could have made a move towards being a real good program, it chose to go on the cheap and on the cheap can describe the football boosters donations .
Only have a few good ones and the rest don't have deep pockets. or if they do have other priorities than giving big bucks to RU FB

mediocrity was far better than the program was before Greg took over ( both times)
Get the full financial support, tell Greg his time is up, hire one of the best and mediocrity won't be the best Rutgers can do when we talk about results.
Can’t believe the rants here - icing the kicker was the right call.
20-20 hindsight coaching. It was a good call. If the kick was good and taken away due to the T/O, people would’ve been thanking god for the call.

People are being emotional and not thinking it through. We had a 6 v 1 on that last play and just needed to tackle the WR in bounds and we would’ve won. Wasn’t coaches who didn’t make the easy play.
the fact if you are going to ICE a kicker (i would like someone to tell me the percentages that this impacts a kicker) do it when the line up to make sure they are in fact kicking...yu dont want until essentially one second before the snap and then the other team realizes with the wind and distance you have no shot...that Time Out is on Greg, should not have done it...IF they were going to line up for a fourth down conversion then i call a time out to check their personnel and make sure our guys are prepared...they were not..
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20-20 hindsight coaching. It was a good call. If the kick was good and taken away due to the T/O, people would’ve been thanking god for the call.

People are being emotional and not thinking it through. We had a 6 v 1 on that last play and just needed to tackle the WR in bounds and we would’ve won. Wasn’t coaches who didn’t make the easy play.
ice the kicker BEFORE he kicks it...Not giving him a FREE try.... i would image there is a high percentage that when a coach ices the kicker and it is still snapped the kicker is distracted by someone yelling time out and the kickers are instructed to just kick it when snapped...

doesnt excuse the defense on last play....
20-20 hindsight coaching. It was a good call. If the kick was good and taken away due to the T/O, people would’ve been thanking god for the call.

People are being emotional and not thinking it through. We had a 6 v 1 on that last play and just needed to tackle the WR in bounds and we would’ve won. Wasn’t coaches who didn’t make the easy play.
Ridiculously moronic take. You must not have been at the game. . It was a 57 yarder against a strong wind in the cold. Dumb for Illinois to even attempt it and exponentially dumber for Schiano to bail them out.

I’m sure Schiano expected them to re-kick after the icing, but the kick was so short UI realized the impossibility of making it and thanks to Greg stole it from RU,

The fact that UI scored on the do-over misses the secondary point. They only needed 15 yards and get out of bounds for a much shorter FG try.
20-20 hindsight coaching. It was a good call. If the kick was good and taken away due to the T/O, people would’ve been thanking god for the call.

People are being emotional and not thinking it through. We had a 6 v 1 on that last play and just needed to tackle the WR in bounds and we would’ve won. Wasn’t coaches who didn’t make the easy play.
you are completely wrong
it's not about being haters
he makes millions to coach this team and what you just saw was dad level coaching in pop warner. there is zero defense of making such a monumentally dumb call

now I know there are some successful people on these boards but some of you act as if you have never had any real responsibility or were middle managers your whole life. This type of management is inexcusable!!!!!!

no depth on the team in year 5
took 5yrs to actually get a qb
could easily go on here....
but he continues to coach like he's painting by numbers

and you guys want us to contribute money to this guy? lol no, . I wouldn't give RU football the price of a cup of coffee with this dipshit in charge

Greg is overpaid for what he does here

he gets paid ALOT to go sub 500 in league for 5 years running.

getting to 6-6 with this weak schedule is not impressive and worth the money getting paid, I know its just one win difference but that is a must win next week vs Michigan State for perception and confidence in the program. 6-6 isnt cutting it and next year 6-6 is the ceiling given the schedule toughness
Haven't read the whole thread, but has clock management when we had the ball been discussed? Why on earth did we rush to throw the pass to KM? No way I snap that ball until the play clock is under 10. You run that clock down and leave them no time. He's so inept in-game.
yep no reason not to let that play clock run there...i get the main objective is too score but at that point we had 3 timeouts and plenty of time
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Ridiculously moronic take. You must not have been at the game. . It was a 57 yarder against a strong wind in the cold. Dumb for Illinois to even attempt it and exponentially dumber for Schiano to bail them out.

I’m sure Schiano expected them to re-kick after the icing, but the kick was so short UI realized the impossibility of making it and thanks to Greg stole it from RU,

The fact that UI scored on the do-over misses the secondary point. They only needed 15 yards and get out of bounds for a much shorter FG try.
LOL. It doesn’t matter if someone was at the game or not. Was a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

20-20 hindsight makes everything look obvious. 6 v 1 and we didn’t tackle the WR. We basically put them in a position to either make a super long FG or put up a Hail Mary. They tried the Hail Mary and we didn’t defend it.

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20-20 hindsight coaching. It was a good call. If the kick was good and taken away due to the T/O, people would’ve been thanking god for the call.

People are being emotional and not thinking it through. We had a 6 v 1 on that last play and just needed to tackle the WR in bounds and we would’ve won. Wasn’t coaches who didn’t make the easy play.
Were you at the game? I was there and watched the kickers struggling to figure out the wind prior to the game and at half time. The wind was a consistent 15-20mph with gusts much greater.

