If you're Hobbs.....


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Nov 25, 2007
- Do you have a little sit down with Ash to discuss the status of the team; the plans/ goals for the balance of the year; the "scratch your head" issues with the staff or Ash?

- Do you advise him of the uneasiness with the fanbase?

- Do you advise him that seats also need to be filled which only can occur via more exciting play and most importantly wins?

I don't know if AD's do this - but as Ash's boss - who else can and even if AD's generally don't do this - as a manager of any employee - I would think an AD needs to address certain issues with their staff.

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- Do you have a little sit down with Ash to discuss the status of the team; the plans/ goals for the balance of the year; the "scratch your head" issues with the staff or Ash?

- Do you advise him of the uneasiness with the fanbase?

- Do you advise him that seats also need to be filled which only can occur via more exciting play and most importantly wins?

I don't know if AD's do this - but as Ash's boss - who else can and even if AD's generally don't do this - as a manager of any employee - I would think an AD needs to address certain issues with their staff.

You do nothing. Do you really want a lawyer turned AD telling a football coach how to run his program? If he does that good luck finding a coach after you move on. Give ash some credit. He may not be a great head coach but he is not an idiot. All of what you posted is common sense to any coach. Any job related discussion should happen after the season.
- Do you have a little sit down with Ash to discuss the status of the team; the plans/ goals for the balance of the year; the "scratch your head" issues with the staff or Ash?

- Do you advise him of the uneasiness with the fanbase?

- Do you advise him that seats also need to be filled which only can occur via more exciting play and most importantly wins?

I don't know if AD's do this - but as Ash's boss - who else can and even if AD's generally don't do this - as a manager of any employee - I would think an AD needs to address certain issues with their staff.

14 games into his tenure? Really?
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You do nothing. Do you really want a lawyer turned AD telling a football coach how to run his program? If he does that good luck finding a coach after you move on. Give ash some credit. He may not be a great head coach but he is not an idiot. All of what you posted is common sense to any coach. Any job related discussion should happen after the season.
I manage many employees. If I feel some are not performing up to standards, I have a talk with them to discuss performance and to possibly change / understand their position. Why is it holier than thou that a College Football HC making $2mil a year can't be questioned / challenged on some decisions by his boss? It's not a meeting to put him on the spot (i.e. - that his job is on the line). Under your premise or the "norm with College football HCs", I should wait until my staff's annual evaluation to discuss weaknesses /issues / problems etc - which is not how I or any good manager deals with their staff. I'm sure Ash talks issues with his staff weekly / daily so why shouldn't Hobbs do this periodically with Ash or any of his head coaches in other sports?
We really have some winners as fans. It's really getting to be beyond ridiculous. Yes I know this is a discussion board but if some fans don't think the staff is just as disappointed then you don't have a clue. And what is even more sad is it is usually the same folks all of the time. I know many friends who were disappointed with this past week's game and results but somehow we manage to have level based discussion.
I think a good AD, like a good GM, talks to his head coach regularly about the overall condition of the program. But until it's clear that changes are in order, the AD will remain supportive and work to ensure that the program remains as harmonious as possible.

We'll see how Ash and the rest of the staff, and the team, bounce back from this. I think it was a wretched loss, but at the same time I don't believe that it's a definitive indicator of anything other than they phoned in a shitty game against a lesser opponent and should feel all the shame and regret that goes with it.

Next week may be completely different.
Do you seriously that think that Ash doesn't know he needs to win?

Outside of the easy answer of more talent, I am not sure he does know. He seems lost to me. His end of quarter/game management is amateurish.

Continuously punting on 4th and 1 in the other side of the 50 makes me question if he knows what it takes to win @ Rutgers, which is different than what it takes to win at Ohio St.

Said it in another thread. These big program assistants are crapshoots. You don't know if they are great coaches who can out scheme their opponents, or they win and look great because they have better players than the other guys.

Early in Ash's tenure, and it is early, it's pretty clear he isn't some coaching savant. It's also pretty clear than he doesn't understand that this fan base needs some excitement. Losing is bad. But acceptable at this stage. Losing in a boring way where the team looks and plays haphazard and uninspired is not.

