The problem with Lathan appears two fold to me:
- You need to design your entire defense around him. Can't rely on JWill, Davis and Derkack. Need actual perimeter defenders. It might not be HC Pike's preferred system but can he not adapt? He can't only have 1 way to play defense and with a different center type the team is terrible.
- Because of Lathans defense (see #1), he needs to provide substantial offensive impact. However, he's not really effective away from the basket - either shooting or as a distributor. Could he get better? Sure. Can we take that risk? Not so sure. So the entire offense would revolve around him posting up in the lane with minimal passing back out. Teams could just swarm him and cause issues. He needs to spend all off-season passing out of double teams and shooting.
Going to be some tough decisions for HC Pike on how he wants to go forward.