Joe Knew

Really dumb. When are we going to stop being morons from Pitt with this crap?

I think the "we" doesn't count. You gave yourself away with the Pitt reference. Why does a PSU fan need to create a quick profile just to respond to someone on a Rutgers board? Just use your normal logon and respond if you want to. Internet people drive me crazy in this way.
About a year ago I read a few "papers" from what is/was an in depth journalistic "internet newsdpaper". According to the article/studies the pedophilies were all throughout the "administration". From what I remember the President of the University was hired (from the Midwest?) because he was a pedophile (as well as others who were part of a Philadelphia pedophilia "club" with meetings, yada and had many Penn State faculty members.
I forget whether it started with Sandusky but from what I read Sandusky was well protected (including university police) and that inclluded JoePA who knew but couldn't supposedly fire (and I'm sure he didn't want to hurt the football program or University) Sandusky. Supposedly JoePA wasn't on good terms with Sandusky late and didn't attend Sandusky's retirement dinner/gala.

As for Schiano it appears he was aware of incidents and did report but as a grad assistant he had little power. Schiano was likely also probably concerned about his career-not all that much he could do but report and leave the program. Like most probably saw it as his superiors' problem.
I heard about that club in a the WIKI for "Uncle" Eddie Savitz. He was the dude that used to buy HS wrestlers used underwear and keep feces in pizza boxes, had a real nice place in Rittenhouse Square. The article did reference he and sandusky had a possible relationship, i believe it was also mentioned in a crappy documentary done on what appears to be cable access tv in philly. (scrapple TV)
You know they weren't?

That's not a basis for an argument. You just completely made up something simply because of personal motivation. That's no different that Penn St fans coming up with their conspiracy theories.

The facts in this case are perfectly clear. Sandusky abused kids for decades. Multiple victims and witnesses have come forward to confirm this. Paterno and the administration covered it up. That's been confirmed by the evidence. What hasn't been confirmed is that Paterno was a pedophile. Of the dozens of victims who have come forward, none have accused Paterno, or anyone else. They have all accused only one person, Sandusky. That pretty much tells you what you need to know.

The not so crazy thing about screw's theory is that it always seems to come back to "how could just one man be doing something so monstrous in plain sight for so long"
On the other hand, Sandusky seems the type that would have already spilled the beans on these oter guys if they were actually involved rater that just ignoring.

As I just pointed out, all the victims have come forward and identified Sandusky. None of them have identified Paterno. Pretty clear cut.

Now to your point about how someone could do this in plain sight. If that was so unusual, then you wouldn't have half the abuse cases that you do.
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That's not a basis for an argument. You just completely made up something simply because of personal motivation. That's no different that Penn St fans coming up with their conspiracy theories.

The facts in this case are perfectly clear. Sandusky abused kids for decades. Multiple victims and witnesses have come forward to confirm this. Paterno and the administration covered it up. That's been confirmed by the evidence. What hasn't been confirmed is that Paterno was a pedophile. Of the dozens of victims who have come forward, none have accused Paterno, or anyone else. They have all accused only one person, Sandusky. That pretty much tells you what you need to know.

As I just pointed out, all the victims have come forward and identified Sandusky. None of them have identified Paterno. Pretty clear cut.

Now to your point about how someone could do this in plain sight. If that was so unusual, then you wouldn't have half the abuse cases that you do.
Trust me more than 50% of the nonsense that's written here regarding Joe Paterno has no merit. I've never read so many baseless opinions in my life. Rehashing all this BS does not and will not change our football situation.
Trust me more than 50% of the nonsense that's written here regarding Joe Paterno has no merit. I've never read so many baseless opinions in my life. Rehashing all this BS does not and will not change our football situation.

Duquesne law professor Wes Oliver said the report by former FBI Director Louis Freeh reads like a prosecution case for a child endangerment charge against Paterno, then-President Graham Spanier, athletic director Tim Curley and now-retired Vice President Gary Schultz.
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As I just pointed out, all the victims have come forward and identified Sandusky. None of them have identified Paterno. Pretty clear cut.

