Joe Knew

I have no respect for anyone, including Schiano, who didn't go beyond Paterno to the administration if they saw something going on. Only reason not to was to protect your career - sad. All share some guilt.
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"Ankles behind the neck" a well know phenomenon in that human sh!thole of a place in central PA.
When is the movie due for release? Or has PSU paid the producers 3X the forecasted box office take with the agreement to burn the film or hold it's release for 50 years?
Schiano knew as well, okay I believe it. It was probably the worst kept secret within the program, you can't keep those types of rumors and incidents under wraps, human nature takes over. If he had knowledge that Sandusky was doing something with children that was inappropriate he should have reported it to the authorities, I don't care what his position was at the time. Does that mean that everything Schiano did here at Rutgers is tainted? Shouldn't the failure to report such horrendous activities follow you to your next job, especially if you got that job based on some of the work you did at the institution where you knew of these activities and did nothing? Shouldn't Rutgers take a stand and forfeit those games now knowing that such an individual was running the program at the time? I don't know, where does it stop? Some individuals will always be looking for the next person to judge so they can feel superior.

And in the meantime, has Rutgers run the cleanest programs, have our coaches and players lived up to the highest standards at all times? We should never forget the horrible crimes that occurred at Penn State so it can never happen again, but the obsession with the topic and the false sense of superiority by some on this board is sickening and needs to stop.
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I'll play.

Does that mean that everything Schiano did here at Rutgers is tainted?

Shouldn't the failure to report such horrendous activities follow you to your next job, especially if you got that job based on some of the work you did at the institution where you knew of these activities and did nothing?

Shouldn't Rutgers take a stand and forfeit those games now knowing that such an individual was running the program at the time?

See, that's not so hard.

Now, let's wait for culties to do the same about their beloved weirdo leader.
So just for the sake of clarity, because the news reports aren't that specific - are they saying that Schiano a) suspected something with regard to Sandusky's behavior *and* b) made note of it to his head coach, Joe Paterno?
About a year ago I read a few "papers" from what is/was an in depth journalistic "internet newsdpaper". According to the article/studies the pedophilies were all throughout the "administration". From what I remember the President of the University was hired (from the Midwest?) because he was a pedophile (as well as others who were part of a Philadelphia pedophilia "club" with meetings, yada and had many Penn State faculty members.
I forget whether it started with Sandusky but from what I read Sandusky was well protected (including university police) and that inclluded JoePA who knew but couldn't supposedly fire (and I'm sure he didn't want to hurt the football program or University) Sandusky. Supposedly JoePA wasn't on good terms with Sandusky late and didn't attend Sandusky's retirement dinner/gala.

As for Schiano it appears he was aware of incidents and did report but as a grad assistant he had little power. Schiano was likely also probably concerned about his career-not all that much he could do but report and leave the program. Like most probably saw it as his superiors' problem.
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About a year ago I read a few "papers" from what is/was an in depth journalistic "internet newsdpaper". According to the article/studies the pedophilies were all throughout the "administration". From what I remember the President of the University was hired (from the Midwest?) because he was a pedophile (as well as others who were part of a Philadelphia pedophilia "club" with meetings, yada and had many Penn State faculty members.
I forget whether it started with Sandusky but from what I read Sandusky was well protected (including university police) and that inclluded JoePA who knew but couldn't supposedly fire (and I'm sure he didn't want to hurt the football program or University) Sandusky. Supposedly JoePA wasn't on good terms with Sandusky late and didn't attend Sandusky's retirement dinner/gala.

As for Schiano it appears he was aware of incidents and did report but as a grad assistant he had little power. Schiano was likely also probably concerned about his career-not all that much he could do but report and leave the program. Like most probably saw it as his superiors' problem.

What about George Soros and the Illuminati?
Good god people.. how can you believe that Schiano would be okay with this? You had McQueary actually SEE IT and go to JoePA. Do you think for one minute that Schiano wouldn't have done that or more if he had known anything?

