Illinois thread

No one is saying don’t be critical. Keep it factual and eliminate the personal insults. Some people cross lines and others obliterate them, anonymously of course.
No, I've seen plenty of posters attacked on here for simply being critical of a performance. So yes there are those saying don't be critical and if you are you're a horrible fan. Discussions have become nonexistent on here because one side feels you shouldn't be critical.
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No, I've seen plenty of posters attacked on here for simply being critical of a performance. So yes there are those saying don't be critical and if you are you're a horrible fan. Discussions have become nonexistent on here because one side feels you shouldn't be critical.

That’s also a problem. If you say you’re disappointed in a wrestler you get told that you’re ripping him incessantly with your keyboard muscles and that that wrestler is what he is and to get over it.

This is the big 10. Not everybody has to be pleased with every wrestler. That passion is what creates the atmosphere at the RAC. That said, what transpired last night clearly crossed some lines and shouldn’t happen.
In Creedo’s defense, he didn’t say anything insulting about the wrestler at first but just stated his opinion. He should be allowed to do that without the father threatening to beat him up in the parking lot because that’s just stupid. The thread did get deleted because of the insulting and sexist stuff he was saying to someone else and that was wrong but his on the mat criticism was really not that big of a deal.
In Creedo’s defense, he didn’t say anything insulting about the wrestler at first but just stated his opinion. He should be allowed to do that without the father threatening to beat him up in the parking lot because that’s just stupid. The thread did get deleted because of the insulting and sexist stuff he was saying to someone else and that was wrong but his on the mat criticism was really not that big of a deal.
His comments about the wrestler were over the top. As I recall the parent invited creedo to visit him in the father’s seat and repeat his criticism in person. It was not a physical challenge. It was credo who gave specific instructions as to where to meet him for a confrontation along with some boasting about his superior physical prowess. He then followed up with a later post advising that he wasn’t even there but was in Hoboken. That says it all.
No, I've seen plenty of posters attacked on here for simply being critical of a performance. So yes there are those saying don't be critical and if you are you're a horrible fan. Discussions have become nonexistent on here because one side feels you shouldn't be critical.
Your opinion and I respectfully disagree. Pointing out that someone isn’t performing is not an issue. Doing so by belittling or with personal insults is. That’s my point.
His comments about the wrestler were over the top. As I recall the parent invited creedo to visit him in the father’s seat and repeat his criticism in person. It was not a physical challenge. It was credo who gave specific instructions as to where to meet him for a confrontation along with some boasting about his superior physical prowess. He then followed up with a later post advising that he wasn’t even there but was in Hoboken. That says it all.
I can't argue with the timeline of challenges I just didn't think the original criticism was that bad. It's not like he said he hates old people and dogs or something but maybe I didn't see every comment.
I'll give the mods credit because up to this point they have been very hands off and lenient when it comes to moderation. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt if they felt the thread needed to be deleted. I didn't see what was said so I can't give my own opinion of it but some things are better off left unsaid (or removed from the the board entirely).

I have a feeling some people more than likely asked that it be deleted and they obliged.
Your opinion and I respectfully disagree. Pointing out that someone isn’t performing is not an issue. Doing so by belittling or with personal insults is. That’s my point.
If you say so. All I know is lots of usual(older) posters have left because of this issue. Match threads used to be 5 to 6 pages long of discussion without Lex taking up 2 to 3 pages of posting. Posters are attacked for saying anything critical so they left. TOS you say what you want without fear of retribution. It's a discussion not like here where some have decided they are morally superior to everyone else. There are no discussions here, since there is no opposing view point.
I can't argue with the timeline of challenges I just didn't think the original criticism was that bad. It's not like he said he hates old people and dogs or something but maybe I didn't see every comment.
Actually Creedo did say that a 50 year old wasn’t going to have anything for him. Not sure what his feelings about dogs are though.
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It's a shame the mods didn't just delete the offending messages and put Creedo and the Dad in timeout. At least then the people that wanted to read the wrestling stuff could still read it.
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It's a shame the mods didn't just delete the offending messages and put Creedo and the Dad in timeout. At least then the people that wanted to read the wrestling stuff could still read it.
That’s what I was wondering. Delete the truly offensive stuff and let others read the analysis of the match. Curious on others thoughts about why this team is so weak on bottom and can’t hold the other guys down for more than 10 sec. Why most other teams are stronger and more aggressive especially to close out matches. Is it coaching or lack of talent? I’m not sure if any of this was discussed since the thread is gone.
I’m definitely not defending the guy and have no idea what was said but it’s kind of crazy to think that people now have to walk on eggshells and not be critical of these wrestlers on a public forum or their parents might just in and lash out at you. Should there be a rule that only positive discussions allowed as to not hurt any feelings? NJ has passionate fans who are going to speak up when they see Rutgers wrestlers get outmuscled and outworked on the mat as consistently as this team does.
No one said criticizing wasn’t allowed ...making it personal way beyond the norm is what happened sure parents see this board and know the difference between constructive criticism and flat out personal attacks....I’ve railed about it before and even said it was only a matter of time before a parent was gonna confront someone at some point and that’s exactly what happened . I’ve got no skin in the game ..not a parent and it was wrong ..just flat out wrong
I can't argue with the timeline of challenges I just didn't think the original criticism was that bad. It's not like he said he hates old people and dogs or something but maybe I didn't see every comment.
You didn’t see everything and it’s obvious ..his attacks on JOJO first were way out of line then criticized MVB before he even set foot on the mat ...who does that other then a guy who hates his life and picks on kids to get his jollies off knowing his keyboard is his muscles.....not only would a parent wanna do something about it but so would real RU fans which were out in force last night against the idiot
That’s what I was wondering. Delete the truly offensive stuff and let others read the analysis of the match. Curious on others thoughts about why this team is so weak on bottom and can’t hold the other guys down for more than 10 sec. Why most other teams are stronger and more aggressive especially to close out matches. Is it coaching or lack of talent? I’m not sure if any of this was discussed since the thread is gone.

