Nobody is saying Laviano's any kind of great QB. And nobody can argue that a great QB would make us more competitive in any game. But regardless of that, to pin the loss on Laviano alone is simply incorrect.
As for Oden being better at running, nobody's denying that. But according to the evidence in front of us (the fact that our staff won't let Oden throw, yet, in a game and Ash's statements about Oden "having a long way to go" before he's ready), he's not yet ready to take over the QB role. If he's struggling with the passing game in practice, he's not magically going to become a great passing QB in the games.
Gio's one run this year was through a totally exhausted Howard team that could barely stand upright, let alone tackle. It was fun as hell to watch, but I wouldn't be basing much on it (and neither is the coaching staff, apparently).
Perhaps at some point, another QB will step up and earn the right to start. That would be great. But win or lose, it'll still require the whole team to perform; not just the QB.