How good are Diallo and Johnson


All Conference
Gold Member
May 12, 2005
They are sitting the bench this year and are in addition to our recruiting class next year. How are they performing?

Diallo could be a big help inside. Jack has great ability but he doesn't hustle back on defense in transition which hurts.

What is the consensus on them?
I have not seen Diablo but with his length inside he could be a huge help with interior defense. Maybe altering shots in the lane.

Johnson was recruited as a shooter. At 6'6" he can probably get his shot off with ease.
Diallo was said that if he was eligible he would have been a part of the 5 man rotation this year i believe.

Johnson has a good amount of length and is said to be a shooter. Eddie said he was shooting well but needs to bulk up.

Both will be assets next year.
According to reports Diallo was the best of the big men coming into the season.

The third person on the bench that I am very intrigued about is Goode. If he is a passable defensive player he really can make a difference next year.
Originally posted by seels2662:
According to reports Diallo was the best of the big men coming into the season.

The third person on the bench that I am very intrigued about is Goode. If he is a passable defensive player he really can make a difference next year.
If Sanders is the penetrator, finish & dish guy he is suppose to be Goode would be an intriguing prospect with his three point shooting capability. As you alluded his defense is the big questions.

PS: Remember Williams was considered the best three point shooter in NYC FWIW.
Diallo and Johnson participated in the practice that Court Club members saw in October. He did block shots and seemed like a force near the rim but I don't remember him shooting too much. Johnson made some outside shots that day but not as many as I was hoping for. He was however new to college at the time which is a big adjustment. He is I believe about 6'6" or 6'7" tall so it would be nice to have a guy of that height who could hit the three. Many posters made fun of our signing Goode but I hope he proves these people wrong. It would be nice if Williams could shoot a much higher % from three next season, and Goode was the real deal from three and Sanders and Ryan Johnson could also hit the three. That would really help make us a much better offensive team.
- At a prior Court Club Meeting, EJ said that if eligible - Diallo would have been the 1st guy off the bench - so he's definitely talented with lots of upside for sure.

- From what I saw of Johnson at the open scrimmage, I liked what I saw....a slasher, etc

- Also hearing very good things about Justin Goode as someone affiliated with the program told me that Goode is shooting the lights out at practices - which reinforces what EJ has said about Goode as well previously.
Phil -- who doesn't shoot the lights out against the Rutgers no-D backcourt? Geez, St. Peter's shot 12-for-23.

Diallo is the only kid sitting out who had a P5 offer before his ACL as a junior, but even then he was looked at as a 2-3 year project before he would contribute at both ends. Who's the "big man" coach on the staff? Jordan's right -- he needs Lewis to stay around so there's at least one big who can catch.

All we can hope for is that the staff somehow was smarter than 100 or so other staffs with R. Johnson and Goode and that one of the kids is a late bloomer. Or that Williams finds his touch over the summer. Does anyone have faith in this staff's ability to improve a kid's shot after what we've seen over the last two seasons from the floor and the line?
If you watch Williams you will see that he is rushing his shot. Typically of a freshmen. Next year he will slow down, let the game come to him. Shooting should be better. Plus, shooters just need to spend lots of time in the gym shooting hundreds of shots a day to get confidence.

I also remember what Williams' father told Jordan.... If he is not making his shots, sit him on the bench. I expect Williams' dad to tell his son to shoot, shoot and shoot more in the off season to get better.

Also....guys that shoot well in practice usually shoot in well in games. All the team needs is for Johnson, Goode and Williams to hit a few a game to help spread the floor. No one is looking for these guys to be 5-8 each.....hitting 8-20 as a team would spread the court.


This post was edited on 2/25 9:33 AM by RU-Choppin-Ohio

This post was edited on 2/25 9:49 AM by RU-Choppin-Ohio
Next year we are looking at a Williams who should come back with a better shot( maybe 2 3's a game or so, Goode, who might be good for 1 3 a game, Johnson who could be good for two threes a game, Daniels who could be good for 2 3's a game, and Diallo who could be good for 5 pts, 5 boards a game. Oh,and i forgot Sanders, maybe the most athletic guy we've had in the past 10 years. He should be good for 6 pts a game, and hopefully stopping offensive penetration on the defense side.

Very low expectations, should be able to fulfill.

Like many said, if Johnson was put at the shooting guard position, could he guard 2 guards? Eddie Jordan could always make a switch and put him on a 3 on the defensive end. Could goode guard two guards? Williams can. I think Goode will be able to,too. It will take a lot of effort though. Johnson might be more of a 2-3 guy but you have to like his size.

Johnson is an interesting player. With 10-15 pounds, he has good potential at Rutgers.

There's reason to think next year might not be as bad as we think. From having a couple more shooters to having a general higher basketball IQ.

All hoping that every player stays.

This post was edited on 2/25 12:32 PM by higgins3
Originally posted by higgins3:
Next year we are looking at a Williams who should come back with a better shot( maybe 2 3's a game or so, Goode, who might be good for 1 3 a game, Johnson who could be good for two threes a game, Daniels who could be good for 2 3's a game, and Diallo who could be good for 5 pts, 5 boards a game. Oh,and i forgot Sanders, maybe the most athletic guy we've had in the past 10 years. He should be good for 6 pts a game, and hopefully stopping offensive penetration on the defense side.

