Hartford last year was a game Rutgers had no business winning and got so very lucky to escape it. That game last year was a carbon copy of Stony Brook this year. Rutgers was outplayed and out hustled like in that game but the talent gap was so large Rutgers miraculously found a way to win. Fast forward to SB this year and Rutgers was again out played and it took 2 miracle buzzer beaters from the other team essentially plus Rutgers shooting a historically low FT % to win the game. All in all yes it was crazy how that took place but Rutgers cannot be upset with how they put themselves in even being in that position in the first place. In the grand scheme of things the timing couldnt have been better during a holiday weekend where this loss won't get much attention. Also, losing 1 of these type of non-conference games every 2 seasons at where Rutgers is as a program seems par for the course right now. Yes, obviously a minor setback but Rutgers isn't going to look at this in March and say oh that Stony Brook game caused us to miss the tourney. It will be the difference between 15-18 wins not a big deal and RU will still be on the same trajectory.