It was so bad prior to the game Jai shanked his last three kicks and didn’t get them any higher than 10 feet off the ground.

I said earlier this is where not having a special teams coach affected the outcome of this game. A special teams coach would have been able to weigh in with percentages of success. I would say the kickers had a 25% chance of anything greater than 35-40 yards. And 0% anything longer than 45.
there is no need to ice a 57 yard fg in violent wind
There’s no harm in it either. Is not like giving them a chance to change their minds caused us to fail to defend the Hail Mary.

We failed to execute. Only hindsight tells us the kick would’ve missed.
Were you at the game? I was there and watched the kickers struggling to figure out the wind prior to the game and at half time. The wind was a consistent 15-20mph with gusts much greater.

It was so bad prior to the game Jai shanked his last three kicks and didn’t get them any higher than 10 feet off the ground.

I said earlier this is where not having a special teams coach affected the outcome of this game. A special teams coach would have been able to weigh in with percentages of success. I would say the kickers had a 25% chance of anything greater than 35-40 yards. And 0% anything longer than 45.
Didn’t need to be there to see that the TO forced them into a situation where they had to catch underneath and beat a bunch of DBs to the endzone. If we just tackled, we win.
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Four guys had an opportunity to close in and attempt a tackle, not even one of them touched Bryant. That's piss poor.
I thought it was 6, although two were a bit farther away. The DBs all took a horrible angle.
anyone that was at the game, was well aware of the wind, afternoon sun and said "really thats a long a** kick in this wind". i dont care if he made one at warm up or in a prior game... .....Again if your going to Ice the Kicker you do it when they line up, not one second before snap and give them a mulligan... doesnt take away from the porous defense ....
Were you at the game? I was there and watched the kickers struggling to figure out the wind prior to the game and at half time. The wind was a consistent 15-20mph with gusts much greater.

It was so bad prior to the game Jai shanked his last three kicks and didn’t get them any higher than 10 feet off the ground.

I said earlier this is where not having a special teams coach affected the outcome of this game. A special teams coach would have been able to weigh in with percentages of success. I would say the kickers had a 25% chance of anything greater than 35-40 yards. And 0% anything longer than 45.
There was a clip - I hope someone can find it- where they zoom in on the kicker and he is throwing something into the air to I guess gauge the wind. Whatever it was literally zips horizontal in the air immediately and the kicker looks shocked.

But we ice him on a 60 yard attempt lmao. He was iced already.
LOL. It doesn’t matter if someone was at the game or not. Was a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

20-20 hindsight makes everything look obvious. 6 v 1 and we didn’t tackle the WR. We basically put them in a position to either make a super long FG or put up a Hail Mary. They tried the Hail Mary and we didn’t defend it.

That’s how you say you weren’t at the game without saying you weren’t at the game. Genius. Factoring in the conditions, it would have been the most impossible kick to try in the history of football, yes really.

And you disagree despite not being there. Got it.
Didn’t need to be there to see that the TO forced them into a situation where they had to catch underneath and beat a bunch of DBs to the endzone. If we just tackled, we win.
No, they just needed to get out of bounds 15 yards closer, you football savant you.
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And THIS is the problem with RU fans. People want to settle for mediocrity. Let’s just accept schiano as the best we can get….bullshit!
Our coaching staff is VERY paid and the record doesn’t reflect that.
Start acting like you expect more and that we should win. That’s the difference between our fans versus other teams. We also happen to have alligator arms digging into our pockets for donations
It sure doesn't help when you extend this guy for years and millions just for being 500 after 4 years.
Our AD was an ass with how he handles contracts.
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Were you at the game? I was there and watched the kickers struggling to figure out the wind prior to the game and at half time. The wind was a consistent 15-20mph with gusts much greater.

It was so bad prior to the game Jai shanked his last three kicks and didn’t get them any higher than 10 feet off the ground.

I said earlier this is where not having a special teams coach affected the outcome of this game. A special teams coach would have been able to weigh in with percentages of success. I would say the kickers had a 25% chance of anything greater than 35-40 yards. And 0% anything longer than 45.
You don’t need a special teams coach to know that. It’s disturbing that he didn’t know that.

I said already, this decision was made 5 years ago…to always ice kickers in end-half and end-game situations. Further, he expected Illinois to re-kick. Epic failure.
LOL. It doesn’t matter if someone was at the game or not. Was a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

20-20 hindsight makes everything look obvious. 6 v 1 and we didn’t tackle the WR. We basically put them in a position to either make a super long FG or put up a Hail Mary. They tried the Hail Mary and we didn’t defend it.

Might be a nitpick in the grand scheme of things but the last Illinois pass play was not a Hail Mary pass in my book. It was a pass designed to get at-least a first down that RU ineptly allowed to become a TD.
Icing doesn't seem to work with any real significant probability so I'm not sure how it can be a good call. The context makes it infinitiely worse. As coach said, "it's a good call if it works". It didn't
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