Kill had a seizure yesterday, still in the hospital.


Heisman Winner
Aug 11, 2017

For his sake, I honestly think it's best if he resigns. He thought he had it under control and it's obvious the stress of coaching brings these on.
First things first and hopefully he's alright, gets better and has a good prognosis.

From a football perspective, outside Kill has anyone on our staff even called plays on the college level anywhere? I don' think so but I can't say with certainty.
Get well Coach! are the most knowledgable guy we have on staff!
Health comes first !
Yes, more to cause his seizure. It wasn't just a "OMG we lost! I can't handle this! SEIZURE!"

I think it's moreso that coaching football is an extremely demanding job. He had them coaching at Minnesota. He didn't have them once he stopped coaching. He has one again once he starts at Rutgers. Not hard to find the common link.
Hope he recovers completely and is okay. Few things, if any, are more important than a person's health. For sure football isn't one of them.
I think it's moreso that coaching football is an extremely demanding job. He had them coaching at Minnesota. He didn't have them once he stopped coaching. He has one again once he starts at Rutgers. Not hard to find the common link.

You can think that all you want, I'm just telling you that, in this situation, your "common link" is wrong.

For his sake, I honestly think it's best if he resigns. He thought he had it under control and it's obvious the stress of coaching brings these on.

How bout we pump the brakes, and let him and his doctors decide this after being seizure free for 2 years. maybe an adjustment in mediation is needed first.
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Now that it's posted, yes, he took a hit on the sidelines, which led to the seizure. Ash announced this during his press conference.
I know Kill has a head Coach proud mindset,and for that reason he wants to be on sidelines,but shouldnt he be in the booth on gameday for his own well being?
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Yes, if you have premium head over to the Roundtable if not I'm sure it will be in the papers later today.
If the premium board has verified information about the health of one of our coaches that is fit for public consumption, I would hope that that information would not be withheld from the non-premium members of the website. This is more a community issue than an insider news football issue, IMO.

It's okay to profit from holding back news of recruiting or potential coaching hires, etc. Is maybe not quite so okay to keep fans concerned for Jerry's well being in the dark as a way to entice people to sign up for premium.
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If the premium board has verified information about the health of one of our coaches that is fit for public consumption, I would hope that that information would not be withheld from the non-premium members of the website. This is more a community issue than an insider news football issue, IMO.

It's okay to profit from holding back news of recruiting or potential coaching hires, etc. Is maybe not quite so okay to keep fans concerned for Jerry's well being in the dark as a way to entice people to sign up for premium.
Nobody was trying to entice anyone to do anything. Ash brought this up in his press conference that was being covered on the round table. I didn't want to be the one to take information from the round table and put it on the free board and the information was going to be in print later today anyway.
Like RULoyal said, we have a "live at the press conference" thread on the Round Table. Bobby attends the PCs and reports snippets at a time into the threads. The news wasn't going to be long before it got out, but out of respect for the premium members, they got to read the news first. I mean the news is all of half an hour old.
Maybe this will stop our whining and complaining in its tracks.Including me. Life 1st family 2nd. Football ? Somewhere down fhe line.

For his sake, I honestly think it's best if he resigns. He thought he had it under control and it's obvious the stress of coaching brings these on.

How bout we pump the brakes, and let him and his doctors decide this after being seizure free for 2 years. maybe an adjustment in mediation is needed first.
This. I have epilepsy. Growing up I had quite of few of random episodes. Then I went seizure free for a while until I had a cluster when I was in my sophomore year of college. All it took was a change in dosage of medication and I was fine. Last two years of college were seizure free and I haven't had one in many years. My neurologist said I'm in the 10% of people with treatable epilepsy. And I'm in the 10% of those people who have found the correct treatment. It's not always your lifestyle. Something can just be slightly off with your medication, it can just be an aberration, or something else. I never had to quit a job or drop out of school because of epilepsy. I know coaching is demanding, but it can be done.
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For his sake, I honestly think it's best if he resigns. He thought he had it under control and it's obvious the stress of coaching brings these on.
He was hit on the play when E. Michigan was called for a late hit.
That'll do it. I had one during summer practice of freshman football because my salt levels were too low. I was over-hydrating. Odd things cause episodes all the time.
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I got knocked out cold coaching a college game on the side line. Was just telling the story today. We did get the 15 yard penalty though.

He should go back to the booth (if he feels up to it).

I believe there were some threads on this earlier. Forget about football but just for health reasons/safety it's probably better for him to be up in the booth. A sideline hit during the game caused some issue for him.
From the article and quote from Ash:
"Saturday, early in the game after the first drive, he got tumbled up. He was really discombobulated in the first half from it and had some headaches Saturday night.
What a rough game all around for RU (Cole injury too). Hope Coach Kill gets well soon and can get back to us ASAP. Agree he needs to be up in the booth should he return.