***Jerry Kill released from Hospital***

Great news. Whenever he is healthy enough to return to coaching he must go up the the coaching booth. This team needs him!
My mom almost died of a seizure two years back. She fell on her head after it occurred.

She couldn't go back to work per the doctors order for 6 months. I am not expecting Kill to make a return given that.

Best to Kill. Take care of yourself.
Coach Kill - please stay out of harms way and coach frorn the box. Your health is so much more important then football.
Is the stress of an under-performing offense so much less in the box than it is on the sideline? I hate to say it but Jerry's decision may be between coaching and living. It's painful to say but choose life Jerry. You're 56 and life and family still have a lot to offer outside of football.
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All the best, Coach Kill. -Get well soon, and whether continued involvement in coaching is in your future or not, your health is truly all that matters.

God Bless and a speedy recovery.
Is the stress of an under-performing offense so much less in the box than it is on the sideline? I hate to say it but Jerry's decision may be between coaching and living. It's painful to say but choose life Jerry. You're 56 and life and family still have a lot to offer outside of football.
Players dont run into you at full speed in the box.
Based on what Ash said, I think if Kill wants to coach on the sidelines, he just needs to do so from behind the offense. He was out ahead of the offense on the play where he got hit.

Of course, depending on how a play evolves, a coach can get hit standing anywhere on the sideline at all. So being in the box would be safest, from that perspective.
My mom almost died of a seizure two years back. She fell on her head after it occurred.

She couldn't go back to work per the doctors order for 6 months. I am not expecting Kill to make a return given that.

Best to Kill. Take care of yourself.
Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
Good news! Hope to hear another Kill interview soon. Be well!
Great news!

If he wants to stand on the sidelines, get him a helmet.
He's on record saying he'd rather be in the box. This might actually allow him to move up there without the awkwardness of admitting it was a mistake being on the field.

As I'm sure he probably wants back as soon as possible, I also hope he gets back as soon as possible.
He's on record saying he'd rather be in the box. This might actually allow him to move up there without the awkwardness of admitting it was a mistake being on the field.

As I'm sure he probably wants back as soon as possible, I also hope he gets back as soon as possible.
My fear is he will be smart and leave the game for health reasons. So another year with a new OC.
My fear is he will be smart and leave the game for health reasons. So another year with a new OC.
If it was due to getting hit then it's maybe not an issue that he comes back to coaching.

If him coming back is a health concern, then yes he should step away, but Rutgers should also strongly suggest he step away.
If it was due to getting hit then it's maybe not an issue that he comes back to coaching.

If him coming back is a health concern, then yes he should step away, but Rutgers should also strongly suggest he step away.
I hate to agree that he should step away as a Rutgers fan. As a human who cares, I would have no problem.
I hate to agree that he should step away as a Rutgers fan. As a human who cares, I would have no problem.
Being as how I don't know what caused this latest seizure, I won't say he should or shouldn't, but if doctors say he should, then obviously that is what I hope he does.
My impression -- maybe incorrect -- is that Kill has epilepsy. Epilepsy can be well-controlled with medication, but seizures can still happen -- rarely -- from stress or other factors. Epilepsy is not life-threatening unless, God forbid, the sufferer is behind the wheel of a car. My guess would be that he'll make it through this year and then call it quits. So yes, I think we will have yet another OC next year -- the last thing we need is to keep changing OCs.
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My impression -- maybe incorrect -- is that Kill has epilepsy. Epilepsy can be well-controlled with medication, but seizures can still happen -- rarely -- from stress or other factors. Epilepsy is not life-threatening unless, God forbid, the sufferer is behind the wheel of a car. My guess would be that he'll make it through this year and then call it quits. So yes, I think we will have yet another OC next year -- the last thing we need is to keep changing OCs.
I agree to a point. The guy is a great dude with heath issues. Rather have him alive and healthy than a continuation of his health struggles. Feel bad for him.
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If he can be more healthy and fulfilled up in the box.. get him there. Whatever is best for him comes first.

Then see if Eli Manning wants to get into coaching after this season.. start at QB coach.. move to OC down the road..
Is the stress of an under-performing offense so much less in the box than it is on the sideline? I hate to say it but Jerry's decision may be between coaching and living. It's painful to say but choose life Jerry. You're 56 and life and family still have a lot to offer outside of football.
Well said.
Get well Coach Kill, do what is in your heart that you feel best for you.
If it's remain a coach, hopefully you'll be taking precautions during games and practices not to be in a position that you're physically exposed .
If it becomes clear coaching the way you want to coach will jeopardize your health, please consider leaving the sideline and maybe moving back to a position like you had at Kansas St or another administrative position if you want to stay involved with college football.
I wish you good health first and foremost and a return to the field is secondary ,
but hope that can be accomplished without any health concerns when you come back as the RU OC.
What he is trying to do as an occupation is incredibly stressful. And I am not talking about doing it at Rutgers (although that is really a different kind of stress) but anywhere where football is considered really important to fans/population. I sincerely think he should be thinking about his own well being instead of trying to deal with the pitfalls of Rutgers sports. Stress is a trigger point for epilepsy!!!!!!
If he can be more healthy and fulfilled up in the box.. get him there. Whatever is best for him comes first.

Then see if Eli Manning wants to get into coaching after this season.. start at QB coach.. move to OC down the road..

That would be awesome for Eli and great for his brand. He'll make way more in endorsements and be associated with Rutgers - a name that says "success in football".
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His health is A1. I hope that is the first thing being taken into consideration as he gets back into the fold.
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It's great news that he is better. By the way, did he continue to call the plays for the remainder of the game or did someone else? Does anyone know? Glad to have him back and Go RU.