He should write down in his book or on his hand, 4th and 1 on the other teams side of the 50 is an automatic go.
I manage many employees. If I feel some are not performing up to standards, I have a talk with them to discuss performance and to possibly change / understand their position. Why is it holier than thou that a College Football HC making $2mil a year can't be questioned / challenged on some decisions by his boss? It's not a meeting to put him on the spot (i.e. - that his job is on the line). Under your premise or the "norm with College football HCs", I should wait until my staff's annual evaluation to discuss weaknesses /issues / problems etc - which is not how I or any good manager deals with their staff. I'm sure Ash talks issues with his staff weekly / daily so why shouldn't Hobbs do this periodically with Ash or any of his head coaches in other sports?
Hobbs is in a weak position because the program has way too many constraints. The type of constraints that make it difficult to win. Most importantly, Hobbs is a terrific law professor but he is not in a position to question Ash. He could hire a consultant (former HC) to evaluate what Ash is doing and produce a progress report. But man oh man that could create a hostile environment for both men. I personally believe that Ash is regretting taking this job, way way too difficult for a first head coaching job.
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You do nothing. Do you really want a lawyer turned AD telling a football coach how to run his program? If he does that good luck finding a coach after you move on. Give ash some credit. He may not be a great head coach but he is not an idiot. All of what you posted is common sense to any coach. Any job related discussion should happen after the season.
I manage many employees. If I feel some are not performing up to standards, I have a talk with them to discuss performance and to possibly change / understand their position. Why is it holier than thou that a College Football HC making $2mil a year can't be questioned / challenged on some decisions by his boss? It's not a meeting to put him on the spot (i.e. - that his job is on the line). Under your premise or the "norm with College football HCs", I should wait until my staff's annual evaluation to discuss weaknesses /issues / problems etc - which is not how I or any good manager deals with their staff. I'm sure Ash talks issues with his staff weekly / daily so why shouldn't Hobbs do this periodically with Ash or any of his head coaches in other sports?
ADs and coaches communicate. They're on the same page. In your case, you clearly have experience in what your employees are doing so you know how they can improve. Hobbs does not. He knows very little about building a football program. He should keep fundraising and let Ash do his job.
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If my team members are underperforming, we talk. We don't wait until the project is over to do a review.

Leaders fix issues mid stream. If Hobbs sees issues that he can give guidance on, he should. I'm not saying Xs and Os but other things.

Maybe ash needs to get out more and do public appearances, build some excitement on a future plan, etc.

No way he should let things just go on without a talk.
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Hobbs is in a weak position because the program has way too many constraints. The type of constraints that make it difficult to win. Most importantly, Hobbs is a terrific law professor but he is not in a position to question Ash. He could hire a consultant (former HC) to evaluate what Ash is doing and produce a progress report. But man oh man that could create a hostile environment for both men. I personally believe that Ash is regretting taking this job, way way too difficult for a first head coaching job.

Great post, I believe Ash is regretting taking this job, it's a Vietnam of a job.
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ADs and coaches communicate. They're on the same page. In your case, you clearly have experience in what your employees are doing so you know how they can improve. Hobbs does not. He knows very little about building a football program. He should keep fundraising and let Ash do his job.

Ash clearly can't give Hobbs football advice. But Hobbs likely has his fingers on the pulse of the RU fanbase more than Ash. He can tell him that we need some excitement. If there are things that can be done on the field while Ash is building his program to help that, it should be done.

Things like going for it on 4th and 1 inside the other team's 40 is a no brainer to help accomplish that. Someone needs to tell Ash, because he doesn't seem to know.
Great post, I believe Ash is regretting taking this job, it's a Vietnam of a job.

Ash played against Rutgers. He should have known exactly what he was getting into from a player perspective, and after extensive interviewing, from a university support perspective. If he didn't, that says more about him.

But I am sure he did.
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BigEastPhil...So you manage many people?... that doesn't mean you know anything about this situation... Do you not think Hobbs and Ash communicate , if not on a daily basis, perhaps several times per week ?... you must be a real gem to work for... you claim meeting with your employees what...weekly... monthly ? set a plan with your employees and follow up perhaps in 3 month intervals... not everyday or week... pretty soon people realize they need to prove themselves Ash 's tour thus far is not to much different than when Schiano took over... he is 18 months into his contract ... think we give him at least through next season...
Having "entertaining" play calling and losing games will not get your contract renewed. Ash is charged with winning games, keeping players out of trouble, and making sure they graduate. This is not pro football.

