Happy for Mike Williams

Was happy for him too, and it was great he hit the clinching free throw after that huge rebound . He did have a big 3 point miss on a wide open shot. And had the big miss vs Michigan State . Need him to hit these if we want to win some BIG games
He suffered through a couple of horrific seasons and persevered. Keep texting Carrington, and enjoy being the link between the bad times and the good.
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The purpose, I assume, of this thread was to give Mike some props. He certainly deserves them and I think his play was part of why they won. No reason to pick his play apart and lose the sentiment of the original post.
It wouldn't be NJ if we could find something to be critical about in a great win capped by MW's great RB and clinching FT.

Did anyone else on TV catch Mike's face after he missed the first FT? Instead of reacting negatively, he reassured everyone that he had it. That confidence is what this team needs to compete and win in the B1G.

Go Mike!
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From Carino’s article:

When the final buzzer sounded, Rutgers student-fans stormed the court and Williams — the longest-tenured Scarlet Knight — was overwhelmed by it all.

"I actually started crying," he said. "It was a surreal moment."
That's great to hear. He has seen the bottom of the bottom and now he's helping to bring our program to relevancy. Good for him.
Couple of years back, in Mike Williams freshman year, I watched Ohio State decimate Rutgers.The whole team was bad, but Williams stood out. He had no flow on offense and no position on defense. I said to my friend, #5 is the kind kid, I'd run off the program to open a slot for a player that might make the grade. Couple of games later, I thought, this kid's not so bad. If you're gonna run him off you might as well run the whole team off, which is the thought you have when you realize you need a coaching change. Last year, Mike's timely and gutsy play made me embarrassed of my fleeting thought. This year I see him and I think, that kid could be a great coach some day. 18 year old kids are capable of amazing growth.
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You're almost a week late nitwit
Oh so sorry I should have said "belated bye bye" Didn't mean to upset you so much. Could Call you an asshole but that world be stooping to your infantile status and I won't do so even though I Think tour an asshole