One person here said its hard to hide such a thing inside the program.. well, McQueary was "inside the program" as a player and an assistant and clearly he didn't know anyhting until he saw it.. and even then JoePA convinced him that he didn't see nothing.

This whole Schiano knew business began because McQueary was trying shift blame to others.. share the guilt he felt and still feels. His story was that some other assistant (Bradley) told him that Schiano saw something.

GS was at PSU 1991-1995 as DB coach.
Sandusky's last season was 1999.
The allegations of victims covered 1994-2009.

While its possible no one from earlier times came forward.. if the above is true then, maybe, there was a 1 year overlap of GS and Sandusky at PSU when Sandusky was raping kids.

How can anyone believe that GS and only GS happened to see something and did nothing about it?

At worst, GS might have commented that Sandusky's relationship with kids seemed *off* or *odd*. But how can we know.. it is all hearsay from the very guilty McQueary and the two people he mentioned GS and Bradley.. deny the whole thing.

What we do know is that Penn State knew... they went and hired young assistants like Schiano to go work under a pedophile DC. JoePA knew. They retired Sandusky and gave him access to the program facilities and supported Second Mile so he could lure more boys to rape.

We know that McQueary knew.. JoePA said when he got the call from McQueary he thought it was about a paid assistant job and he did not have the slot for him... but suddenly, after McQueary reports this.. it all disappears and McQueary ends up being a paid assistant.

Hmmm.. McQueary gets his dream job and Sandusky gets to keep raping kids and JoePA keeps his halo and the program keeps its reputation.. everyone wins.. except, of course, for the raped kids.

So forgive me for questioning McQueary's words about how there was another assistant who saw something but did nothing. Its BS that doesn't pass the smell test.
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Good job removing that BS. Have no idea what the reporter did as a young woman but does it really matter where this case is concerned? She won journalism awards for her work on this topic. That profile on the reporter includes this interesting tidbit...

Ganim, a Penn State grad and a football fan herself, knew her way around the university's online message boards. There she quickly found gossip about Sandusky getting too friendly with young boys. So she started asking around. "I'd say, 'Hey, have you heard anything strange about Jerry Sandusky?'" And though people knew about the rumors, Ganim says, "almost no one believed they were true."
That I can see... something doesn't look "right".. people gossip. Sometimes intuition is correct.. sometimes not. But there was an actual law enforcement investigation going on at the time and the PSU brain trust knew about it. And as the OP said.. JOE KNEW.
It was happening in the locker room showers...Maybe I'm missing something but how often are locker rooms completely empty where a guy like Sandusky could feel comfortable that he had enough time to shower with and rape these boys and not get caught? Or at least have someone asking themselves why the fux he is in the lockers with these kids so often. It is all damn crazy to me and I find it impossible that no one knew. Or that anyone could not know.

They were all in damn fear of their careers...plain and simple
It was happening in the locker room showers...Maybe I'm missing something but how often are locker rooms completely empty where a guy like Sandusky could feel comfortable that he had enough time to shower with and rape these boys and not get caught? Or at least have someone asking themselves why the fux he is in the lockers with these kids so often. It is all damn crazy to me and I find it impossible that no one knew. Or that anyone could not know.

They were all in damn fear of their careers...plain and simple
One of the accounts I read when this all broke was that some janitor saw *something* and went to his boss who spoke to some higher up and that story just died... but 2 years earlier, in 1998.. police had listened into Sandusky talking to the mother of a victim about showering with her boy.. the detectives did their job but the DA failed to charge him.

This timeline is very informative... so many RED FLAGS after 1994... but Sandusky started "Second Mile" in 1979.. am I to believe he did nothing untoward in those 15 years? He made this charity to recruit boys with no father figures.. that's just sick.
What's the answer to the next question?

Why did Joe do nothing after he knew and then cover it up?

Joe was a pedophile too and was doing the same things as Sandusky. It's the only way his actions make sense.