Kill is an experienced, head coach who is a proven program builder. I trust his ability to call plays based on the talent and performance of our players.

We just had a poor performance in the last game. Is it a reflection of our team's current talent, coaching, or both? Time will tell.

-Scarlet Jerry
Damn Cali if you are so smart you must be rich. I noticed how quickly you moved from 4&1 from inside the 50 to the 40 yard line. Bet you would be the first to bitch about giving field position when you could have punted and put the other team in a hole. Going for a 4&1 depends on seversl things including the point in time of the game, the score, the ability of your punter, the strength of your defense and the ability of the offense to gain the yardage needed. But I guess you have it all figured out. Because if you don't make it you might as well hand a good opponent at least 3 points because if they gain 2 first downs they arr in great position and if you punt they may need 5 or 6 which you don't see too often.

As an aside the one time this year I thought it was worth the risk to gamble was in the 4th quarter vs Washington with less than a yard at mid field.
It doesn't matter what Hobbs' credentials might be. He's Ash's boss. Period. He's also a very smart man who knows Ash is not a fool.

There is no way Hobbs will advise Ash on game strategy. That's nutty. But as far as telling him what is expected (a reasonable expectation, that is) and evaluating his performance? That's the AD's job.

I would hope that, while I'm sure Ash and Hobbs communicate frequently, the expectations and evaluation discussions take place before and after the season.
BigEastPhil...So you manage many people?... that doesn't mean you know anything about this situation... Do you not think Hobbs and Ash communicate , if not on a daily basis, perhaps several times per week ?... you must be a real gem to work for... you claim meeting with your employees what...weekly... monthly ? set a plan with your employees and follow up perhaps in 3 month intervals... not everyday or week... pretty soon people realize they need to prove themselves Ash 's tour thus far is not to much different than when Schiano took over... he is 18 months into his contract ... think we give him at least through next season...

Bob - This is not a meeting to question Ash's job security as I think you and others are misunderstanding. This is a meeting to address / suggest / recommend / discuss matters that as an AD (or someone's manager) or as someone like Hobbs who deals with the donors and fans - need to be raised - amid concerns that are starting to fester. As an AD or as a manager, I don't wait until the problem is uncontrollable or unfixable - as it's prudent to get ahead of the problem - as any top executive or politician would advise.

Furthermore, if I'm Hobbs - who is fully vested in Ash as he should be - my ability to raise funds becomes a lot more difficult with a HC under siege - and hence the need to get ahead of the situation.
BigEastPhil...So you manage many people?... that doesn't mean you know anything about this situation... Do you not think Hobbs and Ash communicate , if not on a daily basis, perhaps several times per week ?... you must be a real gem to work for... you claim meeting with your employees what...weekly... monthly ? set a plan with your employees and follow up perhaps in 3 month intervals... not everyday or week... pretty soon people realize they need to prove themselves Ash 's tour thus far is not to much different than when Schiano took over... he is 18 months into his contract ... think we give him at least through next season...
Bob - This is not a meeting / discussion to question Ash's job security as I think you and some others are misintrepreting. This is a meeting / discussion to address/ suggest / recommend matters that as an AD(or Ash's boss) or as someone like Hobbs who deals with donors and fans - need to be raised - amid concerns that are starting to fester. As an AD or as a Manager, you don;t wait until the issue is uncontrollable or unfixable - as it's prudent to get ahead of the problem - as any top executive or politician would advise.

Furthermore, if I'm Hobbs - who is fully vested in Ash as he should be - my ability to raise funds becomes a lot more difficult with a HC under siege - and hence the need to get ahead of the situation.
Ash clearly can't give Hobbs football advice. But Hobbs likely has his fingers on the pulse of the RU fanbase more than Ash. He can tell him that we need some excitement. If there are things that can be done on the field while Ash is building his program to help that, it should be done.

Things like going for it on 4th and 1 inside the other team's 40 is a no brainer to help accomplish that. Someone needs to tell Ash, because he doesn't seem to know.

Not to offend you, but pls stop.

When a program like RU hires a new FB HC, the last thing we want is to have a guy of Hobbs background telling Ash how to coach.

Who can forget the game vs WVU when young Greg put his punt team on the field on 4th down at the end of the half and WVU camly tossed a 50 yard TD pass to build on a huge lead ?

