If you're Hobbs.....

Hobbs needs to give ash at least a million more in staff budget. That way, Ash can spend that getting guys who can bring in much better talent.
Perception of the program and recruiting are closely intertwined.Right now I'm becoming more convinced that the football program needs to go the" Stringer way " where her prior success at other schools was the main reason top tier recruits came to Rutgers.Recycling new head coaches without prior success at the highest level of competition as a head coach won't work at Rutgers because the competition is too strong.Of course ,it would take a significant financial expenditure which I doubt Rutgers will commit to prior to 2021.

The status quo mode of kicking the can down the road probably will win out for the next 4 seasons and fans will continue shaking their heads after Eastern Michigan type games.
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Declining season ticket sales half empty stands,,national perception ,perception to recruits,media will force RU,no matter how they want to 'save money' to change the HC if current 2 win seasons and no B10 wins continue this season into next.
PENN STATE (-38½) over Georgia State: Thus concludes Penn State’s intramural portion of the schedule. Correction: the Nittany Lions play host to Rutgers on Nov. 11.:flushed:

From todays: NY POST
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