I'll go a step further. He sure died fast from that cancer after this all came out. I think he suicided himself. Either directly or by stopping his cancer treatment.
Good god people.. how can you believe that Schiano would be okay with this? You had McQueary actually SEE IT and go to JoePA. Do you think for one minute that Schiano wouldn't have done that or more if he had known anything?

One person here said its hard to hide such a thing inside the program.. well, McQueary was "inside the program" as a player and an assistant and clearly he didn't know anyhting until he saw it.. and even then JoePA convinced him that he didn't see nothing.

This whole Schiano knew business began because McQueary was trying shift blame to others.. share the guilt he felt and still feels. His story was that some other assistant (Bradley) told him that Schiano saw something.

GS was at PSU 1991-1995 as DB coach.
Sandusky's last season was 1999.
The allegations of victims covered 1994-2009.

While its possible no one from earlier times came forward.. if the above is true then, maybe, there was a 1 year overlap of GS and Sandusky at PSU when Sandusky was raping kids.

How can anyone believe that GS and only GS happened to see something and did nothing about it?

At worst, GS might have commented that Sandusky's relationship with kids seemed *off* or *odd*. But how can we know.. it is all hearsay from the very guilty McQueary and the two people he mentioned GS and Bradley.. deny the whole thing.

What we do know is that Penn State knew... they went and hired young assistants like Schiano to go work under a pedophile DC. JoePA knew. They retired Sandusky and gave him access to the program facilities and supported Second Mile so he could lure more boys to rape.

We know that McQueary knew.. JoePA said when he got the call from McQueary he thought it was about a paid assistant job and he did not have the slot for him... but suddenly, after McQueary reports this.. it all disappears and McQueary ends up being a paid assistant.

Hmmm.. McQueary gets his dream job and Sandusky gets to keep raping kids and JoePA keeps his halo and the program keeps its reputation.. everyone wins.. except, of course, for the raped kids.

So forgive me for questioning McQueary's words about how there was another assistant who saw something but did nothing. Its BS that doesn't pass the smell test.
Let's not go putting Schiano on a pedestal here. Gary is about Gary. I don't think it's impossible he knew and kept quiet too.
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The manner of Paterno's death has always been suspicious to me. One day he's testifying in court that he didn't know anything about anything, the next day he's diagnosed with cancer and a week later he's dead. It's like bad television.
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The manner of Paterno's death has always been suspicious to me. One day he's testifying in court that he didn't know anything about anything, the next day he's diagnosed with cancer and a week later he's dead. It's like bad television.

Exactly. And why would paterno end his life? I say to preserve his "legacy" as it was at the time. He's guilty of all of it.
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The manner of Paterno's death has always been suspicious to me. One day he's testifying in court that he didn't know anything about anything, the next day he's diagnosed with cancer and a week later he's dead. It's like bad television.

He actually passed away 2 months after the diagnosis was made public. The form of lung cancer he has typically has an average of 12 months survival, so he was well under the average. But we don't know how advanced the cancer was when the diagnosis was announced. And his age worked against him. Plus the stress of the Sandusky fallout would also work against him.

The progression of the disease, given all the factors involved, was certainly within the realm of normalcy. Without anything else to go on, it would be hard to classify it as suspicious.
PSU fans just dont care and never will.They are too busy winning games to look back in the rear view mirror.We are the guys on the white horse who can't win a game .If we were winning none of this would matter to most of us and dont tell me it would
PSU fans just dont care and never will.They are too busy winning games to look back in the rear view mirror.We are the guys on the white horse who can't win a game .If we were winning none of this would matter to most of us and dont tell me it would

If we were 30-0 over the past few years, this stuff would still be a local story and would still get the same amount of attention. A lot of Rutgers fans live in Pennsylvania, are from Pennsylvania, have friends/relatives who live in Pennsylvania, or have friends/relatives who attended Penn State. People who live in NJ from Princeton on south receive Philadelphia television. Things that affect the flagship state university of Pennsylvania are a local story.