An honest discussion about that would be appropriate. I have observed over the past several years that the seasons go much the same in that the people here get very frustrated, then with any amount of improvement or success, the attitudes turn around. Last year, this forum's participants had much the same frustrations, then Nick and Anthony won and suddenly it's an excellent program. I believe there is plenty of talent, but I haven't seen the development of that talent on a consistent basis.

To be clear, I'm a fan and look forward to each match, wanting to see the kids do well and the program succeed. I think the problem is systemic. That may not be what any of us want to believe, but the evidence is there.

This is the second year where the coach has criticized what the kids do at practices. Who's responsible for the practices if not the coach? If I had the opportunity, I'd ask the coach to explain his process.
No, I've seen plenty of posters attacked on here for simply being critical of a performance. So yes there are those saying don't be critical and if you are you're a horrible fan. Discussions have become nonexistent on here because one side feels you shouldn't be critical.
Big difference between being critical and making your criticisms personal repeat the same things all the time about a kid who is doing the best he can is not helpful ..didn’t realize this forum was just to be critical of a kid instead of a little encouragement ..really sad that some feel the fun has been removed since you feel you can’t be critical That kinda says all you need to know about some guys real reason for being here
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Big difference between being critical and making your criticisms personal repeat the same things all the time about a kid who is doing the best he can is not helpful ..didn’t realize this forum was just to be critical of a kid instead of a little encouragement ..really sad that some feel the fun has been removed since you feel you can’t be critical That kinda says all you need to know about some guys real reason for being here
You damn well know I never said this forum was just to be critical. When wrestlers do well people praise them when their performance doesn't match their skill set I see no problem with critiquing that performance. You do.

No one knows what's acceptable by you, you've become a one man gestapo. All you brought to this board was your personal vendetta. There used to be threads about wrestlers talking about them, discussing them. There are no discussions. You wanted to feel morally superior than everyone else, so you decided to rip other posters to achieve your goal. It's why you're on here, you can say it's to get info but it's not, you're the board police searching for anyone to pounce on.
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Many of our kids have not performed well. Losing 2 starters in Colucci and Grello has been tough and not really mentioned here. We have to step it up or this is Scott’s first losing season.
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Big difference between being critical and making your criticisms personal repeat the same things all the time about a kid who is doing the best he can is not helpful ..didn’t realize this forum was just to be critical of a kid instead of a little encouragement ..really sad that some feel the fun has been removed since you feel you can’t be critical That kinda says all you need to know about some guys real reason for being here

This place isn’t meant to be encouraging or critical specifically. It’s for fans to share their thoughts, opinions and insights. As long as the opinions aren’t ridiculous, I don’t see the problem in saying a wrestler hasn’t lived up to expectations, taken the next step, etc. We know they’re all nice kids, work hard, and do their best but we don’t need those things shoved down our throats every time a wrestler has a bad match.
Many of our kids have not performed well. Losing 2 starters in Colucci and Grello has been tough and not really mentioned here. We have to step it up or this is Scott’s first losing season.
Agreed. I think we got blinded by a few guys over performing early season to realize this lull was a little predictable. Half of the starting lineup really hasn’t experienced the amount of travel during a season so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re hitting a wall. Losing 2 veteran starters made things even worse.