Very low expectations, should be able to fulfill.

Like many said, if Johnson was put at the shooting guard position, could he guard 2 guards? Eddie Jordan could always make a switch and put him on a 3 on the defensive end. Could goode guard two guards? Williams can. I think Goode will be able to,too. It will take a lot of effort though. Johnson might be more of a 2-3 guy but you have to like his size.

Johnson is an interesting player. With 10-15 pounds, he has good potential at Rutgers.

There's reason to think next year might not be as bad as we think. From having a couple more shooters to having a general higher basketball IQ.

All hoping that every player stays.

This post was edited on 2/25 12:32 PM by higgins3
That's the advantage of having a shot blocker in the lane.....he makes up for defensive short comings on the perimeter. If a guy does penetrate a shot blocker is waiting. The overall defense improves.
That's true.

People will miss Mack, and we should because he is a great player and great kid, but there's reason to see next years team could do okay.
In October, Jack LeGwin, who's a recruiting writing and scout, said:

Ryan Johnson "is super long and lanky. More of a long-term player, but I love his potential."

Jamie Shaw of Phenom Hoop Report said "he's an effortless scorer."

As for Ibrahima Diallo, Paul Biancardi of ESPN said at the time of his commitment:

"He owns a long frame with an enormous wing span and a soft touch inside. His best basketball is down the road, as he would be a perfect candidate for a redshirt. He needs to learn how to play inside with his back to the basket along with needing to add some overall body strength."
Both pretty positive. If all a player needs to do is go to the cafeteria and throw around some weights 3X a week, ill take that.

Like you said Aggs, the only thing we have yet to see is how well Justin Goode will be able to control players of this caliber. Same goes for Johnson.

Justin Goode will probably be relied upon to play 6-10 minutes a game next year. If he plays more, that means we're in a good(e) spot. Johnson is probably around the same at 6-15 minutes. Same goes for him.

I would be happy if each scored 3-6 points a game. As long as Eddie Jordan uses his roster, next year has potential to be a 10+ win season. That's if everybody stays. Jordan should stop recruiting now and focus more on recruiting his lockerroom to stay at Rutgers.
If Lewis returns for his 5th year, the returnees are collectively averaging 34 points a game (not everyone has played all 28 games0. Jack and Mack are 26 a night combined. Another year of 58 a night is going to mean an 8-10 win season. Getting to 65 regularly would make me feel a lot better, so that's 31 a game from the new guys or the returnees stepping up. I've drunk the Kool-aid and believe that that there'll be a modest increase in the FG but there's no way you get to 65 averaging 64.4% from the line again.

That's a lot to ask from Sanders, Williams, and the Johnsons when it's pretty clear that Doorson, Diallo and Foreman have pretty limited offensive skills. I'd really like to see a game-ready JuCo or a 5th year kid miraculously appear.
Unfortunately what Jack brings offensively is masked by his turnovers and lack of awareness on defense. You can say he gets 13 pts, but he gives up a lot on the other hand and sometimes handicaps the team from having their possessions.

Sanders 6
Williams 8
Daniels 10
Etou 8
Foreman 7
Lewis 9
Shaq 5
Diallo 5
Johnson 6
Goode 3

Are those numbers realistic? What might not be realistic is all of those players staying. Well see though. There is reason to stay.
Originally posted by higgins3:
Unfortunately what Jack brings offensively is masked by his turnovers and lack of awareness on defense. You can say he gets 13 pts, but he gives up a lot on the other hand and sometimes handicaps the team from having their possessions.

Sanders 6
Williams 8
Daniels 10
Etou 8
Foreman 7
Lewis 9
Shaq 5
Diallo 5
Johnson 6
Goode 3

Are those numbers realistic? What might not be realistic is all of those players staying. Well see though. There is reason to stay.
Honesty....I would put Sanders as the leading scorer.

He could have the same type of impact Eli Carter had his true freshmen year. Came in and immediately became an offensive threat.
I was trying to most realistic. Saying Sanders will be top scorer off the bat is asking a lot. The numbers i listed were very reasonable for everyone. It all depends on how EJ uses his roster. If he can get people to buy into all having a role, we can be 10 + wins next year. That's also asking very little.I am hoping we are in the 12-16 range.

As i keep saying, most important thing is that EJ sells his program not to recruits, but to the players on the roster right now. Etou must say, GL must stay, Williams must stay for this team to be competitive next year. Sanders must make it here. Forget recruiting at this point outside the program. Make sure you give a reason for all your guys on the current roster to stay put.
I was in school with John Battle. Freshman year he did nothing but sophomore year he showed what he could do. Williams hopefully will settle down and hit his shot.
We've got a year to see Williams progress. I bet 10 dollar dogs that he comes back next year and is a more reliable 3 point threat. Not killer though, but he'll be able to hit 2 3's on a consistent basis.
I know Ryan Johnson will start his career this coming season but are people forgetting about Kejuan Johnson also joining the squad?
Also folks, just put a reminder out there tht in high school Johnson was said to be the best shooter on the court against one f the best high school teams in the country. 3/5 of the players on the opposing team were all going to HM.

I am not as excited about kjohnson for some reason. We'll see though.