Now to your point about how someone could do this in plain sight. If that was so unusual, then you wouldn't have half the abuse cases that you do.

I don't think they were all raping the kids but no way in heck they didn't know. As for abuse cases...When they did down deep into these cases, many many times, others looked away and allowed the abuse to happen or tried to justify it or convince themselves that they werent seeing it. A father sneaking into a daughter's room night after night, how in the hell does that happen without the mother knowing?
As I just pointed out, all the victims have come forward and identified Sandusky. None of them have identified Paterno. Pretty clear cut.

Now to your point about how someone could do this in plain sight. If that was so unusual, then you wouldn't have half the abuse cases that you do.

I don't think they were all raping the kids but no way in heck they didn't know. As for abuse cases...When they did down deep into these cases, many many times, others looked away and allowed the abuse to happen or tried to justify it or convince themselves that they werent seeing it. A father sneaking into a daughter's room night after night, how in the hell does that happen without the mother knowing?

"I don't think they were all raping the kids but no way in heck they didn't know."

That's the entire point of my comments. People have to stop flying off the handle just because someone doesn't make a comment 100% against Paterno. The other poster claimed Paterno was a pedophile. Well, pointing out that claim is baseless is not excusing Paterno's actions in the cover up. Those are two completely different things. Stop conflating the two.

Lol....none identified paterno. wtf kind of response of that

A logical one. You have actually read, and not just assume things.

Like I just told the other poster, Paterno covering up the abuse and Paterno actually molesting kids are two completely different things. You can't conflate the two. Now you are getting just as bad as Penn St fans delving into pure speculation. No victim has accused Paterno of molestation. Well, that's pretty clear cut.

Again, simply pointing out that Paterno didn't rape anyone is in no way excusing the other stuff he did. That's simply dealing with facts.
So just for the sake of clarity, because the news reports aren't that specific - are they saying that Schiano a) suspected something with regard to Sandusky's behavior *and* b) made note of it to his head coach, Joe Paterno?

I read it as B.
Trust me more than 50% of the nonsense that's written here regarding Joe Paterno has no merit. I've never read so many baseless opinions in my life. Rehashing all this BS does not and will not change our football situation.
The "50%" that has no merit represents posts by fake Rutgers fans about JoePA's innocence... so RU31trap knows of what he speaks.
I read it as B.
No.. the claim by McQueary (the guy that saw anal rape in the shower in.. 2001?.. in February.. the offseason).. McQ's claim is that he later spoke about this to Tom Bradley (big time assistant and assumed next coach in waiting to Paterno and McQ says that TB says that GS came to him to ask him about Sandusky and these boys he brings around (back in 91-95 when GS was there). McQ says TB described it as GS having seen something.

No one has backed up McQ's account.. not Bradley or Schiano. There is no indication anywhere of this actually happening.

So, yeah, I doubt McQs claims and think he was just trying to spread blame around as in.. I'm not the only one who saw something and let it drop. But to my way of thinking.. only McQueary got something for his silence.. a paid assistant's position. He was an unpaid grad assistant prior to seeing the shower rape and JoePA has publicly stated that when he got the call that Sunday morning he assumed that McQueary wanted to ask for a paid assistant's position and that he had nothing for him. But somehow.. McQ ends up with a paid position and the whole "I saw anal rape" thing became "horsing around in the shower".. naked.

BURN IN HELL JoePA because Sandusky and McQueary will join you there and not soon enough.
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Trust me more than 50% of the nonsense that's written here regarding Joe Paterno has no merit. I've never read so many baseless opinions in my life. Rehashing all this BS does not and will not change our football situation.
If by "our" you mean PSU, I'd say they are in a good situation football wise. It's their souls that are rotting.
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I doubt McQs claims and think he was just trying to spread blame around as in.. I'm not the only one who saw something and let it drop.