Ultimately I think Aguilar, Alvarez, Janzer, and Pagano end up as national qualifiers. Maybe Angelo and Donner have a chance as low seeds and I guess Grello if he can get healthy and make a decent run in the big 10s. Im still not concerned about the long term future of the program whatsoever.
You damn well know I never said this forum was just to be critical. When wrestlers do well people praise them when their performance doesn't match their skill set I see no problem with critiquing that performance. You do.

No one knows what's acceptable by you, you've become a one man gestapo. All you brought to this board was your personal vendetta. There used to be threads about wrestlers talking about them, discussing them. There are no discussions. You wanted to feel morally superior than everyone else, so you decided to rip other posters to achieve your goal. It's why you're on here, you can say it's to get info but it's not, you're the board police searching for anyone to pounce on.
You have your opinion I have mine ...saying a kid doesn’t belong on the mat , can’t ride a 6th grader, etc ...and many more for weeks on end ..the RS of JOJO many times is the kid gonna get ripped along with his father for the kid wanting to wrestle if he beat the incumbent ..he earned his way on the mat yet guys like you were like parrots repeating the same damn line me names what you will ..scroll back a few weeks and see how bad it had gotten towards a couple of these kids ..I speak my mind about personal attacks on kids doing the best they can ..of course relevant critiqueing is normal and I spoke up when it got beyond that ..don’t like my opinion then don’t read it..early on quite a few acknowledged it was gonna be a down season’s been just that ..we don’t have a team laden with senior talent yet you expect kids to perform as such ..they are young ..they read what’s said about them ..why make a kid feel worse then he already does ..that’s my point ..
I will be there. I have not figured out how to be at the RAC for basketball at 6:30 and Rider at 7. Any help here. Rider lost 125 by major, 133 by pin by Feldman who Alvarez beat and Lipari lost to Shoop 12-4. We need to win all those plus beat Fleuri at 149 to have any chance to win the match. Rider swept the upper weights to a comeback win to make them 10-2
I will be there. I have not figured out how to be at the RAC for basketball at 6:30 and Rider at 7. Any help here. Rider lost 125 by major, 133 by pin by Feldman who Alvarez beat and Lipari lost to Shoop 12-4. We need to win all those plus beat Fleuri at 149 to have any chance to win the match. Rider swept the upper weights to a comeback win to make them 10-2
Hmmm...that’s no easy task Bill
I hope the Rider gym is rockin with RU fans ....
I like their gym for wrestling, used to go often to see some good local D1 wrestling during the pre-Goodale years. Hope we can put a nail in the coffin of the Rider fans' optimism that they could challenge Rutgers. I hope that we don't have any more recruiting dry spells with the 2 NCs last year and the new facilities coming online. We have had a few rough years that have caused us to be over-reliant this year on frosh and RS frosh wrestlers. God willing, we won't see this scenario again. We will need to step up recruiting if we are going to be the dominant team in NJ, because Princeton seems to have a stranglehold on Delbarton, can recruit nationally, and will be getting their share of Blair and Bergen Catholic kids. I hope that it doesn't happen, but I think Princeton will become the consistently dominant team in NJ. Bothers the hell out of me. Is there another major D1 wrestling program for the top state university in any other state that seems to struggle as much as we do in getting recruits from its best home-state high schools?
I love the attitude and grit that Janzer brings to the mat. I wish more in the team had that fight. That being said, I really hope he can get to some offense in these tougher matches against top 20 guys. He can’t really on winning a nail biter in OT via rideout or escape every match. Shouldn’t be an issue today against Rider.
I like their gym for wrestling, used to go often to see some good local D1 wrestling during the pre-Goodale years. Hope we can put a nail in the coffin of the Rider fans' optimism that they could challenge Rutgers. I hope that we don't have any more recruiting dry spells with the 2 NCs last year and the new facilities coming online. We have had a few rough years that have caused us to be over-reliant this year on frosh and RS frosh wrestlers. God willing, we won't see this scenario again. We will need to step up recruiting if we are going to be the dominant team in NJ, because Princeton seems to have a stranglehold on Delbarton, can recruit nationally, and will be getting their share of Blair and Bergen Catholic kids. I hope that it doesn't happen, but I think Princeton will become the consistently dominant team in NJ. Bothers the hell out of me. Is there another major D1 wrestling program for the top state university in any other state that seems to struggle as much as we do in getting recruits from its best home-state high schools?

Not many other schools have the geographical problem of being a few hours from Penn State and the Ivy League. NJ is a small state so there’s not as many potential recruits as other states but there are plenty of schools calling.
After 3 bought Cornell leads Princeton 6-4. Glory won 9-0. Tucker won 8-3 over Agaisse and Baughman won 8-4 so him beating JoJo shoes he is decent.