Other than the guy who lives in North Carolina, you don't see a whole lot of people here paying regular attention to the scandal at UNC. Likewise for Baylor. That's because those aren't local stories. Pennsylvania is.
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Didn't Schiano work under Sandusky (how's that for a disturbing visual)? He had to know the guy was seriously off...
I think McQueary is a scumbag too. If I saw a grown man molesting a child in a shower I would have beat the living sh*t out of him right there and then and not run off like scared to tell someone about the incident.
Let's not go putting Schiano on a pedestal here. Gary is about Gary. I don't think it's impossible he knew and kept quiet too.
Yeah.. that's why "gary" came to Rutgers and why "gary" worked so hard here and why "gary" micromanaged every aspect.. and why "gary" turned down Miami and Michigan... he only cared for himself, not his players or this school or program.

Yeah.. he left for an NFL job when it looked like Rutgers had lost in conference roulette after seeing Syracuse and Pitt go to the ACC. But nothing about what he did here or elsewhere indicates he would knowingly look the other way on something like this. Flood on the other hand...
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I have no respect for anyone, including Schiano, who didn't go beyond Paterno to the administration if they saw something going on.

You mean the same administration that covered it up?

Joe was a pedophile too and was doing the same things as Sandusky. It's the only way his actions make sense.

I can think of several other reasons right off hand to explain his actions. You know, protecting his football program, his job, etc. Way too many other explanations to simply jump to Paterno was a pedophile.
He actually passed away 2 months after the diagnosis was made public. The form of lung cancer he has typically has an average of 12 months survival, so he was well under the average. But we don't know how advanced the cancer was when the diagnosis was announced. And his age worked against him. Plus the stress of the Sandusky fallout would also work against him.

The progression of the disease, given all the factors involved, was certainly within the realm of normalcy. Without anything else to go on, it would be hard to classify it as suspicious.
My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer on 4/2/00 and died on 5/16/00. Yes cancer can kill you that quickly.
Yeah.. that's why "gary" came to Rutgers and why "gary" worked so hard here and why "gary" micromanaged every aspect.. and why "gary" turned down Miami and Michigan... he only cared for himself, not his players or this school or program.

Yeah.. he left for an NFL job when it looked like Rutgers had lost in conference roulette after seeing Syracuse and Pitt go to the ACC. But nothing about what he did here or elsewhere indicates he would knowingly look the other way on something like this. Flood on the other hand...
Well... I'd submit we're both a little too far on opposite sides of this argument. I'm just saying Schiano proved he had no huge attachment to this program - no more than any other mercenary head coach in the NCAA - and based on timing he was around the area when the rapin was going on.
You mean the same administration that covered it up?

I can think of several other reasons right off hand to explain his actions. You know, protecting his football program, his job, etc. Way too many other explanations to simply jump to Paterno was a pedophile.

None more likely than my theory.

And sane person would have burnt the place down if they found out about a pedophile ring in their program. No, there's direct no proof he was in on the raping but by ignoring it he's no better than the folks who did it.
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None more likely than my theory.

And sane person would have burnt the place down if they found out about a pedophile ring in their program. No, there's direct no proof he was in on the raping but by ignoring it he's no better than the folks who did it.

Yes, it's a lot more likely than your theory.

By your logic, Spanier, Curley, and Shultz must be pedophiles too, since they ignored/covered up for Sandusky as well.

Look, everybody gets it that these guys did wrong. The problem is, when you pull these crazy theories out of thin air, you deflect attention from the bad stuff these guys actually did.
Yes, it's a lot more likely than your theory.

By your logic, Spanier, Curley, and Shultz must be pedophiles too, since they ignored/covered up for Sandusky as well.

Look, everybody gets it that these guys did wrong. The problem is, when you pull these crazy theories out of thin air, you deflect attention from the bad stuff these guys actually did.

You know they weren't?
The not so crazy thing about screw's theory is that it always seems to come back to "how could just one man be doing something so monstrous in plain sight for so long"
On the other hand, Sandusky seems the type that would have already spilled the beans on these oter guys if they were actually involved rater that just ignoring.