I see your point, and I think it's reasonable. That said, I also think there is merit to the other argument, that Schiano and Bradley don't want to be lumped into the group that knew, but did nothing. We don't have enough evidence either way.

The one thing I don't like is the cherrypicking. When McQueary implicates Paterno, he 100% truthful. When McQueary implicates somebody else, he's lying to cover his own ass. Like I said, we don't have enough evidence at this point. It's really not productive to get bogged down in that argument. There is plenty of stuff that we DO know which needs to be dealt with.
"I don't think they were all raping the kids but no way in heck they didn't know."

That's the entire point of my comments. People have to stop flying off the handle just because someone doesn't make a comment 100% against Paterno. The other poster claimed Paterno was a pedophile. Well, pointing out that claim is baseless is not excusing Paterno's actions in the cover up. Those are two completely different things. Stop conflating the two.

A logical one. You have actually read, and not just assume things.

Like I just told the other poster, Paterno covering up the abuse and Paterno actually molesting kids are two completely different things. You can't conflate the two. Now you are getting just as bad as Penn St fans delving into pure speculation. No victim has accused Paterno of molestation. Well, that's pretty clear cut.

Again, simply pointing out that Paterno didn't rape anyone is in no way excusing the other stuff he did. That's simply dealing with facts.
Nah, you're being purposefully obtuse
It wasn't JoePA GS allegedly spoke to.. read this
Your above link is old news (2016) from testimony given in 2015.

From the link in the original post:
"There were also further unsealed court documents from settlements that revealed instances of assistant coaches sharing concerns about Sandusky in both the 1980s and 1990s, the latter was former Rutgers coach Greg Schiano — then a Penn State assistant."

It's hard to tell, and I wouldn't put it past the press to be lazy/wrong, but this seems to imply new court documents, not the same above testimony from McQuery.

Most likely it's just shoddy reporting and the new story is referencing the same McQuery statement at different times. But if not, and it independently corroborates with the big dumb redhead, then game over for GS...
Some of you guys are being too tough on Schiano. If Joe said to unsee it, you unsee it.
Would love to pay to have a JOE KNEW banner fly over the game.......

Nah, you're being retarded with , 'none of the victims pointed to joe' fking stupid

Again, that's completely stupid.

Maybe you don't understand the point I'm making. I'm not denying that Paterno had knowledge of what Sandusky did. I'm not denying that Paterno played a part in the cover up.

What I am saying is, there is zero evidence that Paterno molested any kids himself. That's not "retarded" or "****ing stupid." If Paterno had actually molested any kids, one of them would have spoken up by now. You had plenty of victims accuse Sandusky. You have one victim accuse Paterno of having prior knowledge about Sandusky. However, you had no victims claim that Paterno molested them.

Again, I was not claiming Paterno was innocent in the cover up. All I'm saying is there is no basis to claim Paterno molested kids himself. If you misunderstood my comments, that's your fault, because I was crystal clear.
Would love to pay to have a JOE KNEW banner fly over the game.......

Why? So you can feel morally superior to other fans for 30 seconds? Pretty sad, maybe it is time to look in the mirror and take an honest assessment of what you see.

I seem to remember we had a basketball coach who had players run in the nude, you think there was nothing sexual about that?, please, and who knows what else was going on behind the scenes. And didn't we have a bunch of football players convicted of home invasions not so long ago? I mean I have been following Rutgers athletics for 45 years, I can go on if you would like, not that difficult. What happened at Penn State was horrendous and never should be forgotten, but stupid football fan stunts are not the proper way to remember and address those crimes.
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Why? So you can feel morally superior to other fans for 30 seconds? Pretty sad, maybe it is time to look in the mirror and take an honest assessment of what you see.

I seem to remember we had a basketball coach who had players run in the nude, you think there was nothing sexual about that?, please, and who knows what else was going on behind the scenes. And didn't we have a bunch of football players convicted of home invasions not so long ago? I mean I have been following Rutgers athletics for 45 years, I can go on if you would like, not that difficult. What happened at Penn State was horrendous and never should be forgotten, but stupid football fan stunts are not the proper way to remember and address those crimes.