Ash is young and a 1st year HC. Didnt we already know that and expect some early Schiano like decisions on game days ? Why do some of our fans think that Ash was a finished product as a HC when RU hired him. ? I dont get it.

Ash was hired to build a B1G level FB program, something RU has never had under a previous HC.
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There are at least 1000 people on this board who know what Ash should and should not be doing; why should Hobbs be any different?

And btw, Hobbs has a boss, too; one who probably isn't thrilled with our progress either. And neither of them make anywhere near what Ash does. If I were Hobbs, we'd be having a chat about where we are and what can be done to help. Same if I were Barchi with regard to Hobbs.
ADs and coaches communicate. They're on the same page. In your case, you clearly have experience in what your employees are doing so you know how they can improve. Hobbs does not. He knows very little about building a football program. He should keep fundraising and let Ash do his job.

Ash clearly can't give Hobbs football advice. But Hobbs likely has his fingers on the pulse of the RU fanbase more than Ash. He can tell him that we need some excitement. If there are things that can be done on the field while Ash is building his program to help that, it should be done.

Things like going for it on 4th and 1 inside the other team's 40 is a no brainer to help accomplish that. Someone needs to tell Ash, because he doesn't seem to know.
Hobbs understands that long term success outweighs short term excitement. Ash is revamping the entire program. As for the 4 and 1s, I agree, you have to take some chances. But that's also field position. They finally feel they have punter who can change the field and a defense that can pressure the other team by their own goal line. Granted, that didn't work last week. But Ash told the media the defense will win their games. So I get decision to punt it.
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BigEastPhil...So you manage many people?... that doesn't mean you know anything about this situation... Do you not think Hobbs and Ash communicate , if not on a daily basis, perhaps several times per week ?... you must be a real gem to work for... you claim meeting with your employees what...weekly... monthly ? set a plan with your employees and follow up perhaps in 3 month intervals... not everyday or week... pretty soon people realize they need to prove themselves Ash 's tour thus far is not to much different than when Schiano took over... he is 18 months into his contract ... think we give him at least through next season...

There is no season in regular workplace, Football games are 3 months. You better believe a manager is hands on a 3 month project so I expect Hobbs be in touch with Ash a few times a week.
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- Do you have a little sit down with Ash to discuss the status of the team; the plans/ goals for the balance of the year; the "scratch your head" issues with the staff or Ash?

- Do you advise him of the uneasiness with the fanbase?

- Do you advise him that seats also need to be filled which only can occur via more exciting play and most importantly wins?

I don't know if AD's do this - but as Ash's boss - who else can and even if AD's generally don't do this - as a manager of any employee - I would think an AD needs to address certain issues with their staff.

You do nothing. Do you really want a lawyer turned AD telling a football coach how to run his program? If he does that good luck finding a coach after you move on. Give ash some credit. He may not be a great head coach but he is not an idiot. All of what you posted is common sense to any coach. Any job related discussion should happen after the season.

Lawyer turned AD? Lmao. The guy was a school administrator at SHU, he is now a school administrator at RU. Yes, he is also an attorney/law professor. You make it sound like they grabbed some ambulance chaser out of a second rate personal injury firm to run an athletic department. Not all AD's need to be former athletes or coaches.

IIRC Ash and Hobbs meet every Monday. I'm quite confident the meetings are more about what the Athletic Department can do to support the team. Did afternoon practice go smoothly now that classes have started? Do you need anything moved around to accomadate the players schedules? Maybe some bigger picture items on recruiting, gameday atmosphere (I noticed the DJ wasn't blaring heavy bass during our offensive possessions this week like he did vs Washington...drove me nuts). He's not telling Ash to go for it on 4th and 1 inside the 50.
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I manage many employees. If I feel some are not performing up to standards, I have a talk with them to discuss performance and to possibly change / understand their position. Why is it holier than thou that a College Football HC making $2mil a year can't be questioned / challenged on some decisions by his boss? It's not a meeting to put him on the spot (i.e. - that his job is on the line). Under your premise or the "norm with College football HCs", I should wait until my staff's annual evaluation to discuss weaknesses /issues / problems etc - which is not how I or any good manager deals with their staff. I'm sure Ash talks issues with his staff weekly / daily so why shouldn't Hobbs do this periodically with Ash or any of his head coaches in other sports?
I agree with your general premise but I think people were reacting to telling him fans are uneasy and seats need to be filled. Those points are not constructive feedback and fall into the duh category.
Damn Cali if you are so smart you must be rich. I noticed how quickly you moved from 4&1 from inside the 50 to the 40 yard line. Bet you would be the first to bitch about giving field position when you could have punted and put the other team in a hole. Going for a 4&1 depends on seversl things including the point in time of the game, the score, the ability of your punter, the strength of your defense and the ability of the offense to gain the yardage needed. But I guess you have it all figured out. Because if you don't make it you might as well hand a good opponent at least 3 points because if they gain 2 first downs they arr in great position and if you punt they may need 5 or 6 which you don't see too often.

