LOL. It doesn’t matter if someone was at the game or not. Was a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
20-20 hindsight makes everything look obvious. 6 v 1 and we didn’t tackle the WR. We basically put them in a position to either make a super long FG or put up a Hail Mary. They tried the Hail Mary and we didn’t defend it.
It was really dumb. Like, really really dumb.
I was worried at 52 yards.... it was a longshot, but I was concerned that they were technically "within FG range", even with the wind. If the wind died for a minute (as it had been doing, off and on), a 52 yard FG is very much a thing that could happen.
As soon as it became 57 yards, I assumed that Illinois would have to go for it on 4th and 13.... and when they lined up for a FG, I thought Bielema had blinked. There was 0% that was going to work unless the winds shifted and blew toward the goal posts (which again, was possible, given the way the wind was swirling and changing).
I thought Schiano might call a time out if the wind changed in Illinois' favor, so I specifically looked at the goal posts just as they were setting up.... and the flags were 90 degrees out from the poles in the kicker's face. It was a dream scenario - there was no way in hell that kick would go through, and no reason for anyone to call a timeout. We managed to pull this one out... and I allowed myself to relax a bit.
The kick was a dead duck.... it went up clean, and the wind just absolutely killed it mid-flight. We all cheered and were giving each other high fives. Then reality set in that Schiano screwed the proverbial pooch with a time out.
Of course Bielema came out of the time out with his offense - he saw what happened when attempting an impossible kick, and there was zero sense trying that again in those conditions. Schiano gave them a new lease on life. We went from a sure thing to an "oh no" situation with the injuries to Rogers/Longerbeam in the secondary. All they needed was 13 yards to stop the clock, then spike the ball to get a shorter, more makeable FG try.
And then worst case scenario happened.
All because Schiano had absolutely zero situational awareness.
There were so many other mistakes/errors throughout the game, and plenty of things to dissect and/or complain about... but we'd overcome them all, and the defense forced Illinois into ill-conceived 57-yard FG attempt. Then Schiano took action to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.