I don't recall us running a Kevin Bannon Day and inviting 130,000 people who denied he did anything wrong.

but, hey -- what do I know.... you're the expert.
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I don't recall us running a Gary Waters Day and inviting 130,000 people who denied he did anything wrong.

but, hey -- what do I know.... you're the expert.

And that's sort of the point. You simply won't convince those people to change their opinion. You just have some people who get so wrapped up in sports, they simply won't acknowledge wrongdoing by "their guy." The important thing is that the rest of the world knows what happened at Penn St and has judged them accordingly. Penn St trying to diminish what happened does 10x more to damage their reputation than your suggested flyover stunt.
And that's sort of the point. You simply won't convince those people to change their opinion. You just have some people who get so wrapped up in sports, they simply won't acknowledge wrongdoing by "their guy." The important thing is that the rest of the world knows what happened at Penn St and has judged them accordingly. Penn St trying to diminish what happened does 10x more to damage their reputation than your suggested flyover stunt.
You're right. Penn State had a tragedy occur on their campus. They were justly punished both monetarily and athletically. I pray and hope the kids get counseling and find a way to cope. I would have much preferred if Jerry Sandusky was executed but instead he got life imprisonment.

However, I applaud PSU for being able to close this horrific chapter and move on. To do otherwise would breed a culture of defeatism and despair, not to mention a negative environment for professors, students and athletes. You see, the Penn State Nittany Lions love for sports, exceptional academics and a great campus environment weren't going to allow a POS like Jerry Sandusky to ruin them. Why does this threaten us so much? Why the hate?
You're right. Penn State had a tragedy occur on their campus. They were justly punished both monetarily and athletically. I pray and hope the kids get counseling and find a way to cope. I would have much preferred if Jerry Sandusky was executed but instead he got life imprisonment.

However, I applaud PSU for being able to close this horrific chapter and move on. To do otherwise would breed a culture of defeatism and despair, not to mention a negative environment for professors, students and athletes. You see, the Penn State Nittany Lions love for sports, exceptional academics and a great campus environment weren't going to allow a POS like Jerry Sandusky to ruin them. Why does this threaten us so much? Why the hate?

Can we get a ruling, here, on the guy who has a Rutgersesque screen name but is clearly a PSU fan?
Can we get a ruling, here, on the guy who has a Rutgersesque screen name but is clearly a PSU fan?
Can't I be both a Rutgers fan and a PSU fan? Why must we draw these definitive lines? I was in Medford Lakes a few weeks ago at a function and there were 3 or 4 RU fans (my daughter being a RU student & fan) and 6 or 7 PSU fans and the conversation was excellent, no digs or jokes, we just had a good time. This crap is forgotten in most places with the exception of this site.
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Can't I be both a Rutgers fan and a PSU fan? Why must we draw these definitive lines? I was in Medford Lakes a few weeks ago at a function and there were 3 or 4 RU fans (my daughter being a RU student & fan) and 6 or 7 PSU fans and the conversation was excellent, no digs or jokes, we just had a good time. This crap is forgotten in most places with the exception of this site.

I don't see how anyone can be a PSU fan.

So... I guess that's where we'll leave it.
Can't I be both a Rutgers fan and a PSU fan? Why must we draw these definitive lines? I was in Medford Lakes a few weeks ago at a function and there were 3 or 4 RU fans (my daughter being a RU student & fan) and 6 or 7 PSU fans and the conversation was excellent, no digs or jokes, we just had a good time. This crap is forgotten in most places with the exception of this site.
May I suggest you go to the BWI board and get away from the crap you feel is only on this board.
What happened at Penn St and how they handled it will probably go away eventually. But until the cult stops coming on this board with their BS about it on
this Rutgers site, don't expect the threads about it or references when talking about Nit FB to end soon.
Especially when there are still articles that come out about the cover-up and new info being made available .