As an aside the one time this year I thought it was worth the risk to gamble was in the 4th quarter vs Washington with less than a yard at mid field.

Statistically speaking, yea you should go for it. We lost both games not going for it. Maybe try something different. And two first downs from your own 37 doesn't get you in FG position even with Janikowski.
I manage many employees. If I feel some are not performing up to standards, I have a talk with them to discuss performance and to possibly change / understand their position. Why is it holier than thou that a College Football HC making $2mil a year can't be questioned / challenged on some decisions by his boss? It's not a meeting to put him on the spot (i.e. - that his job is on the line). Under your premise or the "norm with College football HCs", I should wait until my staff's annual evaluation to discuss weaknesses /issues / problems etc - which is not how I or any good manager deals with their staff. I'm sure Ash talks issues with his staff weekly / daily so why shouldn't Hobbs do this periodically with Ash or any of his head coaches in other sports?
Because Hobbs has no experience coaching football. In many industries what your describing it appropriate but not in football. There is nothing Hobbs can say or do in the middle of the season to improve the situation. What you are suggesting is like saying a hospital administrator should walk into the middle of surgery and point out to the surgeon that they may lose the patient. There is an appropriate time and place for those discussions. That is after the season when they can actually make changes. It not like Hobbs is going to draw up new plays or suggest things that work. He just going to point out the obvious. Coaches HATE ads who try to micromanage especially when they have no experience in coaching. If an AD gets that reputation coaches don't want to work for them. It would be one thing if he was an AD like Alvarez. Then it may be appropriate. If he wants to improve the program the people he should be talking to is donors not his head coach.
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I don't think any conversation happens until the end of the season.

100% this, you can't do that until the end, or you are just going to make things worse.

Ash and Kill are not clueless, they are not Flood, they get that was a terrible lost and they need to get the team to focus and try harder. They know they need to change their game plans.
You do nothing. Do you really want a lawyer turned AD telling a football coach how to run his program? If he does that good luck finding a coach after you move on. Give ash some credit. He may not be a great head coach but he is not an idiot. All of what you posted is common sense to any coach. Any job related discussion should happen after the season.

Are you sure about this ????
You do nothing. Do you really want a lawyer turned AD telling a football coach how to run his program? If he does that good luck finding a coach after you move on. Give ash some credit. He may not be a great head coach but he is not an idiot. All of what you posted is common sense to any coach. Any job related discussion should happen after the season.
The experience he has with Seton Hall's football team is not enough to advise Ash.
If I were Hobbs, I would publicly voice strong support for Ash and work to manage fans expectations. That wouldn't change unless there was a Flood-like extracurricular issue. There is little value in any AD not being publicly supportive of a coach.

What I would not be doing, if I were Hobbs, is overreacting to one horrible performance in week two of the season, regardless of who the opponent was. I would not be attempting to micromanage any of my coaches.

I would work hard to avoid adding additional pressure to an already high-pressure situation. Anybody that thinks Ash doesn't have a burning desire to succeed (i.e. win) is not paying attention or simply not thinking it through. By all accounts, Ash is working his ass off. He either will have what it takes or he won't. But adding more pressure on top of the intense pressure he's already under won't make him a better coach - it'll just distract him.
Are you sure about this ????
If I am Hobbs and we're trending toward a 1-2 win season I am discreetly beating the bushes to raise $$ for a buyout after '18 if this doesn't get turned around by then....plan ahead just in case.
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If I am Hobbs and we're trending toward a 1-2 win season I am discreetly beating the bushes to raise $$ for a buyout after '18 if this doesn't get turned around by then....plan ahead just in case.
all good ADs always have a short list of possible replacements.At RU the list would have $$ restrictions.Probably stuck with Ash for this season and next.